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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by devildog0514

  1. Originally posted by Capt. Toleran:

    Anyone else think the campaign missions are too hard? I keep hoping someone else will make some new missions already, because the ones in the campaign just kill me. How is a platoon of thin-armored tanks supposed to go up against 8 mutually supported guns, like in St. Lo or Dunkirk?

    Could someone post some screenshots showing their strategy? It might help win over some of the naysayers, and teach us (much like how in the CMBO forum, beta testers gave us all lessons in how to win) how to play this game right. I've been playing CMx1 forever, and damned if I can make any traction more than 3 missions into any campaign.

    Other than that, I pretty much like the game. Modeling is good, we are just missing smoke (which would be really helpful in the maps mentioned above) and real cover. And yeah, the maps are a little boring :( It would be nice to be able to put a MG in the 2nd floor of a building instead of the backyard (with no LOS).

    Dunkirk was easy for me, You just got to have the right strategy. Sacrifice 2 of your infantry squads to assault the enemy AT guns sitting ontop the hill. Capture 2 of em if you can, turn them on the other AT gun knock it out and use it against the other tanks sitting ontop the hill. Re- Man then when your crew gets killed. I finished the mission without losing a single tank are Hard. I lost most of my infantry.. But hey thats that sacrifice you have to make..

    You wanna try a hard mission, try the 6th mission on the soviet campaign.. Strong at Heart I believe...

    I cant beat that mission at all..

  2. Originally posted by Bad:

    lol, so i have to turn off music, and chnage my monitor resolution ( cant put game so high, 2 low fps) to play the game?

    its BUll****, game is unplayable....wtf is this

    First of all it depends on your system. But why are you posting in here about getting your money back?

    Shouldnt you be taking that up with battlefront? Most people in here love the game including myself, and you can just imagine the type of response your gonna get from this thread. It does say "All Sales are Final" when you order, That must be a hint...

    That being said, If you dont like the game. Sell it, throw it away, do whatever you please with it. Dont take up space on the forums about bla bla bla having your money back and stuff. Cause then all of us have to sift through this BS to find threads we all can discuss about the game.

  3. Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

    Most army personal are told to get well clear of APCs on the off chance **** hits the fan. An APC will turn you into red blubber while it tries to make a run for it.

    Im not sure I see any logic in that post... No offense.

    I sure as hell wouldnt crawl away from a APC driving down the road and even If soldiers are underfire The APC and Tanks gives great Cover.

  4. OMG! It works now for some reason,The Mission editor doesnt give me the "Wrong Version" anymore. Just out of the clear blue sky..

    I didnt do anything special and this has got to be the weirdest thing to happen to me..

    Here is what happend..

    I was messing around with my computer. My Specs are

    AMD Athlon 64 3800+

    Geforce 7600 GT

    1 Gig of Ram

    XP home.

    I overclocked some parts of my system.. Not because I was getting bad performance but just to get better framerates with other games I play, Like Armed Assault.

    After Restarting my computer about 30 times to get things right, I increased my PCI-E bus speed and my Refrence Clock speed on my motherboard, I clicked on the mission editor and it works now..

    I have no dam clue how that worked. I do not advise anybody do it.

    I think I just got lucky.

  5. Originally posted by pad152:

    "At guns kill Infantry very efficiently" Huh!

    In mission 4 of the demo my one sniper kills the 3 AT Guns and 30 Infantry, I though I was playing SHOWII!

    Please do not make that statement until you played the full game!

    You will see what I mean if and when you buy the game.

  6. In my opinion it seems that Tanks kill At guns quite efficiently and At guns kill Infantry very efficiently.

    It should be vice versa..

    Tanks always kill my At guns, sometimes on their first shot from across the map. I end up having to re-man the AT gun constantly.

    Ingame its a very Viable and Effective Strategy to go AT hunting with Tanks and not Infantry. Cause At guns with their HE rounds cut down infantry like mad.

