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Posts posted by [hirr]Leto

  1. I am hoping all this talk of "gamey" play is all tongue in cheek, because if I have to put up with a near infinite list of "tactics" that fall under the rubric of "gamey", and an inconsolable stream of whining, complaining and any other flatulent litanies of "realism mongers" I will find a way to use the steel box version of the game to commit hari kari.

    Are we to be so sensitive in the arena of war? Is not all fair?

    ; )

    Thanks to Bil and the Cappie for the AAR. Looking good but it seems to me that tweaking is still required.



  2. I'm a member of the Band of Brothers gaming club.


    We will be supporting CM:BN. You can find plenty of PBEM opponents there and the club runs lots of tournaments. To be accepted as a member requires you to finish a PBEM match against a sponsor. This is a good thing. It proves you have some commitment to the game. When I played PBEM matches against random people found on this website and others a significant fraction of my opponents would bail on me part way through the game. I don't think it was just me :) After joining the BoB my completion rate for games is nearly 100%.

    The club is a fun place despite the formal entry requirements. We play all sorts of tournaments from daft random QBs to those which are based on very high quality scenarios.

    We don't formally support CM:SF though because it is WW2 only. But a few BoB members play it and there is nothing stopping you arranging private games with them.

    That is actually the reason why WeBoB asks for someone to sponsor you... as it helps ensures that people who are there to play will not abandon games and will have a certain "attitude" towards competitive gameplay.

    Best way to do this is to find a WeBoB member and take them on as an opponent... most likely the opponent will then sponsor you to the club.



  3. My apologies if this has already been asked and answered.

    But I do not know if the Canucks will be in the Commonwealth module number 1 or it will just be British forces. As Canadian forces were highly prominent in many of the engagements against the SS, I am hoping that they will be.

    Also, any chance we will get Polish Paratroopers in Module 2: A Module too Far?? Err... Bridge Too Far?

    Gene Hackman plays the best character in that movie and I want to unleash the Poles on those kinky Germans...



  4. I think it would be very interesting to see a DAR between a beta tester who has been playing CMBN for awhile now, and a CMx1 player who has not yet seen the game. It would be quite edifying for the CM crowd who has not played much CMSF due to lack of interest but may be returning for CMBN. It would highlight some of the major changes, impediments, and perhaps the major barriers/disadvantages that old CMx1 players may face and provide them with a good overview of what to expect.

    Of course we will expect the newbie to CMBN to be crushed, but I think it would be highly entertaining and informative to see this play out with the Newbie narratively and graphically battling with the challenges of the new game engine and an experienced beta opponent.

    I would like to nominate a few of my We Band of Brothers er brothers to be the proverbial guinea pig here (but not me, too busy, in case you think this was a cheap plug to try and get a free copy and preview of the game before the rest of you wankers).

    : )



  5. Satchel charge breach of walls... Perhaps the one feature I think that will be extremely useful and make for a slough of new tactics in CMN...

    I suspect it will be extremely handy when running into a Norman castle garrisoned by snooty, name calling, giggling french knights from the 16th century who wish nothing more than to waff at you from their high up well defended parapets.



  6. Hey Elvis,

    Long time reader, first time poster...

    Can you tell me if there is any method for determining how close you are to a victory level?

    Is there anything that is analagous to the % clock in CMx1? Or is the system for determining your victory points much like goat cheese (you don't know until you bite into it if you like it, and by then it may be too late)?

    Thanks for doing this, very informative, and everything looks good... can't wait to try the demo...

    P.S., you need more fart jokes. A true CM DAR requires fart jokes.



  7. One last CM Tourney

    The Diverse Tourney Announcement!

    Three rounds of CMBB & One of CMAK (non-historical).

    I have a series of diverse scenarios (hence the name) ready & play-tested for your Tourney playing enjoyment. It's a chance for everyone to get real bragging rights over each other besides on the forum. There should be something for everyone to enjoy.

    All are played on "mirrored" maps: more or less. with differences created for playing fun. You will be attacking & defending in each scenario with "diverse" units already selected for the map & mission. They are set up so that bullets will start flying on Turn 1 and never stop. These were made to be fun and not historical recreations...


    1. If you can't finish a scenario (or know you are doomed) let your opponent know & "ceasefire" the game don't just disappear like a complete jerk.

    2. If you know you won't be able to finish a scenario in the time allotted- don't sign up for it like a complete jerk!


    Total vic = 15

    Major vic = 13

    Tactical vic = 11

    Minor vic = 9

    DRAW = 7

    Min loss = 5

    Tac loss = 3

    Maj loss = 1

    Tot loss = 0

    (If you don't report your victory or finish on time you don't get a score- if your opponent is being a jerk we'll address that then)

    All forces have already been selected for the specific map requirements.

