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Everything posted by Cantona66

  1. i have some problems when trying to make a map, i increased the europe map that came with the game in paint. But how do i get that into the editor, it says some thing about copy the map.txt file into the editors directory but where is that? The map.txt file i have, that is ok.
  2. In version 3.0 Sudan is party of Anglo Egypt-Sudan and the Sudan country slot now is Italian Social Republic
  3. ok, anyone more that have experienced this problem? or not?
  4. Yes, now finally the Reichskommisariat Ukraine script works!
  5. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.0 ----------------------- Changes in v3.0 Increased UK, US and USSR heavy bomber research Increased Italian heavy bombers research to level 1 Increased Italian strategic bombers strength from 1 to 5 Increased build pool of strategic bombers with 1 for Italy, UK and US Increased build pool of German militia from 6 to 7 Added 1 figther to UK production queue for 1939 Removed German carrier Z-force form build pool Added 1 mobilization_2 script Changed date on one mobilization_3 script Increased German 6 and 12th armies in production queue from 2 to 6 in strength and full research Changed triggers and dates on 4 Mobilization_3 scripts concerning Italys annexation of albania Fixed one faulty decision link Fixed name of unit in German unit script Fixed conditions in decision script Increased German armies tank defense from 2 to 3 Increased US HQ´s from 3 to 6 in the build pool Added German and Italian unit scripts representing chetniks, Slovenian militia, Serbian stateguard and Serbian freiwiligenkorps Added partisans to Croatian build pool and production queue 1942 Added militia to Montenegros production queue 1942 Changed war entry script for Finland to default Fixed spelling in strength and decision scripts Added pictures and also links to these in different scripts Added pop-up scripts for Axis capturing Athens and Warzaw Added decision script and matching territory script for Germany to add eastern Poland to general government Added some UK, French and Axis unit scripts Added belligerence script for USSR/Ukraine Added resource scripts for Canada and British Africa Added decision script and matching territory script for Germany to annex Albania after Italy surrendered Added US decision and matching French partisan script for Operation Overlord Added Finnish decision script and matching strength script Added decision script and matching Mobilization_3 scripts for Germany to pressure Ireland towards Axis Added decision script and matching Mobilization_3 scripts for Germany to pressure Turkey towards Axis Added 2 decision scripts and matching strength and supply scripts for Germany to attack Northern Ireland Added decision script and matching strength and supply scripts for Germany to attack Egypt Added Mobilization_1 scripts for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to mobilize towards Axis if Axis attack USSR Changed a few decision scripts Changed German unit script panzer to become corps Removed 1 pop-up script Added some decision scripts and matching supply and strength scripts for German Abwehr operations Added decision script and matching unit/strength script for Kriegsmarine to from marineinfantry Added decision script and matching unit script and srength script for Kriegsmarine to form Marineinfanterie Changed many decision scripts: added MPP costs Changed country spot Sudan to Italian Social Republic Changed country spot Egypt to Anglo Egypt-Sudan Added 2 tiles to Reichskommiseriat Ukraine Added war entry script for Italy to DOw British Africa Added war entry script for Sweden to join Axis alliance Added war entry script for Ireland to join Axis alliance Added war entry script for Iran to join Axis alliance Added war entry script for Syria to join Axis alliance Added war entry script for Netherlands to join Axis alliance Added two war entry scripts for Spain to join Axis alliance Added two war entry scripts for Portugal to join Axis alliance Added war entry script for Vichy France to join Axis alliance Added war entry script for Sweden to join Allies Added war entry script for Netherlands to join Allies Added war entry script for Spain to join Allies Added two war entry scripts for Portugal to join Allies Added two decision scripts and matching Mobilization_3 scripts for Uruguay to lean to Axis alliance Added two strength scripts for Decima MAS Added pop-up script for Axis to capture Tobruk Changed War entry scripts Changed some unit scripts Changed some decision scripts Removed picture link in decison script to plunder Paris I also updated the Media file to v1.1
  6. Yes, i have tried to get the Ukraine script to work many times, now i hope i have succeded.
  7. i have removed the link to the picture now, i will soon upload v3.0
  8. I have had some thoughts about the units and strengths I would like to have some more unit types (divisions, militia, garrision units, surface raiders, special weapons etc.) To make it possible to have weaker/more diversified units you could increase the strength on normal units to 15 and the elite reinforcements up to 20, this would also make it possible to increase the research levels from 0-5 to 0-7 and also make it a bit more difficult to get research hits.