  7. Not sure if it would do any good to flank it. Its got 80mm Rear and Side Armour. I have a Mix of T34 model 41's and 43's. The 43's have a chance to take it out using APCR's rounds. The 41s dont have that option. Only Allowing 80mm Max Penetration. And even then you have to be less the 100 Meters away from the tank.

    Sooo my question is.. How do you take em out? I doubt if Inf with Anti Tank Nades can take em out.

  8. I cant find a way to win on the 7th Battle on the Soviet Campaign called "Strong At Heart".

    You can destroy the First Wave pretty easily. But then these tanks with God like Armour comes on the field.. Of course, Im talking about German Ferdinand's. 200mm of Frontal Armour. I could handle if its just 1 of em, but its 2 or 3. Along with 2 or 3 Brummbars in the second wave.

    The A.I Seems to be smart in this case. Holding back the Ferdinands at long range just shootin at my tanks and at guns. Nothing can penetrate its front armour. Track Shots dont even seem to work. While it sits there and picks of my At guns one by one by one.

    Kills all my at guns, Starts to pick off my T34s. I get Frustrated and try to break cover sending one T34 strait at the thing, and two driving like mad to the flanks. 1 shots the T34 coming strait at it, and easily kills the ones trying to flank.

    After the 2nd wave I get my 3rd set of Reinforcement's 2 T34s and 3 SPG's... Cant remember what type. 30 sec after that the Germans get their 3rd wave consisting of 3 Tigers..

    Tigers and the Ferdinands kock out the Rest of my Tanks and SPG's and my inf are left help less.

    Has anybody beaten this battle? And How did you do it?

  9. Thats weird...

    Iv got a

    XP Home

    AMD Athlon 64 3800+

    1 gig of Ram

    Geforce 7600GT

    And Iv got no lag problems at all! And we almost have the same system.. Yours might be a little better in some cases.

    If your running vista, thats your problem. I once had vista on this machine and lost 75% performance on all applications. I eventually took it off and put XP back in.

  10. I find the demo mission hard on all levels. This is my first time playing the game, as with everyone. But dam... Dam is a good thing though.

    Russians just keep coming at ya. Knock out 10 tanks.. They come up with more. Mow down half their inf they come at you with more.

    Iv only been able to hold them across the Canal once.. Thats only cause I knocked out a tank when it was coming across the bridge thus blocking the way. But the inf stormed their way across.. Nothing I can do at that point. Arty pounds my inf to dust.

  11. It ran pretty smooth on my machine.. Cept at the later stage of the Mission when the russians started to mass human wave me it started to get a little slow... Not too much though. My specs. AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3800+ 1 gig of Ram, Geforce 7600GT. And this is with all graphics cranked to max..

    Overall, It runs pretty smooth on my system.

    Problem with the first posts specs are.. Your CPU is a little slow, and Second is you should never have 1.2gig of ram. Always have a even amount or ram in your machine or you actually lose performance.

  12. Its Awesome!

    Battles are highly detailed. Watchin Incoming Tank rounds ping of the Armour of the Panther is awesome. Then watchin the Panther turn its turret and fire back.. Boom Russian T34 went up in flames.

    Iv found the game to be hard.. But thats what makes it fun. Enemy Tanks try to flank.. Id say its safe to say that to play this game you need some sort of Knowledge of real world tactics..

  13. Originally posted by graetwulff:

    this is last time i Pre-Order form here, just one day before the game is to come out, i could have not Pre-Order and waited for the demo

    in good faith i Pre-Order to get the game before it was to came out.

    and just one day is not worth doing that good faith.

    they do have 2 more hours or so before i log for for the night.

    so we will see.

    I agree somewhat. Although Im not as mad as you. The right word would be Disapointed.. Expected the game to be out yesterday.. And surley thought it would be out today.

    If they were not gonna release the game before the 19th they shouldnt have said anything. I would have still pre-ordered either way though. But thats besides the point.

    Dont expect the game tonight, its already 10Pm on the East Coast. We can only hope tommorow.

    If not tommorow, I think we should get some news at the very least.

    Although a release tommorow is still bad... Because the people from Europe the Pre-Ordered the game.. It will already be the 19th for them.. The release date.

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