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  1. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Sublime in Attn Sburke, RIP Nidan1, and attn a few others   
    Reaaaly sorry if your name wasnt headlined its not a prefential thing.
    im generally always poor
    Still am but i got a little cash and its legal.
    Ironically.. ive never had this much money in my life.  Its a pitiful amnt (less than 10k) to cost of you. I frankly dont kniw what to do with it.  I findbgreat joy in buying my.son and mom.stuff and also buying someone a book and stuff.  But otherwise.. its true its a curse. Maybe if it wqs enough for permanent life of leisure. But all this has done is cause me.to obsess over a balance. Smh.
    Nidan bless him.. is gone.  Sburke youve gifted me stuff. What would you like?
    I shall be trawling thru my order history (also if someone at bfc is bored and wants to tell.me wat was gifted)
    I want to.settle.accounts.
    Also im not rich but in honor of nidan I want community input (privately pls) on newcomer most likely to.stick arnd and most into the series. I will gift them a game of their choice.. as long as they choose a cm game
  2. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Vergeltungswaffe in CMBS Korean Campaign: Red Dragon   
    I prefer the Bee Gees because the rhythm is so perfect.
  3. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Ithikial_AU in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side   
    It's Getting Bloody
    I'm sad to report the Lieutenant @Hapless is no longer with us. He took a stray burst of machine gun fire observing the situation from his PzIV cupola. More on that shortly but first here's the current situation...

    KG DoubleD and KG @Josey Wales have had their roles reversed. There are now at least 2x T34's covering Elvis' objective so sending across a bunch of armoured cars became a touch dicey. The two panzers from KG DoubleD is moving across to the far right of the map while the armoured cars take up positions to cover the north south main road in the centre right of the map. Honestly, I was incredibly shocked to see this road was open to quickly went to lock it down. A lend lease Sherman popped smoke and tried to cross but was taken out by the JzPzIV's.

    A second Sherman appeared and the armoured cars with their 75mm guns opened fire. The rounds went slightly over it's head! The Sherman then methodically popped all four armoured cars from KG Josey Wales. Josey himself is alright but and is moving forward with the second half of his KG.

    Meanwhile, KG @Bootie sends up an AT team to try and pop the Sherman but comes under fire. Well... that was close.

    Meanwhile in the south, KG @Hapless exchanges fire with another T34. The PzIII with it's short 75mm gets a number of hits and causes at least one crew casualty but they lack the penetration capacity to do any noticeable damage. As the T34 is backing up, a burst of MG fire takes out Hapless himself. It was honestly a great shot, a stream of bullets arcing over the PzIII to hit the unlucky tank commander in the vehicle behind. Second image below is Hapless' last moments.

    Meanwhile KG @mjkerner sends up another squad of fallschirmjager to flank the Soviet SMG platoon and takes them fully by surprise. Mjkerner's troops are holding, exposing minimal numbers to the enemy from a forward platoon, while a flexible reserve platoon as moving to engage where it's safe(r) to do so.

    As the last turn comes to an end, another juicy target shows up in front of the JzPzIV's. Mmmm... maybe Elvis doesn't know that KG DoubleD is on this right flank???

  4. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from Commanderski in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - Soviet Side   
    Double ouch, or make that quadruple! 😁
  5. Like
    Lethaface reacted to mjkerner in Where are the Goumiers in djellaba?   
    Well, garsh, thanks guys.  I keep finding things to fix/change at the last minute, but still on track for Sunday.
    @Lethaface, that's the scenario I'm using them in. It is a good one!
  6. Like
    Lethaface reacted to snake_eye in Where are the Goumiers in djellaba?   
    You are correct, It features Morrocan troops. I tried hard to have Goumiers in the game, but that was not possible. Thanks for enjoying the scenario.
  7. Like
    Lethaface reacted to mjkerner in Where are the Goumiers in djellaba?   
    Well to tide you and Aragorn over, Jonze, here are two pics.  There are literally dozens and dozens of little and big things to fix, add, and/or worry over.  Faces, turbans, skin tones, gear, djellaba patterns, shading, sandals....hell, everything needs work!  The plan is to have US, French, and British gear and weapons available, and separate djellabas for military issue and tribal djellabas. 
    Our local Frenchman, falaise, did the lighter brown djellaba with the very narrow stripes (military issue), and the other lighter brown (desaturated) one (tribal).  The reddish brown ones are mine but need desaturation and other work. They all do. 
    Turn out the lights and don't wait up for me!
    ....damn it, pix aren't showing.  Hang on......

