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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Also posted in other thread; I think the runtime #3(trap) error can be corrected simply updating Apple Quicktime. If not look in another post from me about mp problems, there are some other tweaks i tried. In the end i didnt have it once after playing some 10-15 mp games in a row. GL
  2. I had same problems and other before. However managed to fix all of them with help from some others. I witnessed 3 serious bugs: - Runtime error #3(trap) - Lobby freeze - Soldier movement not visible for owner (lagging), others see them moving though. A list of fixes, dont know exactly which one is working for what: - get Apple Quicktime update (for runtime error?) - disable EAX (for lobby freeze?) - diable music (for lobby freeze?) - lower client internet speed to 25.000 - 50.000 (soldiers not moving) - server internet speed 50.000 (?) - hide dead bodies (?) - disable high sky detail (?) - disable MP smooth movement (?) After making all above settings, I was able to play ~ 10-15 games in a row with others, without (me) having any probs Might be possible to tweak a lil bit and turn some of them one. Perhaps we can get some confirmations from Sneaksie and or Madmatt about these issues. We had a splendid time Thanks to Jmayer (i think) for helpin out! GL
  3. I like mud better, did to many grass here.
  4. 1. Dont know. My Nvidia 7800GS (AGP) runs it quite ok. 2. No idea 3. Go for Dual Core. More speed for your $ 4. Not physically 2procs ofc, but you have two cores running at 2.66 Ghz both having 2MB cache. Without gettin into tech stuff, you almost have the equivalent of the two processors. The 1333Mhz is important, thats the BUS speed. 5. For faster loading times 100%. Games get loaded into your RAM, so FPS wise you wont notice a lot of difference.
  5. BUMP Would like to know form BF.C if this is easy to implement (expected in near future ) In my opinion it would help immensely if I could get some more information about type of enemy ? symbol. Like wether to commit your last RPG unit on this suicide mission or just a fighter group. Offcourse soldiers will tell their comrades: enemy Vehicle / Tank / Infantry spotted behind hill 31, instead of what they do now: Enemy Question Mark spotted moving fast towards your position
  6. Yeah im running JSH 1.1, however tonight probably wont make it. Played 1 game before but the game crahsed(CTD) after few minutes After that I installed JSH 1.1 and I think thats not compatible with vanilla ToW. Try again soon
  7. Thats strange since I did exactly like u, same mission, and my sniper sniped them all lying in the grass from top of the hill medium difficulty. I suggest you try again
  8. I like the new LOS system. Especially the changes in visibility through bushes and brushes, etc, is great. It all feels better now. You can now really use stealth for infantry and hide guns in bushes. They are only discovered upon firing their weapons, if even. An example; yesterday I was playing a new single player mission with commando style units. I was scouting with my sniper and discovered some enemies. I decided to move to the right flank and approach the enemy from a hill with clear sight but tall gras. The sniper, laying invisible in the gras, was able to pick most of the enemies off without even being detected. For me everything feels more natural since the patch, however I did already like the game before. Hope my experiences helps you decide whether to buy or not.
  9. After playing some hours I feel similar. Sometimes there are some question marks in my head - apart from to the ones on screen - regarding as to why a certain unit cant spot another. I did notice the sharing of question marks, it seems logical to me that a unit cant spot any OPFOR unit for a friendly unit (read: no 2 human beings can share direct info from eyes and brain). It has to spot it itself. However, that unit could share WHAT it saw, i.e. is it a tank, APC, infantry, etc. It would be nice to have several different question marks, to indicate what 'sort' of unit has been spotted, if known. Should be quite easy to implement, codewise, as I think of it
  10. I make frequent saves, most of the time only reloading when there is a significant difference in what I expected my troops to do and what they actually did (and sometimes when I just realise i'm doin' it allll wrong). Restarting a map is something I do very sparsely. So, in my opinion, more then 2-3 AI plans would mean spending your time at only a few % of all players.
