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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Freeboy

  1. I find your attitude and statements very refreshing. Thanks.. hope all works according to plan
  2. drool, only due to a great demo.. I did preorder before. I started thinking this was a ten, then the whole eletronic serial registration through me off, then I started looking at this again and said, ok.. now I am sitting all day playingthe demo and not my other stuff awaiting with childlike christmass glee... ok, christmass sucked as a kid for me, but you get my point. I can wait no worries and thanks for such a fine game!
  3. odd, mu infantry formation buttons seem accurate enough?
  4. Is this going to have a Bastogne scenario/campeign? Are there multiple Campeigns for each side, do we know what the campeigns are>? Will we be able to edit maps in the future?
  5. Non now leave George out of this, He and 99% of Congress choose to go to War in IRaq!.. in other news, whatch out for the Wedgie patrol.. coming to an internet provider near you.
  6. someone had a resolution on their monitor fix earlier.. just a thought to check your monitor and the game and see if they are good..
  7. ok are you talking aboutthe armor and grass graphics?? or jsut the men? I am confused, I think the tanks look pretty right on
  8. any news guys? editing would be a nice touch
  9. Two totaly seperate issues, One game going gold, Two game being set up on teh seervers and having the installers work, therse goofy little things can corrupt files, etc etc . so while a game my"technically"be gold, in reality the game is still having installers and other tweeking done, and tested etc.. SSOO I will be happy if they do not do a SEGA and say: "oops, sorry guys that you bought a Nov release of a bugged out MTW2, butthe second patch is screwed, wait a little longer" FYI I am pplayingthe leaked 1.2 patch and a mod and loving MTW2, just feeling burned by Sega.
  10. moon, that was me, worked ok after renaming the file and adding .exe.. very odd but demo installed and worked fine
  11. I am surprised you did not like the graghics I found the armor truly beatiful, the men due look like cartoons, but that matters little to me
  12. ok, I could not get the download to install, did your install. Fix is adding extension exe to file.. good luck
  13. ok, not on my cheap one, so I get a wheeeled clickable mouse and I am good to go, I have SO many mice now! need a cage, found some of my mice have clickable wheels, will wonders never cease! [ April 18, 2007, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Freeboy ]
  14. Is there music, in demo? I have it enabled in the options, running xp home on a fast sys ,relitively, with asus onboard compliant sound hard ware and drivers.. latest direct x
  15. ok, two button mouse with wheel, I guese I am out of luck!
  16. ok, add on to above comment, switched to using dual core, I guess my cpu made the new/old cut, runs great using both cores. thanks for a really amazing, so far, game.
  17. ok, I found the keyboard control, This is better than no rotate, Is there anyone who knows for certain if we can rotate just using a mouse? that qwould be nice, pain using keyboard
  18. Tons of hd memory cpu amd 64 fx 60 basic sound Video HIS ARCTIC3 turbo x1950pro 2 x 1 gig ram running on highest exceipt for screen resolution at 1200 x 1000 runs super smoth and VERY pretty, nice treat seeingthe mud and dirt getting kicked up by the tank treads
  19. ok, I am having difficulties getting my camara to rotate, I have read the manual, none of the keyboard keys, which I do not want to use, work, and the mose only goes on a left right up down forward backewark movement, not a rotate, which is a gamebreaker!
  20. ok, where is the cutoff between new and old dual cores? I m,ean, My New dual core is obsolete, but yesterday it was state of the art? amd 64fx 60?
  21. I was able to download fine but had to add the extension.. very odd All I can say after playing WWWAAAYY into the morning all nighter.. This is one pretty game.. VERY pretty.. ok now lets see how the ai works.. and my need for sleep. looks good guys!
  22. ok, Filefront opened and I realized I was downloading exactly the same file, but with the EXE added, for whatever reasong the dr deleated it, so I renamed the file adding the exe to it as an extention may want to check and see if it was just my sys or if all users will have this issue.. easy fix too thanks
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