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    asurob reacted to BlackMoria in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    No, Russia is being judged by it actions, not what it says.  We have a saying in the west.  "Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck.... therefore it is a duck."   The acts of Russia in Bucha, Maruipol, all over Ukraine are in full display for the world to see.  Ergo, if Russia troops acts like uncouth, uncivilized barbarians, we are within our rights to call them out for it.
  2. Upvote
    asurob reacted to Phantom Captain in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    After seeing the looting and destruction of Fredericksburg after the battle in 1862, one of General Jackson's aides asked him, point blank, "what's to be done about all this sir?".
    Jackson answered succinctly, "Kill 'em.  Kill 'em all."
  3. Like
    asurob got a reaction from Lethaface in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Help an old sailor out here.
    I keep hearing how Pootin is going to declare war on Ukraine in or around the 9th of May.  I understand this lets him further mobilize his nation's military.  But other then more meat for the grinder on the ground how in the hell does this help the Russian Army in any way?  Based on their performance sending more untrained (and frankly way out of shape) reserve units to the front line isn't going to finally get that offensive on track.  So what's the deal?
    Further, and I get a lot of this is for the home audience...I keep reading how he is going to declare war against NATO...or things along this line.
    Again, how in the hell does that help his war cause in any way.  Russia's navy would last about 20 minutes against the US Navy...I'd say their Airforce a couple of hours against NATOs...and the army....a giant LOL...other than Nuclear forces (which while it only takes one I have serious doubts about their upkeep) in no way does a sane leader who isn't winning the war they are in...expand it.
    So what's the point of all this...is this truly just more propaganda for the home crowd?
  4. Like
    asurob reacted to MSBoxer in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A few other questions concerning RU reservists.

    If the active duty forces were so severely impacted by shortages due to corruption and falsified readiness reports, how bad are the reservists going to be?

    How long will it take to train them up to even the low standards of active duty forces concerning unit cohesion?
  5. Like
    asurob got a reaction from SteelRain in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Saw this quote on twitter...seems relevant given last nights spontaneous explosions inside Russia.

  6. Like
    asurob got a reaction from Raptor341 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Saw this quote on twitter...seems relevant given last nights spontaneous explosions inside Russia.

  7. Like
    asurob got a reaction from CAZmaj in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Saw this quote on twitter...seems relevant given last nights spontaneous explosions inside Russia.

  8. Upvote
    asurob got a reaction from Shadrach in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Saw this quote on twitter...seems relevant given last nights spontaneous explosions inside Russia.

  9. Upvote
    asurob got a reaction from benpark in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Saw this quote on twitter...seems relevant given last nights spontaneous explosions inside Russia.

  10. Upvote
    asurob reacted to Der Zeitgeist in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    "The drone will always get through."
  11. Like
    asurob reacted to MikeyD in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The fires north of Moscow were also associated with rockets and missile development. If these attacks are at all linked I don't think Ukraine would have sufficient access to set the fires/bombs or whatever. That increases the likelihood of an inside job. FSB has not been particularly pleased with this war since day one and have been roughly handled by Putin. They'd possess the necessary spycraft to cause such mischief to demonstrate their displeasure.
  12. Like
    asurob got a reaction from DesertFox in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    What?  Oh hell no.  You don't get to come to my house kick down the door, shoot my dog and tell me how to run my family and choose my friends for me.
  13. Upvote
    asurob got a reaction from LukeFF in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    What?  Oh hell no.  You don't get to come to my house kick down the door, shoot my dog and tell me how to run my family and choose my friends for me.
  14. Like
    asurob got a reaction from Ultradave in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    What?  Oh hell no.  You don't get to come to my house kick down the door, shoot my dog and tell me how to run my family and choose my friends for me.
  15. Like
    asurob reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If they are told to double down and "re-establish" naval presence with a proper "fleet" on station, then UKR could hit the docks once they're on location (as the AA/AD will be much reduced). Slam the docks repeatedly, especially the dockside warehouses and drydock facilities during day time., ideally just before a storm (to interfere with damage control and ships leaving). Do this repeatedly, over several days, during day time - kill off the key personnel directing repairs. The Drydocks are absolute priorities, as they must be repaired and the specialists who can do that properly are few in number. 
    Ruining the docks is also a great way to really **** with the BSF morale.

