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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. It could be you kept unbuttoning your vehicles and each time they stuck out their heads, it was popped off In all my games since 1.0 i never had any tank pentrated by any machine gun. Maybe destroyed optics, smoke chargers, etc, no penetrations though. Since 1.06 snipers seem much more capable, and beware of enemy snipers in MOUT if you unbutton your crew. They might lose their heads without knowing where it came from.
  2. I did find it Search for: Assault* Date Entered/Updated: 18-12-2007 CM:SF Version Number: 1.05 Type: Scenario Title (30 char max.): Assault on Precinct 13 Number of Votes: 1 Total Score: 4 Average Score: 4,00 Description: Scenario: Assault on Precinct Thirteen Designer: MikeyD Scenario type: Red assault; heavily populated city map; dawn; wet ground conditions. Description: Survivors of an exhausted Stryker Company are assaulted in their walled compound. Play as: Either side vs AI, Red preferred. Should make for a decent human vs human game too. AI has four separate movement orders sets for Red or for Blue side, which should enhance replayability.
  3. Just finished Prologue and 1st mission in 1.07. Had a very GOOD time (2x Total Victory) Nice missions, nice maps, goin for mission 3 Now
  4. In my personal opinion its true that the Serbs lost a lot of their international goodwill during Milosevic's reign. The fact that Mladic isn't extradicted yet, and even supported by many Serbians, adds to it as well. Now I cant say those Kosovars are the nicest people there are, in contrary. But it is understandable they want to live APART from the Serbs. However, this is a subjective view. Not all Serbs are 'bad' people. Even not the ones that support Mladic. They have a different (perhaps wrong, in my opinion) view at the whole case. Untill recently there have lived many Serbs in Kosovo. To save their bare skin they fled away, and now the province declares independence. How would France feel if the Sub urbs arount Paris would declare indepency? What seperates the other minorities in this world who are treated as 2nd class? Perhaps a few more years between the actual conflict then in this case. Anyways, we will see. Altough I im in favour of independent Kosovo, there is no real right or wrong IMHO. There are just 6 billion animals on this world that call themselves 'Human', while most of 'em lack 'humanity'
  5. Hey Redbear, I think the 'bug' that ended is was the time limit
  6. Hey Redbear, Yes, I did Its called 'assault on precinct 13' orsomething. @work now so cant check
  7. Heil Kosovo! or actually... Heil Serbia... Nah.. It must be... Heil Milosevic... Wait, hes dead. Heil Mladic! Heil.... Heil.... Ah! Heil Thaci... Heil... Mamamia
  8. Join up the battlefront chat! (the one with the the toolbar) Me and Drusus and some ABC/TEST named guy dukin it out daily As long as those bugs dont come in though. Lag bug, MK19 bug, Javelin bug, orders bug, that must be about it. Dont get me wrong though, its quite possible to have a good game without any large bugs. Sometimes there is bad luck though.
  9. IMHO its true the kosovar (albanian) people have lived for quite a small time there, compared to serbians. A great deal of Serbian culture is connected to places in today's Kosovo. How did Native Americans feel when USA declared independence? How will Turkey feel if Kurds declare Kurdistan, Spain/Basks, minority vs majorities, etc etc. There are plenty of countries on the world facing similar problems. The start of WW1 was connected to similar problems. The priors of WW2 had similar problems. vietnam had, Korea had Afghanistan has, Iraq has, Congo has, etc etc Groups of people claiming right on certain parts of earth soil. Thats the problem. Its nature. Its like a crocodile defending its territory. On the other hand, this little thing might have big consequences. I dont think it will though; The middle east is much more "hot" a.t.m. This wont be front page news after tomorrow.
  10. Because there is no direct relation between those two possible result sets in terms of being RIGHT? perhaps a correlation at best EDIT: Sound contacts would also not make the difference between 4 or 2 tanks as I think of it.