  8. Like
    Lethaface reacted to AlanSA in Shall try to start an unofficial screenshots thread?   
    A particularly brutal scenario even by CMFI standards. Degenerated into a surrender-a-thon as both sides try to throw in the towel first.

  9. Like
    Lethaface reacted to 37mm in South Sahrani Map   
    Amazing work... that North East sector has caught my attention (I was just thinking earlier today that I'd like a coastal map with some offlying Islands).
  10. Like
    Lethaface reacted to JMDECC in South Sahrani Map   
    Sahrani has always been a favorite of mine over the years. Recently, I stumbled across a mod made by |||CPTMILLER||| that turned our Syrians into members of the SLA. Feeling inspired, I decided to see how feasible it might be to recreate Sahrani, or a portion of it, in CM.
    I ultimately decided to go with South Sahrani (and a small part of its northern neighbor). The end result was a fairly accurate recreation of the map itself. Due to map size limitations, the island is roughly 12% smaller than the one featured in ArmA but still comes in at a whopping 4,272m x 3,856m. Some features, like building placement and terrain, had to be modified to fit the smaller scale or changed slightly due to not carrying over in CM's world builder the same. Other features, like the light houses, had to be left out all together because I simply was not happy with the available substitutes. It is not a 1:1 recreation by any means, but it is close enough to where I am happy with it.
    The map is pretty much completed at this point, with only a few changes left to be made to the terrain, so I would expect a release sooner rather than later.  
    Some screenshots:

    Editor Map (South)

    Editor Map (North)


    Southern Port at Corazol

    Paraiso, International Airport & Government District

    Ortego & Geraldo

    Ortego Street View

    East Corazol - part of North Sahrani


    East & West Corazol
  11. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Ithikial_AU in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side   
    The Fighting Erupts

    The Situation

    (Sorry quality appears to have got hit pretty hard this time for the map)
    BFCElvis appears to to be concentrating on the southern edge of the map. Only having the one armour piece (a "Bedspring" T34-85) overwatching Obj Jaegermesiter is both welcome but also has me nervous. I've only spotted I'd say a company's worth of infantry and a handful of tanks but I've fgot eyes covering two thirds of the map. Did he use reinforcements or is there a tonne of infantry hiding in buildings just waiting for me? It's the unknown that's killing me. I've managed to lock down all the main streets on my side of the map with some form of AT coverage. Elvis is going to have to commit at some point and hit hard to bust his way through. Oh and then there is this...

    What Our Boys Are Up To
    KG @mjkerner (blue) is taking on the brunt of the fight at present as the Soviets push through withering German tank fire with sufficient numbers to still sting. Soviets up close are outlaying more small arms fire than the Fallschirmjager squads in close combat. There are casualties on both sides but if KG @Hapless (green) wasn't present it would likely be a cake walk for the Soviets. Hapless' Panther is also being a real nuisance, moving forward to lay a few rounds into a building to take out a squad in two shots before ducking back behind cover. Has also managed to take out a SU-100 laden with a full squad of troops. The PzIII is also causing real problems for the Soviet infantry and giving the Fallschirmjager a fighting chance. Casualty rate I'd estimate it is about 2:1 in my favour at this stage.
    KG @Josey Wales (pink) is fast moving into position to move across the north side of the map. Relying on their speed I'm actually hoping they are spotted and distract Elvis. If I can split his attention and most importantly his armour, taking some pressure off the KG Hapless and KG Mjkerner in the south it's a win. If they manage to take out the "Bedspring" T34. It's a bonus. The other half of the KG remains back in my deployment zone as a reserve.
    KG @DoubleD (yellow) has given up trying to take down the building as it's built with... solidified bedrock from the earth's core. It simply isn't dropping. The JzPzIV's will continue to cover the main road while the PzIV and Panther are split off to support KG Josey Wales. I'm confident Elvis is pushing all of his armour south so time to outnumber him from the north.
    KG @benpark  (orange) has split up. One platoon of pioneers his holding the centre of the map. It's my weakest area of coverage but the high numbers of SSTG44 and MP40's in these late war Pioneer squads makes up for the small numbers of men. If Elvis tries to head down the middle of the map I may not be able to hold for long but I'll know about it. The main part of Benpark's force is waiting for the order to expose themselves to Soviet observation, cross a main road and begin their assault on Jaegermeister.
    KG @Bootie (white) and his Volkssturm continue to hold around the JzPzIV's giving them close cover but can provide some more rifles to KG Benpark if needed. Well then there are the 'scouts' from the last update. They weren't shot at and are still alive but I'm not confident in their spotting abilities given they have no binoculars. I wonder if old man poor eye sight is modeled in the game?
    Some screenshots...
    Alley of death - my side...