  9. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v2.4 ----------------------- Changes in v2.4 Changed Italian CSIR from army to corps Added Italian East African submarine on the map Fixed spelling on Italian East African unit Southern Sector Changed names on some Italian East African and Italian divisions Added CSIR to German unit script for Operation Barbarossa Added decision scripts and matching unit, strength and belligerence scripts for Italy to attack Kenya Added decision scripts and matching strength scripts for UK to attack Italian East Africa Lowered German attack bombers build limits from 4 to 3 Added 1 German fighter to production queue in april 1939 Added 1 fighter to Lithuania Increased USSR navy Increased build pool for all baltic counties to 3 divisions and 1 militia, also added a few more units to the map for the baltic countries Added German unit script for Division von Broich to arrive in Tripoli 1942 Changed spelling on a few German unit scripts Changed one German unit script from division to paratrooper Added 1 Hungarian army, 1 Romanian and 1 Romanian corps linked to Fall Blau German decision script Added a few pop-up scripts Added Kiev to USSR capitals Added Fortress Kreta as German militia Changed HQ´s to have some defense value Increased experience to 12 for one German unit script Changed names on Italian tank formations Added Italian decision script and matching unit scripts Added condition for Bessarabia decision, that Romania shall be axis not activated
  10. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v2.3 ----------------------- Changes in v2.3 Fixed MPP text in decision script Lowered trigger to 25% (from 50 and 100) for Axis raiders in supply scripts, also lowered impact to 1 for cruisers and 1-2 for Battleships Changed Allied major for Ethiopia to USA Added a few German unit scripts that fires if Norway is Axis Named French ships Added more names to British ships and removed some also Added names on German cruisers (Emden, Cologne, Schlesien, Nurnberg) Added decision script and matching unit scripts for Italy to get one air fleet Increased German armies soft defense to 3 (from 2) Fixed position in UK unit script for Kenya Added mobilization_1 scripts if Axis attack France and UK, then UK, France, US, Sudan, Egypt, British Africa will react Fixed faulty Surrender_1 script Added Mobilization_3 script for Romania and a image of Ion Anotenescu Lowered Romanian mobilization with 5% down to 35% Added more rail in western europe Added 1 Italian army to the map Changed names on Italian units and moved some also Fixed ownership of Italian decison script Fixed text in German atomic bomb development script, faulty positions was given Added decision script and matching convoy script for Portugal to ship tungsten to Germany Added decision script and matching strength script to perform Op Weserubung if Norway is leaning to the Allies also Added decision script and matching strength script for Operation Sea of Azov Added German infantry division to production queue for March 1942 Added German unit script for 2 divisions sent to Finland and Norway Increased USA´s navy´s build limits with many surface ships and added some to the production queue Increased USA´s navy´s build limits with 2 more tanks Added von to Kleist´s name Changed Kleist Panzer from strong corps to tank army Changed some German unit script from panzer divisions from 12 to 13 in strength and the same for panzer corps Added US unit scripts to activate coastal defense if Axis ships is too close to ports Added baltic partisan uprising strength scripts Increased strength of Ramcke paratroopers in German unit script from 5 to 11 Adjusted size of some images
  11. Hello, i want to know your opinion, do you think my mod is well balanced? Please tell!
  12. I have actually not studied the rails during that period, but it is deliberate that i want it to be difficult in Africa, but if have any certain rails you want me to add, feel free to notify me!
  13. By the way, i have not upgraded them to German ports
  14. In my ongoing game (coming v2.3) i have supply 8 in all french ports efficiency 80%, same for Dutch port, 5 and 50% for Belgium port, i will add rail there, i am not sure how to get Norwegian supply to more than 5, since i have added rauil from Oslo to the ports, is the sea disturbing it?