  11. When can we finally enjoy this? (looked it up in the 'older' threads)
  12. If u reread your colonials; many more before concluded there is no way to make a nations people 'evolve'(or 'civilise' / 'modernise') by installing new governments/leaders and stationing troops. The only way to force a nations people into another nations will or vision, is a very nasty way. Divide et impera. Extermination works well too, or importing your own civilians to imposed countries and suppressing the locals. Is there anyone who even knows about one single case in which the above wasn't true (for a prolonged period)? This is not something I discovered myself. There has been many writings about this subject and this common knowledge is known by everyone thinking at any (strategic) level. I dont see as how the 'occupation' of Iraq or Afganistan is any different for the local population. Perhaps these troops are better in ethics then your uncle the police commisary, however, they don't understand the local 'traditions' and can't really help anyone. Your uncle the police commisary can though, at a certain price. Still many others around the world seem to hope that one day it WILL be possible. That it will be possible to install a new better goverment in country X and help the civilians build a new country. And do this by controlling the government and military forces. And HELP those poor people. No nations want another nations help in such a way. Perhaps they could have just liquidate saddam and his followers and let the troops leave the country. Offcourse help can be given, even by training troops / police, etc. But I guess given the situation in Iraq there were to many disturbed relations to continue peacefully like nothing happened. A civil war between Shiites, sunniets and kurds was un-avoidable. Maybe Saddam was the only way of keeping them together. On the contrary I dont think it would be a very bad thing if Iraq was divided. Perhaps it would be best if they just Duked it out themselves. It would have been a mess for a few years, but something would have evolved from it. Something everyone would accept as best. There is nothing to win in demographic terms or political terms by occupying a country with (hostile/foreign) forces. There are other reasons though for occupation. These reasons may very well be the true offspring as to why USA troops are stationed in the middle of Lions Den "Baghdad". What these might be I'll set aside now. The peoples in Iraq aren't used to non-corrupt governments, fair judges, etc. For Iraq to become a stabilised country again, the people has to 'revolt' itself. A civil war, gruesome as it is, might be the only solution for peace. Its very good possible that Iraq will be divided into more then 1 country. That not only goes for Iraq but for large parts of the middle east and almost whole africa. Borders that were drawn by colonial governments, regardless of the tribes/people that lived there. In some ways we can say that those parts of the world didnt have the history we in Europe or even USA share. Countless wars over hundreds of years about small disagreements about borders and control of natural reserves like gold, oil, coal, etc. Look at the average european border and the average african one. Its obvious that with the creation of europes borders much more blood was shed as with the creation of the borders in africa. It even were the bloody europeans that drawed them. Perhaps we should be patient and let the creation of an equilibrium in africa and the middle east be decided by 'fate'. The West already had to many influence in this small world. Just my 200 cents, completely offtopic [ February 19, 2008, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: Lethaface ]
  13. Logical reason leads me to think there is a random factor in CMSF spotting. Thats what can explain the example given by SlowMotion. Now in this particular case this randomnisation leads to strange results. Getting rid of it wouldn't be in anyone's interest IMHO. Over the future I hope certain refinements (multipliers or subtractors (whatever u call the opposite) in specific situations can be made so that spotting can be made even more realistic in more situations. There are plenty of other game components which could need development which I would prefer having upgraded. Spotting generally works fine in my opinion. Sometimes it will seem a unit is blind or another unit is spotting like a hawk, for me its not really game braking since 1.06. To conclude my opinion; Spotting works way better since 1.06 and I'm satisfied for the moment. Offcourse tweaks can be made in the future to improve it further.
  14. I must agree, altough partially, with BigDuke here. China or Russia would care much less about the loss of a life, since their public opinions are different (or not of any influence to government policies). So, to be true, MRAP's are not going to win a war. However, they might lower casualties on US side give the way THEY want to win 'their' war. Looking at history, I agree with some not to be mentioned theories. ENSLAVE, EXTERMINATE or SUPPRESS. Thats the only way you're going to get a countries population on its knees. The U.S. doctrine about fighting insurgents is still non-existent. There are so many theories about the 4th way of fighting wars, however u want to call it; fighting against guerilla's. Till now I didn't see any way to. Except, There is the old Dutch way (or spanish, or German, or Serbian, Allied, or whatever) to just massacre that $#*&^!@&*$ people that keep sitting in your way. Just shoot them, kill their families, lock em up, burn em to death, whatever as long as the (few, if any) survivors are frightened enough to Get the hell out of there or dance to your music, your fine. With U.S.'s agenda, thats not possible. This is not about winning a war in Iraq, my friends....(no need to get in that discussion here ) If there would be a war in Iraq, why not just CarpetClusterBomb Baghdad? Thats what would be happening if there was a war. There is NO war. I wouldnt be surprised if this whole Iraq thing is just a equipment test being in coordination with various other aspects of USA's Strategic agenda. Now I dont want to hurt any1 here, especially not US citizens or Military personel, this is just my opinion about the ones in the USA that are holding the strings. Perhaps I'm wrong. I even forgot my point here :S AH, there it is. If you want the least possible casualties among your own troops; Build a BIG wall, patrol only with Abrams Tanks, Shoot a canister shell at any thing that moves, etc etc. If u just want to drive safely through a dangerous place without having to burn it down, an MRAP will do better then a Humvee. So, after all, i dont agree with BigDuke, partially atleast. Now where is that bottle o' wine ??? :S