    Alley of Death - his side.

    It's a mixed bag for the Fallschirmjager.

    Um, for those who wanted to see this in action...

    ... sorry.

    Notice the puff of smoke near the building on the right side of the picture? The Panther's 75mm AP round went straight through.
    We're dealing with a big timezone difference but still managing to pump out around 2 - 3 turns per day. Stick with us.
  12. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Ivanov in Ministry of Defense video   
    That's pretty obvious, at least to me. It's not some teenager YT channel.
  13. Like
    Lethaface reacted to BletchleyGeek in Ministry of Defense video   
    Congratulations to the BFC team for what I think is the best endorsement for a simulation like CMx2. I can only hope that besides the $$$ stream coming via the contract, you guys also get  some feedback on the sim, the kind of feedback that "nerds in white lab coats" can generate, and that helps you make CMx2 (or future ones) better.
  14. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Ministry of Defense video   
  15. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Malaspina in Four "Monte Altuzzo" RtV Scenarios   
    Hi everyone,
    I've had an obsession with "Monte Altuzzo" for quite a while after reading MacDonald's book Three Battles a few years ago. With RtV out, I couldn't resist temptation and had a go (once again) at the scenario editor. I drew a master map of the entire area and then carved out small maps to create four scenarios depicting the action that took place on Sept. 13, 1944, which I've almost finished. (The actual battle went on for four more days. I might keep going if I have the energy...)
    These are Allied v. AI scenarios with a feeble attempt at A.I. plans for the Germans. Rather than actual scenarios I would call them "companion scenarios" to Three Battles following MacDonald's narrative as closely as possible. Just to give you a better idea, this is the Designer's Notes I will probably include in all four:
    "This battle is part of a series called “Break-Through at Monte Altuzzo” depicting the action described in the book Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo and Schmidt (pgs. 103-247) by Charles B. MacDonald.

    All scenarios are historical and should be played as Allied v. AI. No balancing effort has been made in terms of forces available for h2h purposes. The scenarios are an attempt at a historical depiction of the 338th Infantry Reg. assault on the Gothic Line between Sept. 13 and Sept. 17, 1944. This means that in some battles you might, for example, be facing overwhelming odds, while in other scenarios you will be fighting against a broken enemy previously wiped out by an artillery barrage (which was in fact a major factor in the American Army's ultimate success).

    Historical participants are marked with an asterisk (*)."

    While they are "historical" scenarios (i.e. very possibly unbalanced) I still need general feedback and would like them to be enjoyable for the single player. How does one go about searching for testers and publishing scenarios these days? Is anyone here interested? Thanks!
  16. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Freyberg in North Italy QB maps   
    I've been chopping them into slices and adding AI plans, and playing them, so I can upload a map pack to the Scenario Depot.
    Below is a link to what I've done so far - all of these maps (except the 'base' maps) have Defender AI plans, so they're good to use on the attack, but so far only about 15% have Attacker AI plans.
    Anything marked '-prog' still isn't playable against the AI (usually ME maps missing AI plans). If you want to play an ME against the AI, just check it has an AI plan first.
    I've been enjoying testing them - they all work well playing as Attacker, and a few of them have been really challenging...
    Have fun
    Any feedback and advice appreciated.
    Dropbox link:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/auilzpybhm0w206/FI map pack in prog May20.zip?dl=1
  17. Like
    Lethaface reacted to 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    And the last map ('The Road') of the People's Army campaign...