  15. In v2.3 the French prot problem will be fixed with more rails. And the Paris DE i do not understand why no text, in the script it is written: #POPUP= Germany Plundering Paris
  16. Hello CSS, thanks for the findings, i will adress them :-)
  17. The game is covering only the German/italian=European part and related areas, no media files is necessary but all is recommended to download
  18. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v2.2 ----------------------- Changes in v2.2 Fixed pop-up warning for greek partisans (wrong pos) Added rail to fix supply Added Mobilization_3 script for Reichskommiseriat Ukraine Changed some rivers Changed Swedish and Norwegian partisans to full partisans and also added some positions Added Finnish partisans Added strength script for German airborne units to attack Ankara Increased percentage for Free Italian units from 5 to 10% Added script for Free vichy naval units to become German Increased strength on German bomber (from 4 to 8) Increased strength on German fighters and attack bombers from 4 to 8 Increased strength on German HQ, Strategic bomber and army from 5 to 10 in production queue Increased experience at 3 German armies in production queue (2 from 0 to 1 and 1 from 0 to 2,5) Changed victory conditions Added fortresses around Sevastopol, Leningrad and Stalingrad Fixed USSR garrison scripts Removed fortification scripts for Stalingrad Fixed territory event for Poland surrender Added German division Grossdeutschland to force pool and to the map Added German HQ Balck to force pool Increased experience on German division 1st SS Liebstandarte Removed German HQ rundstedt (von Rundstedt is there instead) Changed tile ownership from Belgium to Luxembourg and Netherlands, 1 tile each Changed some text on map Changed text in decision script Changed positions of Polish forces, and added 1 corps Changed starting date of campaign to 1938 08 12 Added 1 fighter to Denmark in the Build limits and to the map also Named Danish militia and divison, increased militia to strength 2 (from 1) Added Norwegian fighter and division to the map, all Norwegian divisions have strength 2 Added Finnish corps to production queue Added 2 mines to Czechoslovakia and 1 to Austria Added forests in Germany and Czechoslovakia Added industrial center of Bochum and added that to total war resource script for Germany Increased German build limits to 4 Anti air Fixed some image links in pop-up scripts Changed strength scripts for Russian winter to season 4 (Winter) Added 1 picture Added Fuhrer directives to text in decision scripts and changed date on planning of Operation Marita and Fall Gelb Added decision script for Operation Barbarossa and matching unit script Added decision script for Operation Lila and matching unit script Added 2 decision scripts for reinforcement of DAK and matching unit scripts Added 2 decision scripts for Operation Typhoon and matching strength script Added 2 decision scripts for Operation Edelweiss and matching strength script Changed decision script for Fall Schweden Added 4 decision events hat give US free MPPs (since they do not get enough MPPs even when US is filled out with resources) Fixed text in decision script Added decision scripts and matching territory scripts for Romaina and USSR to annex Transnistria from each other Added 2 decision scripts for Operation Theseus and matching strength script Connected some German unit script to one decision script for Airborne infantry Added 2 Italian unit scripts for Libya Added German paratropper unit script and 2 German North African unit scripts Added German unit script for 91 Luftlande infanterie division Added 4 German unit scripts for corps and divisions Increased strength on German scripted African units Changed dates for some German unit scripts Changed Estonia SS unit script from militia to division Added Turkestanisch ost legion, Lithuanian freiwillige polizei and Nederland divisonen as German unit script Changed names on German unit scripts Changed 2 German unit scipts from armies to corps Changed failsafe date on USSR unit script for Siberian reserves to be fired Increased strength on German 6th army in unit script (from 10 to 12) Added 2 more Luftwaffe feld divisionen (militia) to unit script Fixed names on some units in unit scripts Replaced Croatian fighter with strategic bomber in force pool and in unit script
  19. How do i show screenshots? i seems to remember a site to use to upload pictures, but where?
  20. Yes it is connection to the port tile, at the port tile there are no rail/road since it´s not possible to have rail/road at these tiles. This problem is att all my French ports after surrender.
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