  11. Didnt know Scotland was in the 3rd world Hell, I didnt even pay my own bills yet when we had to pay per KB
  12. Im also in for any Red V Blue (me playing reds) Did actually win one of the few PBEM's i played on red. Playing sneakily and suicidal, its surely possible to lure a Blue force into a trap. However some bugs make it impossible to win sometimes, like if all your troops are getting panicked because a few of them are getting shot to pieces far away. ATM i'm playing a PBEM (as reds ofc), the Eufrates. Curious to see what will happen when the first clash will come. If I only get 1 abrams, ill be happy As reds I dont have problems with sacrificing troops. I'll happily send my RPG Team to kill a stryker knowing it will be eradicated even if it accomplishes its goal. Ive been analysing Red tactics and I find it possible to use guerilla tactics to good extent. Offcourse it can be difficult, when getting exposed to all that Blue firepower. For me, that makes it only more challenging And after all, a "Death Before Dishonour" major defeat is better then run like a coward Edit - oops, guess I'd better alter my signature - Probably even Sun Tzu didnt see this one coming [ January 20, 2008, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: Lethaface ]
  13. PaperTiger, PrimoPDF can convert your docs to PDF. However, it doesnt add the nice graphs for you
  14. Eur 40,- / month for 'unlimited' (?) traffic, 1 dedicated server included, in DE. America even has cheaper options. Dont know what traffic BFC hit, but a few terabytes more or less wont form a problem. However I guess them Ad-funded sites dont charge a lot of $$$ for their bandwith, if any. Remember to read 'powered by Multikabel', or any of that sort of things. ISP's have 'some' TB's 'lying around' doing nothing. Some are happy to share but will cut when they dont have enough. For example through gamershell Sometimes i get 1500kb/s from hosts in my country, the other day I get 600 from china host but from the same one as before in NL only 115k/b.
  15. As regarding to who you should use, its all in the manual Its quite a lot of information actually. Read the Air / Arty support pages. About that two different icons (red cross / yellow dot), thats something i also have been wondering about. Can any1 enlighten us on these thingy's?
  16. Am i crazy or do all trees dissapear in CM:SF if I press Alt-T??? There seems to be some nice zoom/enlarge options too, as well as a wide view setting - if anyone hadn't noticed -
  17. To add to the nice litle discussion above. I dont own many books about the eastern front, nor claim to be a grog. Have been extra interested in Military hardware since young age though, and soon after especially the German WWII weapons have had my specific interest. So I did do some homework, but forgive me for any obvious wrong information I might hold for true. I think both sides in this discussion hold a point. I can believe that what Kip say is true, that the June 44 Army was the strongest Army ever fielded by Germany. Especially in terms of hardware. It's not difficult for me to believe they fielded (some) fully equipped and not undersized armies. That it had more manpower as before. But those don't mean all of their divisions were at full strength. In contrary, after such heavy losses and loss of production capacity between 1941 and 1944 it's not possible to believe most of their units were at full strength. I read the memoires of a dutch volunteer for the Waffen SS. He was employed from 1941 till 1945 at the eastern front serving in the Wiking division. He got wounded 3 times and served in Infantry and later as a radio man in a Panther (see also, however in dutch: Henk Kistemaker 5 SS Pantserdivisie Wiking ). He was at the end of his life when he wrote it, so not all is chronologically totally clear, but it does pose an interesting view inside the head on an Waffen SS soldier. I'll use it to explain my views on this subject. From his memoires I read that after the second time he was wounded, he got called back for duty in the east. He was trained extensively in Germany and Poland at the end of 1943 and the earlier part of 1944. There was no mention of poorly trained troops send into combat. However he did tell about how in the beginning (for him 1941) the Waffen SS was a pure 100% volunteer army with very though criteria. Later these criteria started to loosen up, while in the end (1944-5?) even men were 'forced' to volunteer. Luftwaffe officers being added to Panzer divisions, etc. The new troops were thoroughly trained however according to this source. When we look at morale however, I think there was a HUGE difference between 1941 and 1944. That goes for both Allies and Axis forces. In 1941 the Axis (germany only at that time) must have felt invincible, while in 1944 soldiers should at least have some worries about the end victory. Its the other way around for the allied forces. Even though news from the rest of the world will be kept from soldiers as much as possible. Fighting on 2 fronts and being stuck in Russia since 1941 apart from loosing Africa, can't be something to be positive about. So I can believe that even though Germany fielded it's strongest armies, in Hardware AND quality soldiers, in 1944, the gross of the German forces had suffered a heavy morale blow since 1941. They are already outnumbered in any form at both fronts. Morale is one of the most important things in War IMHO. In my opinion German morale in 1941 was much and much higher then in 1944. On the Macro level the USSR hardware and strategic decisions became much better, while German became worse as Hitler took control of German forces more and more. This caused a tremendous amount of losses for German troops, often unnecesary. (stalingrad is a good example). Even though Germany still inflicted more losses then they took, I can understand that if the enemy outnumbers you twice, it seems as if