    Round 1 will start in August or as soon as we can & end 2 months later. (Small scenario)

    Round 2 will start 1 month after Round 1 starts and end 2 months later. (Tiny Scenario)

    Rounds 3 & 4 we'll see about in a few months, but should last 3 months each. (Large scenarios)

    ROUND 1

    Title: KM-Diverse Tourney Round 1 “Control the Villages” (CMBB)

    Type: Meeting Engagement with attack and defend.

    Date: October 1942

    Location: Another obscure place along the Eastern Front.

    Region: Combined

    Terrain: Rural

    Weather: Dry, Cool, Clear, Midday.

    Wind: Breeze

    Turns: 25+

    Size: Small (1300 x 1700)

    Points: 2050 (1500 Offense Force and 550 Defense Force)

    Designed for: PBEM only

    Designer: Palantir

    Notes: Each force, defensive & offensive has its own setup area.

    Situation: Battalion sized forces clash along a lonely road connecting 3 small unpopulated villages. The area has been quite for nearly a week which means a good training ground for some newly appointed battalion commanders. Orders: move your formation forward and secure the vicinity before the enemy can do likewise.

    ROUND 2

    Title: KM-Diverse Tourney Round 2 “Capture the City” (CMBB)

    Type: Meeting Engagement with attack and defend.

    Date: July 1942

    Location: Another obscure place along the Eastern Front.

    Region: South

    Terrain: Urban

    Weather: Dry, Cool, Clear, Midday.

    Wind: Calm

    Turns: 25+

    Size: Tiny (400 x 800)

    Points: 760 (550 Offensive and 200 defensive +10 Fortification points)

    Designed for: PBEM only

    Designer: Palantir

    Notes: Each force, defensive & offensive has its own setup area.

    Situation: As the war reaches untouched areas units from both sides endeavor to control critical locations within Diverski. Your augmented company rushes to seize key positions in a small city.

    ROUND 3

    Title: KM-Diverse Tourney Round 3 “Escort the Tea” (CMBB)

    Type: Meeting Engagement with attack and defend.

    Date: March 1943

    Location: Another obscure place along the Eastern Front.

    Region: Combined

    Terrain: Rural

    Weather: Dry, Cool, Clear, Midday.

    Wind: Breeze

    Turns: 35

    Size: Large (1440 x 1200)

    Points: 1800 (1400 Escort Force and 400 Defense Force)

    Designed for: PBEM only

    Designer: Palantir

    Notes: Each force, defensive & offensive has its own setup area.

    Situation: Another day of chaos on the eastern front as enemy scout forces have penetrated the front lines near "Noborgski," cutting off all roads leading to Army Headquarters.

    Orders: You are to take immediate command of all friendly forces in the area and regain control of the situation: including seeing that the Supply Convoy carrying the tea, ("Earl Grey" - hot) make it safely through this neutral zone.

    Note- the terrain in this one has been funneled into a corridor shape specifically to create heightened combat action...

    ROUND 4

    Title: KM-Diverse Tourney Round 4 “Battle in the Rampa Valley” (CMAK)

    Type: Meeting Engagement with attack and defend.

    Date: October 1944

    Location: Italy- a mountain valley south of Bologna.

    Region: Combined

    Terrain: Rural/Urban

    Weather: Dry, Warm, Clear, Midday.

    Wind: Breeze

    Turns: 45

    Size: Large (2480 x 1840)

    Points: @ 9100 Ax 9500 Al TOTAL (Offense Force and Defense Force)

    Designed for: PBEM only

    Designer: Palantir

    Notes: Each force, defensive & offensive has its own setup area.


    A recent push by infantry from both armies in the Italian mountains has lead to a stalemate with opposing forces battling some 40km south of Bologna over the city of Lagaro in the Rampa Valley along a key highway, #325. The only way to break the deadlock and gain control of the vital route is with another Infantry offensive through the valley, this time supported by armor.

    Just sound off below if you are interested in playing, if we get enough players a seperate thread will start for each round & signups for sides will begin on a first come basis.

    PM me so that I can send you details for where to sign up.



  8. So you are admitting that the only reason you are here is to troll and start fights?

    It doesn't matter what I say, as it appears there are a few out there that have their own pre-concieved notions.

    But for those who care to listen, an honest response to the question (as extrapolated and subjectivized by the insertion of an obvious agenda by the poster):


    Looking at it from a historic context, PT has taken to responding to my posts in strong opposition to some of my viewpoints about CMSF, while ignoring others (I am looking forward to CMN). Obviously (or maybe not), this was sarcasm meant to respond to that pattern.

    I'm all for closing down this thread as it appears nobody wants to to really discuss the question raised in the first post without agenda's being constantly injected and especially in my case, projected.

    For what it's worth, I feel the entire last page or so is terminally tragic, including my own unfortunate part in it, and I would rather it not be tortured and twisted any further for the sake of those who would rather not witness the inevitable "packing on" and hissing that is consistent with the practice of some posters here.

