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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by General_solomon

  1. thanks for the map. I'll let you know how it turns out.
  2. Mishga: your hard work is appreciated. you need to have an artistic flare to be a good map maker.
  3. John: its been a pleasure the smaller battles. This would not have been possible with 1.04. there is no way i would allow my infantry out the strykers.
  4. Mishga: thank you for the effort. please create them. I believe alot of are waiting to really test 1.04. on its Infantry tactics. perhaps my fellow players who are well versed can give BF ideas to better the game.
  5. I am having so much fun after 1.04. I used to hate using infantry because they would usually get killed for waiting too long after dismounting or wait after a waypoint change. Now its awesome. I tell my squad to dismout and enter a building it takes less than 20 seconds. before it would be at least 1 min. and then most of the time half my men would die. I just hope BF continues to tweak the TACAI and add new feature such as stacking and corner peaks. As another player said before, now we can really us our infantry tactics. so, I ask the scenario masters to build us infantry battles. tanks and strykers are good but I crave Infantry battles. thanks.
  6. Steve: I think you should consider add for the next patch what alibaba has mentioned. It would be awesome to have the troops line of on corners.
  7. cpl: alwasy a pleasure reading you tutorials. now that we have real game with 1.04. please give us your down and dirty infantry tactics tutorial.
  8. I appreciate all your hard work. 1.04 was well worth the wait. please continue to keep tweaking this awesome game. Infantry reponse time/tacai getting better all the time.
  9. thanks a bunch. nice work mark. I cant for the weekend to play with 1.04.
  10. I just replayed badado user scenerio again. BF nice job. Finally, squads are firing when they should and moving to places where they should. All we need is for units to peak at corners and I am in heaven. I am not sure about the other guys and gals, the game plays is a lot smoother. I am finally not scared to move my troops. keep up the good work.
  11. john: thanks for the scenerios. They are going to be alot better w/ 1.04.
  12. I was waiting for something like this. thanks a bunch. please give us more tutorials
  13. I finally beat the game on my forth try. I really hope BF fixes the response time of the infantry. It would take minutes for my squads to dismount and enter a building. the other side didnt give my guys time to finally make their minds to leave the middle of the damn street and enter a freakin building. I lost alot men this way. overall, great scenerio. Next time, please give us more infantry. bravo.
  14. if i could get one feature added to shock force, it would be movement controls like FSW. FSW and Shock Force are the only games i play. FSW would have had a longer shelf life if it included an editor like shockforce. That, i would have paid 200 dollars to use.
  15. very cool, can't wait to see the finished product.
  16. peter: please dont bake because the scenerio cannot be tweaked by players. I usually adjust the options to conscript/poor weapons.
  17. Ali baba that was funny. ) on serious note, fan is right. this game is awesome even with its flaws which BF is going to fix. I am not complaining because before release I used to complain about the release and how i would not mind playing even their beta version. I'd pay 55.00 for the editor alone. alibaba, I'm still laughing.
  18. I love this game. even with all its flaws. I challange anyone to find another like it in its genre. I Said this before, keep up the good work. I have not had so much fun in a long while. The Game editor is outstanding. most supporters would have lost interest without it. thanks, General_Solomon
  19. I wanted to extent my thanks to all the scenerio builders. I've had tons of fun. keep up the good work. I know how long it takes to build a good scenerio, still working on my own. General solomon
  20. Bird, thanks for the new settings. I'll try it out and let you know the outcome.
  21. ding, thanks for the map. I hope the map is not baked because i like only play with the lower lethality option. I use conscript / poor weapons options. I did some tests on other player created scenerios which brought down the lethality. The game became enjoyable again. the firefights lasted longer. anyway, thanks for the map.
  22. bird: can you bake another version of this map with the conscript and poor weapons option. I want to play both versions to test out my decreased lethality theory. thanks a bunch.
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