    This works too.
  16. Like
    asurob reacted to kraze in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    two mines with jet engines strapped to them
    You can also say Moskva successfully demilitarized Ukrainian naval defenses by lowering the amount of our antiship missiles by two.
  17. Like
    asurob reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    @BeondTheGrave @OldSarge @G.I. Joe
    And other, who asked about Neptune ASM
    The missile R-360 of Neptune complex is not a version of Kh-35U, though has similar parameters. Yes, it has very similar hull, and initially since R&D works have started as far as in 2013 or earlier, the missile should be as  localized and upgraded analog of Kh-35. This gave to Russian propagandists a reason to claim "Stupid Ukrainians proud because could copy old Soviet missile ahahaha!", so far like their claims "BTR-4 is reworked BTR-70". Russians in own chauvinism believed that without Russia all industry in Ukraine completely declined and we can't develop nothing own, but upgrade USSR lagacy. But Soviet/Russian Kh-35 was really "long played" project, started as far as in 1977, first prelimilary design was ready only in 1983, brought to tests only in 1992 and adopted to service in 2003! And Kh-35U with some improvements, like coordinates transmittion via satellite, was adopted in 2015
    Currently Russian navy use this missile in next versions: Kh-35 (AS-20) for planes and helicopters, Bal (SSC-6) - coastal missile complex, Uran (SS-N-25) - ship-bases missile complex
    Turning back to Ukrainian R-360 - since 2013 the missile have changed at least homing heads (or even three) and many more. First test launches were in 2018, but despite on success, there were found many problems in homing, flight stability also sea-skimming mode had enough hight altitude of flight. In 2019 new tests with new homing head and some constructive changes were conducted, but anyway missile demanded many finalization works. Also there was main problem - previous launches were conducted with USA aid - they detected target and transmitted coordinates to launcher vehicle via own sattelite. Ukraine has been developed own targeting radar Mineral-U, but encountered with many R&D problems, so manufacturer tests were passed only in October 2021 and two radars has been preparing to state test program, but unknown either it was started before a war or not. So, in present time Mioneral-U is nor adopted, but probably can be used in test mode. So, the strike at "Admiral Essen" and  "Moskva" could be done both via US satellite and Mineral-U tergeting. 
    Also results of test showed that the carrier of missile complex and radar, based on 8x8 KRAZ-7634NE has low reliability and because of bad financial situation on KRAZ plant, technological problems and inability to provide timely technical support and implement constructive changes, there was assumed a decision to change the carrier to Tatra T815 (Chech Republic). Both Mineral-U radars were produced on Tatra chassis, but crossing of RK-360MC on Tatra took some time, so first battalion of Neptune have to be operational in April 2022 only. To this time the unit, armed with this complex - 65th coastal missile battalion had on armament only one launcher on KRAZ chassis and support vehciles. There is unknown either was a missiles or not, because in 2021, when this battalion was established, there was an information he had only dummy of missiles and first real nissiles have to arrive also in 2022. So, this is one possible answer, why Neptunes have awake only now. First reason - they got a missiles only now, second reason - they could have very short number of missiles and kept its for case of enemy landing attempt n Odesa area. But since new missiles issued and UK/Norway offered own ASMs, they could fire free.   
    So, about R-360 pararameters: 7 ... 280 km range, 150 kg warhead, velocity - 900 km/h, radar/satellite coordinates and targeting aquisitoin, seeker field of viev +/- 60 deg (even more than Harpoon), sea-skimming mode, seeking during maneuvering, EW protection, maximum range of launcher from the sea shore - 25 km
    Composition of battalion:
    Three batteries per 2 launchers: 6 launchers USPU-360 (each has 4 tubes of R-360), deployment time 15 minutes
    Technical battery:
    6 transport-loader vehicles TZM-360 (4 R-360 missiles on each), deployment time 10 minutes, reloading time 20 minutes
    6 transport vehicles TM-360 (4 R-360 missiles on each)
    1 mobile command post RKP-360, deployment time 10 minutes.
    1 targeting radar (optional) Mineral-U
    So one battalion should have 72 missiles. Full salvo in 24 missiles simultainously is possible.
    First version of launcher USPU-360 on KRAZ-7634NE 