    But if your sensibilities demand that you must: have at it.



  9. Hirr Leto

    I have taken some time to consider your earlier post. This is not a matter of me conveying my contempt towards someone who does not share my views. This is a matter of you posting your long-winded and intellectually pretentious farts on these boards with the intention of pissing off the folks who do enjoy playing it and then scurrying back off to wherever it is that you skulk to congratulate yourself on a job well done.

    That some wargamers are capable of enjoying this game while you can't offends your world view and not mine so stop trying to portray me as the unreasonable one. It is very sad that you are unable to desist from taking these shots two years+ after the game was released and that really should alert you to the fact that there is something irrational about your nature. Not only do you take a perverse pleasure in finding ways to belittle CMSF fans on these boards while making yourself appear superior to us in the process, you actually care enough about CMSF to crusade to keep it off the wargame communities that you frequent. These are not the actions of someone who is interested in participating in discussions about a game on the designer's boards but rather those of someone who takes that game far too seriously.

    In conclusion, I consider you to be an unbalanced individual who may be even be potentially dangerous to continue interacting with. Since you are clearly too obsessed with CMSF to move on I have taken the step of ignoring you so that I don't have to interact with you further and you are not coming off that list.


    You have continually pursued my posts in a subtle but vindictive manner from day 1 while I have dealt with your crap with light humor and a good dose of apathy. But your latest post is downright malicious and one of the most shameful reactions I have seen anywhere on the web.

    I want CMN to be successful, will continue to keep lobbying for what I would like in the game and yes, I will even make an "absurd" comment in a thread that has the specific purpose of asking the question: "why I can't get into the game", by trying to respond with my own opinion from my own perspective in regard to the nexus of wargaming and realism.

    Your bullying nor your attempts to cast me in your own self concocted bad light will assuage me from stating my opinions or enjoying BFC products.


  10. Hirr Leto

    Seriously mate, you really need to listen to this. It's just a game. It's a hobby. You don't like it. Oh No! Who cares? It's time to put it all behind you and move on. There really have to be more important things for you to do in your life than waste your gifts fretting about a game you don't like or the people that do, aren't there?

    TBH, the one reason I post here now is because it obviously makes you so damn fretty. Perhaps you can enjoy your game without prickling about those who do not in the same vein that you approached me with such sage advice.

    If there was a second, I suppose it would be my holding out for CM Normandy to be more like CMx1 in terms of fun, regardless of the engine.

    Although reason one is much more enjoyable, I think there is validity attached to number 2, and thus your advice to move on is both misplaced and utterly contemptuous in terms of the conveyance of your attitude towards those who may not completely agree with your own worldviews.

    This board is for conversation about the Combat Mission games, and whether you like CMSF or not, CMx1 and CMx2, for better or worse, will always be interrelated with respect to that conversation, especially in terms of moving forward to new games.




  11. This is really more evidence that CMSF and CMx2 is NOT a wargame. It is a simulation. I really think there is a difference here, being a wargamer all my life.

    For one, I never really got into any kind of sims, I was a strategy guy.

    Two, I am not saying that CMx2 is not a wargame in a pejorative way. It is, what it is. For you guys that love it: good for you.

    Three, I think that you can use strategy, but that the realism of it will never make it a competitive type of wargame with "balance issues" well meted out. All the guys here that have been playing CMSF for up to three years of their life, well, they have played it enough to gain experience in it. A lot of what I heard has suggested that it is like any type of expert script: recursivity, time, dedication, and focus. That being said, for those who don't have the time to learn it, it can be played as a twitch fest... for those that do, you've become emboldened and bitter gurus of a game that only a few can come close to claiming they are good at, but can never master because of the pure fuzzyness of realism. For those die hard gamers that want rules, probabilities and pure tactical game play, not pure realistic game play, this game is not for you.

    Four, there is no doubt that CMx2 is more complex, does more things and is infintely 'better' in terms of advancement. That does not necessarily make it more fun (for some). You have to have commitment (beta testers), interest in the era (modern military afficianados), or not have any hopes of ever attracting a girl and thus have the spare time to play this game all the time to learn it.

    Steve has been saying all along that it is different. Right. It isn't a wargame where CMx1 was a wargame. We can get into the semantics of it all and state something like: "its a sim of modern warfare", but plain and simple, for those of us who have tried and not liked CMSF for whatever reasons, I think that translation from wargame to sim is the nebulous fairy dust that Dave Chapuis is talking about.

    Is CMx2 better? That's subjective. Is it different than CMx1: yes. That is not subjective.

    Inbetween all that lies the rub.

    The game CMx1 is still loved and played by many, and BFC should be proud of it. CMx2 is something different, and if you treat it that way, you will be at least ok with it. how long it stays on your hard drive and how many hours of enjoyment you get out of it is the only standard individual measurement that is important.

