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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by nachinus

  1. Yes, improving the role of infantry in the game is a must. It has already been stated that squad performance and AI is being worked for the addon. I seriously hope this means a big change for better. They also need more means to fight tanks in the early war scenarios (1939-43).
  2. The problem is that AT grenades appear late in the game ('43 in the German Campaign), and infantry squads have no means to fight armor in the first 3 years of game, with the exception of AT rifle squads, which are reallistically scarce.
  3. This one isn't 100% infantry only but it's very infantry oriented. It is a great user made scenario, you should try it: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=63;t=001331 You can find the download in the ToW section of www.CMMods.com
  4. nachinus


    Will the addon features like enterable buildings apply to previous campaings? I mean, will be the buildings in currently existing maps enterable?
  5. nachinus


    Before October! That's good. I really thought we would have to wait muuuch more.
  6. Awesome research, guys! I hope it's taken into account by mission designers and we can see some changes to the French campaign to make it more reasonable.
  7. There is already a toggle in the options menu so you don't have to win every scenario, it's called 'Ignore Campaign Loss', in the main Settings screen. I've not tested it, but I guess it works.
  8. This made me laugh for a while, thanks for it!. Good to see that we can face discouraging flaws with a healthy dose of sense of humour.
  9. I find that generally speaking, this game badly lacks more attention to infantry vs tank action. Infantry units severely lack ways to engage tanks, resulting in an unrealistic overpower of tanks when fighting infantry in close quarters battle. Currently there are few weapons that infantry squads can use against armored vehicles: few AT grenades that appear late in the game, even fewer AT rocket launchers that appear even later, and some few reallistically scarce and ineffective AT rifles . During the first years battles (1939-42 aprox), almost all infanfry squads lack any AT weaponry. I'm playing German campaign right now and I needed to get to Op. Citadel ('43) to see ONE of my squads armed with some few AT grenades and ONE of my squads armed with Panzerfausts. Until then, I couldn't chose any single squad armed with any means to fight tanks. During the previous years, apart from At rifles, the game doesn't have any weapon or tactic that infantry squads can use against tanks, which make driving tanks across enemy infantry absolutely safe: in a mission, the russians could park for a looong time a T-60 between 30 of my soldiers, surrounded by them, and it was absolutely safe. In real life, the soldiers would have used satchel charges, rifle AT grenades, magnetic or hand mines or any other system to disable it, or would have assaulted it, climbing over it, shooting through visor hatches, putting grenades in vulnerable spots and things alike. The crew of the T-60 would either be killed/injured or panicked. None of this can happen in this game, and if I wouldn't have towed an AT gun to destroy this tank, it would have safely stood there, shooting his MG at my men without any danger. I think that adding more ways to early infantry to engage enemy tanks at close quarters battle is really needed to fill this 'realism gap'.
  10. nachinus

    Dev blogs

    Great, great!! They should put a more Normany-esque landscape in those maps, though. More hedgerows and orchards á la francaise
  11. nachinus

    Dev blogs

    Visuals are nice, as always. I'm more interested about gameplay features, specially about getting rid of tanks 360º visual arc and making infantry behaviour better and more intelligent (i.e. taking cover by themselves). But of course thanks for your updates, SoaN! It's good to know what's going on
  12. I can only agree with you. I hope better win/lose conditions and things like autowin/autolose when your troops are all broken or retreating are implemented in future patches, but as for today, things like this can happen. I'm sorry I can't help. I'm afraid you'll have to seach around the map for that hidding bugger.
  13. nachinus


    I haven't heard anything about any incoming patch, but I hope you're right.
  14. nachinus

    Dev blogs

    Good to hear about improved infantry behaviour. Currently the game focuses too much in AFV combat, while infantry is there just to man AT guns or die.
  15. I just wanted to *bump* this thread because I have replayed this mission and I've probably had the most fun and exciting ToW moment ever. My defences struggling to resist against the german infantry attack, while I could see the 17th Tank division T-34s closing along the road, my forces about to crack as our tanks got closer and started to fire, and at last the Germans retreat leaving me with just a tiny group of exhausted defenders... so immersive!. It's great that in this game you can see beyond the playable area. Seeing those T34s slowly advance along the road far away from the town really made it more exciting as my guys resisted waiting for their arrival. If anyone hasn't played this mission yet, do it, it's a great mission, with a good design and gameplay. Thanks to all modders working hard to make this game better and expand its life!.
  16. Unfortunately the discussion is in Russian. Anyway, it's good to see that the modding community is also active there in the East.
  17. nachinus

    Dev blogs

    The next incoming 1C game, the sim Oleg Maddox is doing based in the Battle of Britain, is said to include map tools so modders can design and create their own maps, contrary to the previous sims in the series (which use ToW graphical engine). Maybe this guy is talking about these tools, and I hope that this is a new policy in 1C games and that this tools will be also provided in the upcoming addon for ToW. ...btw SoaN: there is, by chance, some devlog about the inmediate plans with ToW? Patch, update, new missions, or something like that?
  18. Great!, thanks SoaN! We'll have something interesting to read tomorrow.
  19. As another poster wrote some days ago in another thread, I'd prefer that they made contests for user-made missions or campaigns. That would really be useful for the community!
  20. It sounds great, Gnasher!! Really really thanks for taking the time and effort to create an user-made campaign with a more reasonable design approach than those of the stock ones. I'm sure that everybody will enjoy it a lot.
  21. If I'm not wrong, unrar the SINGLE_MISSIONS dir in your ToW\Missions dir.
  22. Thanks, guys. Campaigns still scare me, but I think it's time to give them a try. One more question: is it reasonable to accept a defeat and pass to the next mission when you've lost it (given that you have that option activated)? Or is it so hard to win the next mission with all your forces depleted by the defeat in the previous one that it's just suicidal? Lol, that was funny
  23. I haven't still played all the Campaigns in ToW, since I have been focusing in playing single missions and fanmade missions to master the game before starting with campaigns, which, for what I've read, are considerably harder. I must admit that they scare me a bit. My first idea was to play the campaigns chronologycally, but that would mean to start with the Polish one, which may well be the hardest of all (fighting the Wehrmacht with polish weapons doesn't sound too easy). So I was thinking that many people have already finished all the game, and maybe you could share your experience and suggest the best order to play the campaings, from easier/simplest to harder/more complex. Details about level of complexity are also important to me, I prefer small (simple) engagements to big combined arms battles (complex), I'd prefer to start with the former until I'm really familiar with the game and ready to engage in big fights. Sooo, I eagerly wait to learn from your experience
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