    Serial version of launcher USPU-360 on Tatra T815

    Transport-loader vehicle TZM-360 first version (KRAZ)
    Serial versin of transport-loader vehcile TZM-360 (Tatra)

    Transport vehicle TM-360 (KRAZ)

    Transport vehcile TM-360 (Tatra), serial variant

    Mobile command post RKP-360, first variant

    Mobile command post RKP-360 (Tatra), serial variant

    Mineral-U radar

  18. Like
    asurob reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In many ways, the Battle of Kiev was a Russian self-defeat, rather than a straight Ukrainian victory - by which I mean that the Ivan did pretty much everything wrong and the Ukrainians exploited that.
    I don't mean to minimise the victory - it's quite stunning and a massive blow to the invasion. Slava!
    But the striking and sinking (? Tbc) of the Mosckva is a very different victory, one that owes everything to UKR initiative, technological ability, imagination and determination. Mosckva wasn't a major direct threat, more of the classic Threat in Being - it's existence and geographical position was probably more unwelcome as a strategic distraction/hold on UKR units than the actual tactical damage it could do.
    While it's weapons could do a lot of damage, it was more that it's presence with the BS fleet made an amphibious operation against Odessa always a possibility, even if highly dangerous. The chance of an opportunistic assault just could not be discounted.
    Now it can. 
    Sinking the Mosckva can probably free up a significant amount of regular troops from the Odessa coast (although I think a large amount already shifted to Kherson), plus the danger of the Neptunes will severely limit RUS naval movements along that coast.
    The only way to take out the Neptunes now is with PGMs. And guess who has a severely depleted stock of PGMs, to the point where they're firing off a small fraction of their Wk1 barrage? Also, remaining PGMs will be needed for Donbass, so wasting any on hard to find Neptune launchers will be far, far down the priority list of the RuAF.
    I'd love a further discussion on the Naval war if anyone's interested or has knowledge.
  19. Like
    asurob got a reaction from CAZmaj in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Good enough answer for you troll?
    This might be the best source of information regarding the war on the internet.  It has become my go to reading.  I assure you the guys behind the game are still working.  Happy now...begone troll.
  20. Like
    asurob got a reaction from CraftyLJ in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I hope the sell them to help raise money for Ukraine.  I'd be all in!
  21. Upvote
    asurob reacted to BeondTheGrave in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not super crazy in the context of when the ship was built. IIRC in the 1980s the ability to track-while-scan was relatively new and pretty expensive. The Ticonderoga's and Aegis was built basically to solve this in the USN. The Moskva had a different role in the Soviet Navy and was more about delivering the killing blow to a CV at range. 
    The crazy part is that in 40 years Moscow never decided to pull the trigger on the upgrades and decided, apparently, to leave it with much of the old installed equipment she launched with. It makes the money fire (literally!) Kuznetsov even more scandalous in hindsight. Shes in such bad shape that she has to sit out the war, BUT they've already poured a fortune into keeping her (barely) afloat and giving her major rebuilds. Imagine if that gone into upgrading the Moskva a phased radar instead. Or even just in a few more AWACs with naval search radar. 
  22. Like
    asurob reacted to Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Couldn't sleep, but the thought of a burning and sinking Moskva will give me a couple of hours more. Counting dead Russians. So much better than counting sheeps.
  23. Like
    asurob reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Just…wow…seriously, we are going to be studying what the Ukrainian military pulled off in this war for the rest of the century.
  24. Like
    asurob reacted to MSBoxer in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The fact that the Moskva  was built in Mykolaiv gives new meaning to "I Brought You Into This World and I Can Take You Out"
  25. Like
    asurob got a reaction from The Steppenwulf in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The sailor in me wonders how not one but two missiles got past the close defense systems all warships have.  Could it be the Russian navy is also incompetent (based what I saw during my time in regarding the Soviet navy all signs point to yes).
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