    ... which means it's time to get back to the People's Militia campaign (IIRC I have about 11 maps good to go for that... however I need 15).
  18. Like
    Lethaface reacted to HerrTom in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Now this is seriously cool   Unforgivable that I haven't played it yet.

  19. Like
    Lethaface reacted to George MC in Building 4a & 5a Scorched – Take That Kieme!   
    These look brilliant @JulianJ - I'm playing a PBEM myself at the moment of Daraya Tank Raid so will install them right now.
    Thanks very much
  20. Like
    Lethaface reacted to JulianJ in Building 4a & 5a Scorched – Take That Kieme!   
    These are two of Kieme's outstanding buildings in HD.
    I  hate Kieme so much I burnt and shot them up. :-)

    What you get with these buildings in HD:
    Scorched sides from internal fires
    Windows above the ground floor have no glass (still function in game terms)
    Lightly-smoked roofs x 2 – a Syrian delicacy – don't knock it if you haven't tried it
    Pockmarking from bullet and shell hits
    Other damage and battle crap
    Pro government and jihadist slogans/iconography
    A little easter egg

    (Yes, I think that sh*t is authentic. They're madder than a barrel of frogs.)
    Designer's Notes
    You need Kieme's buildings 4 and 5 to make this work. I recommend all his buildings. Because of the limitations of the way the modular buildings work I suggest you only use it as 1, 2, or 3 storeys as the scorching will look a bit odd otherwise. However it still works with taller buildings, particularly if you add balconies.
    The pair of buildings aren't too heavily bullet-scarred so they fit in with other structures around. Because of the way the modular buildings work there had to be compromises with the placing of the slogans and decals, but I feel they add a lot of character to the buildings.  PUT IN THE Z FOLDER AS USUAL.

    You can add wrecked Aircon3 to your flavour objects for that extra bit of damage.

    Links to download files:
    Bldg 4a
    Bldg 5a
    Installation: put in the Z folder as usual. I've put them with the relevant Kieme building folders and that works just fine. 
    Note, I forgot I was using my vanilla modding SF2, so I loaded up Darya Tank Raid which I was halfway through, the semi-finished buildings came up and they looked so good that I had to complete them to play the rest of the scenario.

  21. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in Overpowered Buildings?   
    +1.  I also use this in similar ways especially for high value targets.    
    I'll often have a vehicle for each platoon (jeep, kubelwagon, etc.) on permanent Pause next to the HQ building.  Then I'll plot out the attack axis to be taken by each platoon.  I use the reverse command since the green line is easy to spot among the mostly yellow lines of a platoon's fire teams.  Then the platoons follow the assigned axis of advance.  I use a house rule that the axis can be changed after the scenario start but it costs five minutes (probably to fast for RL) to issue an updated axis of advance.  Then just drag the waypoints to the new axis.  
    I also have a HQ team assigned to call for fire on TRPs.  The team is at the HQ on permanent Pause.  A waypoint is placed on each TRP with a 50 meters circular target arc.  This shows both the location and plotting area of the TRPs.  
    Waypoints & their lines with permanent Pause can be used for many interesting things.     
  22. Like
  23. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Ithikial_AU in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side   
    Small Update - The Shooting Starts
    KG DoubleD exposes itself down the main street opening up on the building at the end of the street. The aim is to knock it down to see any movement going on behind it. 4x 75mm guns should do the trick in a minute or two. Any additional casualties caused are a bonus.

    And it looks like one of the HE rounds impacts the side of a tank of some description. No smoke yet but a nice blind shot none the less!

    Meanwhile the Soviets discover that I reached the Beer first! No confirmed casualties as KG Hapless keep shooting over their heads. Granted the PzIV is trying to shoot over the PzIII.

    Meanwhile no further contacts on my far left (northern edge of the map) so I'm probing further towards Obj Jaegermesiter with some sacrificial lambs scouts.

  24. Like
    Lethaface reacted to DerKommissar in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
  25. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Sequoia in Anthony Beevor reviews book on drug use by Hitler, Wehrmacht.   
    I thought the article was an interesting read.
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