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Posts posted by dickesKind

  1. Anyone here should try to avoid Carrel and Agte. Their reputation is ... not that good in Germany.

    As a child of the '60s and '70s, I got used to seeing good new WWII soldier memoirs emerge every so often. Now it saddens me to realize that (1.) I've already read most of the good ones listed so far, and (2.) Pretty soon there aren't going to be any new ones because WWII soldiers will all have passed away. I envy those of you who are still to discover some of these thrilling reads!

    Be sure, that there are some more to come!

  2. My bad, I was under the impression that only KIA and MIA counted towards points totals.

    With no incentive to provide buddy aid(besides weapon scavenging), what's the point of all that coding?

    Maybe this just simulates the behavior of a squad on the battlefield. A small and familiar group of persons ( a Band of Brothers :D ) would not left someone of their own bleeding and screaming. In this case BA adds something realistic and I think I like it.

    But I also think it should be rewarded a little bit more by the game, if I leave a squad for a turn to care about the wounded; reward me for not beeing a emotionless commander.

  3. Hello everybody!

    After a while I returned to CMBB playing some great games with a friend.

    But last game was a bit frustrating for me.

    QB in June 1942, middle. 3000pts. meeting engagement.

    I (Ger) bought 6 StuG/F 50mm knowing that I will have to handle a massive armored force of 15 T34. I was confident in the power of my StuGs if used in a correct way.

    So right in the first round a platoon of my StuGs had visual contact with 2 T34 Mod.42 over a distance of 1200 m. After a short firefight two of my StuGs went up in flames, while the third had its gun damaged, taking out only one of the two T34 and a lot of own shells missing their target.

    Ok, frustrating, but it was just bad luck I thougt.

    A few minutes later. my second platoon had a platoon of T34 coming in their sight. Before the first shot was fire the three T34 had a visual too with my StuGs. A firefight started, with a result of one T34 in flames and three abandoned StuGs. The distance was about 300-400 meters. My StuGs had fired about 10 shots, with only 3! hits.

    So whats up with those StuGs in CMBB?

    Best optics, great gun. But they aimed like a poor infantry gun and the T34 hit with 90% of their shots.

    Was this whole game just bad luck, or are StuGs really that poor in CMBB?

    I mean the Sturmartillerie was an elite troop with an great rate of loss:kills.

    Veterans told me that they where even selfconfident facing the enemy with a rate of 1:4.


    PS: Also had an 88mm recoiling from a T34 turret at 300m :(

  4. Hello everybody,

    one thing that came back to my mind when I just read a book about the "Sturmartillerie" is the amount shells a StuGIII carrys in CMBB.

    Its always about 40 shells.

    But in the literature and in talking with veterans it is said, that the StuG-crews always threw out the racks for the shells and were now able to store about 100 to 120 shells.

    This is definitive not a single case but a common proceeding and well know.

    Why do you think is this not simulated in CMBB?


  5. Hello everybody,

    In my game I experienced something strange. One of my StuGs bogged and was not able to get free for about three rounds. But suddenly it was free and rolled forward...but nearly all its ammo was gone!?!

    It had about 30 grenades before bogging but after it broke free it only had only 6 grenades left.

    So what happened? Did the crew unload ammo to reduce its weight? Or just a bug?


  6. Hello everybody,

    thanks for your answers!

    To have make two things clear:

    1. Its not always the same map. Only the quick battle settings are the same

    2. Its not that my opponent had chosen these settings to give himself some good "conditions".

    Its that we looked for a realistic "summer '42" scenario and took these settings. After he whiped me off from the map a few times its not the case that I am insisting on playing these settings, because I just want to fight a way to beat him and his tactic.

    You all posted some very interesting tactics. But as I see now there seems to be no standard tactic against KVs on open ground.

    The main problem with these scenario setting is, that all the enemy tanks can cover each other. It is no possible to isolate one of them and take him out.

    Tank hunter teams are normaly deadly against KVs. But where to hide them on open ground and bring them next to the tanks? I real problem is, that in an attack scenario every unit gets a fox hole. These holes are easy to be seen. So you would have to get out of these holes with you tank hunters at the beginning.

    But I think I can create a mix of your hints, that could perform better then anything I tried until now. I’ll let you know :D


  7. Hello everybody,

    The last few games of CM:BB against a friend where a very frustrating experience for me.

    The scenario:

    - Quick battle

    - allied attack

    - 1000 points

    - July 1942

    - southern Front

    - normal rarity

    - farm land, with my small hills and little vegetation

    What happens now is, that he enters the battlefield with six KV1, about 4-6 T60, sometimes one, two 76mm field guns and infantry not realy worth to mention.

    What happens now is nearly always the same. His light tanks as scouts, advance under the eyes of the securing KV1, revealing my hidden trenches and fox holes, which the KVs take instantly under fire with there guns. After 2-3 rounds the troops are in panic or broken, running away and he "takes care" of the next trench. While this happens, his infantry andvances.

    So my problems are that I cannot take out his scouts whithout uncovering the positions of my AT guns, or my tanks/assault guns. If I do this, they are instantly dead, killed by those KVs (dammit, I was always under the impression that they are not able to fire accurate over longer distances). I could spend some money in cheaper AT guns, like those PaK 36. Ok, so I would be able to take out one, maybe two scout tanks under the sure loss of these guns. But now I face the next problem: What to do with those KVs? 88mm? To expensive. StuGs? No chance on these distances (always about 600-700 meters). Same with 76mm PaK or PaK 40. For a kill they need to be in a range under 500 meters. And even then the kill is not sure.

    So what can I do? I have nothing to take him out, but he can kill everything I can bring on the battlefield.

    Has anyone ideas or a hint? Or do I just have to accept this?

    I am sure, on any other terrain, with more woods and hills, my chances would be better. But this scenario realy makes me cry :(tongue.gif


    PS: What would just happen to me if I would meet KVs in 1941 :eek:

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