  15. That is a Real Life (how unkown it might be to some of us ) situation. What Steve argues is that the visibility system isn't build upon those situations. It isnt build for group spotting. To tune that down a bit; Mr. Redwolf walks in a forest. Right in front of him, @25,4 meters, is a tree. 0,7 meters to the right is another tree. Luckily for Mr. Redwolf his eyes allow him to spot both trees at the same time. As I understand CMSF spotting processes make it so that any given unit has to spot any other given unit one for one. That might even produce results that unit X can spot unit Y, while unit Z is partially blocking view to unit Y. Still, unit X only spots unit Y but can't spot unit Z. In Real Life offcourse this wouldn't be possible. But there are a range of factors why it is possible ingame. Perhaps it SHOULDN'T be possible. But hey, there are more things in that category. AI 'eyes' dont operate like our ones. Hopefully in the future group spotting can be implemented in the game; or at least all spotting routines will be refined over time so they will produce more life like results. I'm afraid that we will never have Real Life alike spotting in any game (that is excluding CM SupaComputah which Charles and Steve are working on for me every hour they're not trying to convince you of their lies). Since 1.06 im quite happy with spotting. I did have some strange things, like in my example above, one of my RPG squads couldnt see tank 1 that was actually blocking LOF to tank 2. They did see tank 2 and fired on it, but instead kept hitting tank 1. Actually, only tank 1 was at a disadvantage there, since it got blown to pieces before tank 3 shot up my RPG team. I'll never find out if my team would have spotted tank 1 or tank 3 first. But; who cares PS Redwolf, no personal offense
  16. Could be an overheated Videocard. Graphical artifacts should be related to your VideoCard not working right. Did you overclock your videocard? Try resetting it to factory settings, installing new drivers, updating direct X, etc. If that dont work, since you have plenty of spare time, you could try disconnecting * from the mobo, make sure everything is dust free and reconnect. Format HD and see what happens then. If its still FU, well, u might buy new video card. Those oldies are for sale for a few bucks now, so even on a tight budget you might be able to get 1. Anything so you can continue your excellent Sound Mod I was wondering if it would be possible to mod the sound of the A10 Thunderbolt gun strafing. Should sound something like in this movie of dutch and afghan troops: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=D1SDvPVxhic Love that sound
  17. I actually like ToW pretty much. Nuttin' above having your british A34 comet manually loading up that APDS shell, rollin over a hill and putting it straight into the side of a poor panther, before rolling back (In MultiPlayer). Playing multiplayer can be quite cumbersome to getting started properly, but if it works, i think its a quite realistic and very good looking game. Maps are bit smallish though, but you cant have all ofc. There has been a "Uber patch" recently and they updated the demo. A $ free and Starforce free one . And Oh, the BF.C version which i hold doesnt have starforce protection either.
  18. Think I had this in a pbem game playing in 1.05. They even were still adjusting while empty Must say that I did a abusing amount of adjustments though... Think i have a save of it, if any1 interested.
  19. Same here about the campaign. Didnt get further then the 1st mission. Most of the troops seem to be in good places, about 20-30% are looking for their gold watches. Even with the men in weird places, it plays way better as 1.05 More action, its easier to believe and its easier to get it done. I actually handled much quicker as a result. Good Work! Finally everyone seems to enjoy it
  20. Thanks for your kind advice Actually its just that i cant be bothered to disconnect the DVDrom & CRDW IDE's etc to make my cable's free and switch hd's and ................. u get it The problem here is being lazy (read: enjoying some maroccan mud in the company of nice red wine) and being Dutch; we like to complain. As a matter of fact, I might be interested in your services. What would your rate be for coming over and replacing * during my well deserved nightrest? EDIT: </offTopic> To come to 1.06: - Instead of making things slower, everything seems smoother and 'texture replacing' doesnt seem to happen anymore. I get a very decent frame rate even in larger missions. Everything @max with 4xAA and 16xAnisotropic F. using my oldish xeon 2.66 / 1GB DDR / 7800GS. - AI seems to be much better. Cant really explain yet, but they're harder to kill. Enemy inf. in trenches are a force to be reckoned with. The first training mission gave me 3 wounded & 1 lost stryker. Rest of training missions have some problems due to the new Stryker AI (popping smoke and reversing). That feature must be a charm in scenarios though. Overall pleased till now. Too early too say more. [ February 05, 2008, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: Lethaface ]
  21. KK I get it Actually still waiting for copy to complete . ExtHd slow as ****. My usb ports are a bit freaky and sometimes convert back to USB 1.0 spontaneously. They give electric shocks too Worst thing its actually an IDE connector housing so I could move my new 160GB hd directly in box and the old 40GB out. Since its not my system disk, the only problem it causes is copying 38,5 GB of data trough USB 1.0. Nice pile of dust on that new drive though... "10 seconds remaining, yeah right". :mad: Anyways..(this bull crap helps me through the wait), thanks for the info! Edit: Ah, you give me the excellent idea of implementing mods and still be able to play the game vanilla, without the cumbersome copy pasting going on! Having BFC SE version so it has to work
  22. Remove the ). from the link or just go directly to http://www.cmmods.com
  23. @Othermeans: Thanks for your suggestion. With '1.05 Directory' I assume you mean the whole CSMF directory? Doin that now, and installing 1.06. Cheers!
  24. Unfortunately I have a PBEM game with 107 turns left Probably only can check the new patch after 107 days (which means 1.07) Any1 has any spare system to lend?
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