    There is no modern version of X-com. There is no modern version of MOO2. There is and will not be a modern version of CMx1. It is a species that will be extinct one day, but we will harbour it for as long as possible.

    And if those who played CM1 pick up CMx2 and play it, bravo and good for you.

    But unless you are one of the three above categories: the pixie dust and magic will never be there for you. It's just that easy Dave.



  12. Are you plotting at level 6 to check movement paths are OK. ?

    Are you accounting for the qualities of the crews reaction times?

    Have you got the icons on proper size as having enlarged so you can see them will make your plotting more imprecise and iffy.

    Do you account for slowing for sharp turns with increased spacing?

    Do you plot multiple way-points on bends so they do not drop speed?

    After all that it is still a complete nightmare anyway but at least you will have done your best : ) If you are keen you might play with a couple of halftracks and see what difference being very exact makes in distance/time to see if it is really worth the effort in your time.

    The movement is flawed - most particulalrly in there is no follow my leader order, or, please drive along the road.!!!! What were BF thinking of?

    Now wouldn't it be cool if you could pick a vehicle, bring up your task bar, pick a movement order, set your waypoints and then pick your second vehicles, use the 'follow' movement order, and have the second vehicle follow the first on an identical waypoint set of orders as vehicle (2) in a convoy, only by having to click the movement order onto the lead vehicle (sort of like embarking), the third vehicle clicked to follow would be (3) and the next (4) and so on, and then you would never have this problem and the time to make movements would be so much shorter.

    I'd pay a million dollars for that ability.



  13. With the logic that I have seen argued thus far, perhaps we should just generalize and state the following: "anyone who beats JasonC is a cheater".


    For one, I am mildly offended (but moreover, greatly amused) that someone might be labeled a cheat (even if it is just the esteemed mind of one person in this thread) by simply having a gun LOS line with a kink in it within 15 meters.

    I for one do not think that is a very objective or empirical way of deducing someone's honesty. I didn't know there was a "bug" before I read this thread, and have been using defilade positions for infantry, tanks, and GUNS since when I first began to crawl at this game, specifically due to my robust knowledge of military tactics.

    Now I am by default, a cheater.

    Better that, than be labeled an opionated arse.

    (Rubble rubble rubble... What's that? Oh really. Fooey.)

    I've been informed that I already have been labeled as an opinionated arse.


    Carry on.



  14. Thanks for the update WineCape :D

    however, that I have already hinted that we're considering a Module containing oddball stuff. We are still considering it :D

    And don't forget that just because the Module might say "Arnhem" doesn't mean that you can't do anything other than that. You can do Schledt, for example, or the early battles of the Lorraine Campaign. There's a ton of different things to cover from June through September that the game will support.


    Me rikey very much what I hear! You da man Steve... we oddballs appreciate the focus on oddball stuff...

    You are making this very hard for me to look past the 1:1 modeling and other new peculiarities about the game that take some time getting used to... but it is growing on me.. slow but sure.



  15. Just an amendment to my previous post: I do not advise that you stop posting here compehensively. Just with respect to voicing your opinions about CMSF. There are a lot of great people that still come here to post about CMx1 and I encourage you to continue down that vein if you are so inclined.

    I also agree that you have not done anything uncalled for outside of voicing your displeasure with the game that seems to bring out the gremlins: both for and against the new CM2 engines general desirability and direction.



  16. *I* am being ggressive and uncalled for? But the ad hominem attack was on me! I believe I have focussed cogently on the differences between CMx1 and x2 as experienced by the game player.

    My rational argument (in the sense of "discussion" and not as some will interpret it: "quarrel") did not deserve some scurrilous attempt to attack my integrity, and for that attack to go unmarked or unrebuked by 'admin' .

    Well, that's fine - you have to protect your own, and I suppose I shouldn't expect anything else.

    Don't feel bad. Anyone who speaks out about not liking CMSF on these boards is usually set upon by people who do like it. I would advise that you do not continue posting here.

    Feel free to email me and I will point you to several other wargaming clubs that specialize in CMBB (and all other CMx1 games). You can express your opinions freely at these clubs.



  17. Still play CMBB and CMAK, but admittedly, like some of the advances made in CMSF. Unfortunately, I feel that those advances came with costs, and CMx1 is still the better wargame.

    CMN will hopefully backtrack enough to what made BFC great and deliver unto us something that we can play for the next 10 years (albeit at 40 dollars a pop for a new module every year or so).



  18. Okay, but what about bunkers on bridges? If we cannot have bunkers on bridges, then I think this game will be fatally flawed.

    If you have bunkers on bridges planned, then I will just wait for the next bone to find something that is fatally flawed and that will doom the game to oblivion that is grog hell!!!

    : )



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