there just "aren't enough MG rounds to take all of them". We also might take into account that the number of Soviet tanks, artillery and Aircraft was much greater then 2:1 when compared with German forces. In his memoires the SS'er talked about how it didn't matter if they destroyed 40 T34 as another 30 would show up the next day. Finally the overstretched supply lines can make it happen Germany's best army ever get's rolled over by masses of soviets. It did actually Hence I can agree that the full potential of the German Army to accomplish victory's against enemy forces, is severely worse in 1944. The 1941 forces were much more fit to fulfill their task. As Germany still had the initiative they could use their newly invented 'blitz krieg' strategy were german forces used superior tactics and adequate hardware to overwhelm the enemy. Due to big mistakes at highest command level the blitz failed. A blitzkrieg cant take 3 years. I think even Hitler would have never wanted to fight a war of attrition against USSR or even USA, let alone both. If you would place all 1941 armies with 1944 Hardware in 1944, I doubt that would have changed history. However putting 1944's hardware in 1941 might have make me type this in german. I guess you could say that the Quality of German armies at the tactical level is highest in 1944, so the full equipped army created in 1944 was the best army of the war. But in 1941 German troops were mostly better equipped, trained and experienced as other troops of other nations. They had, unlike later, high morale and and were (till then) supported by excellent strategic decisions. THE 1941 German army was the best of the war. So, I do agree with both Something else; One thing the Dutch Waffen SS soldier told over and over again, was the very bad quality of soviet T34 tank crew. First the T34 tanks looked like they were finished in a hurry, with armor plates skewedly welded to the tanks. This in contrast to the neatly welded/whatever German tanks. Soviet T34 crew behaved as like they had been picked up from any street, put in a tank and send to the front. He claimed many times they slaughtered a lot of T34's with minimal casulaties, even under 900m distance just because of ignorant behaviour among enemy tanks. I think the lack of radios might also explain this. He was most scared of enemy Pak's, especially the "Ratsjbum" (76,2 MM Divisional AT gun if im correct). Another thing he kept telling is that how amazed and (ironic) happy he was about how enemy aircraft would attack columns of vehicles from the side (hitting 1,2 vehicles max), instead of attacking its length (hitting many vehicles in the convoy). He really wondered why they did. Forgive me for all those off topic characters, as Im dutch Ok thats enough for now, im callin it a day. [ December 18, 2007, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Lethaface ]
  18. Problem with modding and BFC is, while there is only 1 charles, there are many customers.. Probably every unit intended to be included in CMx2 WWII would already been made by modders at the time it CMx2 WWII finished. Finished also as in the motive for many to buy CMx2. So I completely understand BFC's perspective. Not to say I wouldn't like the idea posted by civdiv. However if I look into current CM:SF and the different versions of for example T-72's and M1A1's, i'm not worried at all about not having enough choice
  19. Actually, the 'deploy' command also is shown 'pressed' and 'not-pressed' like a simpel traditional button, a checkbox. If it's pressed, the squad is deployed. If not pressed, it's not deployed. Offcourse, you need to have the squad and the proper command panel selected to see it, apart from the tripod/* mounting
  20. To be fair, I must agree with steve and others here. I don't really have problems with vehicle movement. There is an occasional flaw, but don't real drivers make them too? Maybe in big RT tcp/ip battles it is true that micro managing vehicle paths can be a bitch simply because there isn't time to give any order exept for 'move there as fast as possible'. However in SP or PBEM there is always time to plot a nice little course for our vehicles If you dont have that time, you'd better lay down that sim / warplaying habit of yours. (as I should lay down mine ) Now that is something really valuable... To change that given waypoint or delete that mistakenly clicked waypoint. Furthermore, it can't be to hard to code, at least for deleting waypoints (deep and agonizing shame will hit me if it turns out to be already possible to delete any last waypoint ) Hope to see it in 1.07 (assuming 1.06 will be the quickie fix)
  21. In my opinion the problem here is the lack of AI using cover adequately... I can understand that this is hard, if not impossible, to code correctly. A slight abstraction in using cover in semi open areas while being prone, is not un-argueable. this seems to be in place at the moment, but perhaps it's values could be tweaked a little bit as to give a more satisfying result, when compared to Real Life situations. The idea to make some random soldiers be like 'union road workers' - or whatever goverment paycheck non-do'ers are supposed to keep up their name to , does appeal to me. I've been informed that, although the rate of fire fight particpating soldiers has increased firmly since WWII, there are a lot of soldiers not actively firing during modern day firefights.
  22. A Very (Good) Playable game Made Much More Playable. Thats my opinion 'bout 1.05 PS i'm dutch so don't take this as a 'hostile' comment! Thats not allowed for you non-dutchmen, as I have read... waiting for 1.06 low wall fix though, cant even properly play one of the new scenario's Apart from that I didn't see any other bugs I can remember and aren't posted b4 Ach... I guess it's easy to be pleased as a dutchmen... Happy Christmas@BFC and everyone else
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