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Posts posted by Sammy_Davis_Jnr

  1. Ahhhh Hofbauer are you being cheeky mate

    I never said i was a philospher tongue.gif

    Your not gonna follow me forever are you and hound me??

    Who is GAZ, stransky or rob/1 ?


    "My Luftwaffe is invincible...And so now we turn to England. How long will this one last - two, three weeks?"

    Hermann Goring - June 1940

  2. Hey GS_Wünsche

    I do understand what you are asking and i hope you find the answers you need.

    You might want to divide your questions up because you are asking questions from the topic of armour penetration to transfering troops to modding etc. It might help you to place those questions in the various topics rather then dump all your questions in a topic about called New ranges etc.

    Iam also sure that there are some people like hofbauer (not admin or developers) who have been posting and following the development before you and i got involved that could help you alot.


    "We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. War's are not won by evacuations."

    Winston Churchill - To Parliament - 4th June 1940

  3. Hey GS_Wünsche

    Having a close look at your questions i think you might be asking whether this game is going to be like SHOWW2 or FOW. The reasons i state this is because those games seem to have what your asking e.g Transfering troops or historical setups, Use of GS and modding.

    Maybe you reword your questions for the FOW compared topic.

    Iam too hoping that TOW considers some of the ideas from SHOWW2 or FOW and probably has since 1C is involved.

    But getting back to the topic of new ranges..well for multiplayer i was hoping the maps were bigger then 2kmx2km or even maps that truly varied in size so the use of different tanks with there ranges would come into affect.


    Today in history:

    1st September 1941

    German Jews ordered to wear yellow stars.

  4. I would disagree with OGSF in some ways about the game FOW. I also played the demo and did enjoy it.As for showw2 I think its a classic wargame that has indeed improved due to modding.

    Maybe you not use to RTS games and yes i do concede it can be arcadish (if thats a word) but i think turn based games are not realistic either.

    war happens in real time or simultaneously.

    At the End of the day this is a game and it will be gamey because its not real. In other words game will always be a game.

    Iam personally hoping it has a strong showw2 or fow feel about myself but that is my opinion.

    PS..I certainlty dont want a clone but maybe in the same vain as FOW. With a more tatical/strategic edge.


    The scale and grandeur of the Russian effort mark it as the greatest military achievement in all history. - General Douglas Macarthur, Supreme Allied Commander of South-West Pacific

  5. lol hofbaurer the start of the war was 1939 what year did russia come into it?

    Junior, could you please elaborate on that? How do you think, say, a PzKpfw II or PzKpfw III Ausf. D/E/F or a PzKpfw. IV Ausf. D/E were so much better than, say, a Somua S-35, amn early model T-34 or a KV-1 M1939 ?

    russia were not even at war with Germany in 1939 idiot !

    Iam very entertained :D

  6. @ Rune

    rune states:

    what is the use of a medic on the map or a radio operator when it does not enhance gameplay and the coding time can be spent elsewhere on something else? It is a combat game, not a medic game. Add something to gameplay that affects all sides, like vehicle smoke. A much better allotment of coding time.

    yes i understand what you are saying. But i think you are in the minority when comes to people just wanting a combat game. Alot of people here want a game that will be more encompassing.

    would medics or f/o improve gameplay? like i have stated many times I love my tanks and infantry..but i got a stack of games which just have tanks and infantry. It wouldnt hurt stepping outside the box just a little.

    yes we all know these things will not be included but is a damn shame we have another line them up and blast away combat game. It just becomes the same **** different smell.


    Last say on the matter


  7. @Tarquelne

    Yes you make some good points but i think you slightly mis-understood ..i didnt want radiomen for every nation, im not saying because the yanks had good success it should be like that for every country you could play. Yes the russians lacked that tech. What i was saying was that just because the yanks had FM radio and had alot more success with radio doesnt mean that you cant include it because it wouldnt seem fair..**** the niether is war.

    I do understand now how limited the scope of the game will be, and i can admit that, i thought it would a little more encompassing.Hopefully the developers get to access this type of info from everyone and understand that we want more then just tanks and infantry fighting on a map blasting away.

    Yes it does seem that most people want a game that really delivers on a tactical and some what strategic level. I believe it can be accomplished...now that is a wish.


    In politics, an absurdity is not a handicap. Napoleon Bonaparte

  8. ok...good point

    So you will never have to refuel tanks or vechilces in this game

    fuel is not an issue?

    Just to clarify a few things what are the distances covered in this game.

    I guess what im trying to say is how big are the maps..E.g 40km long ... 20km wide??? just asking.


    Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.

    Frank Zappa

  9. Just wondering if in this game different tanks will chew up fuel at the same rate.

    Also will different types of vechles have varied fuel tanks?

    I believe the tiger tanks would some-times tow fuel behind them.

    How does this game deal with those issues?


    The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one.

    Adolf Hitler

  10. Yes it seems to be a very topical question.

    I tend to agree with Urban shocker when he states

    It is pushing it to think that any grunt can jump in any tank and start chewing up the enemy with it. It seems more likely that they would open the hatch and throw a grenade in it.

    Urban shocker

    But i guess a compromise might be a tank crew are the only units to capture a tank and use it to some affect. Though i guess the more grey areas would be vechicles such as motorbikes, trucks and half tracks...i must say im not sure on how difficult they would have been to drive with no experience. My educated guess would be relatively easier due to the fact maybe you are not relying on a crew.

    I would like to see the ability for soldiers to be able use small arms fire that they may have picked up from the enemy..again im not sure if this was a practice that happened often or if at all.


    "The Bomb will never go off, and I speak as an expert in explosives."

    - Admiral William Daniel Leahy (advising President Truman on the U.S. atom bomb project, 1945)

  11. Yes campaign Mp would be a great step forward.

    I agree with ajj1912

    quote:I think the answer is that MP will be awesome eventually. I have noticed that a lot of us here (myself included) are rather johnny come lately(s) only registered this month.

    Very true some of us are on the forum at quite a late stage, and the chance of being able to have any influence is Zip.

    Maybe we could have an expansion pack that was designed for just MP. I understand there would be difficulties but i think it could be done. I believe and its just my opinion that most people would love a chance to play a game over a short campaign or even maybe a grand one.

    Hopefully this could be achievable in the very near future.

    The game has some excellent ideas, but i think it will die a slow death if MP is not considered more serious.


    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Albert Einstein

  12. Dear Hofbauer

    Your command of the English language is sublime

    Hofbauer Quotes

    no ****?

    geez did you stay up all night to write that down


    Maybe your right maybe we should dumb down everything in this game.

    I cant wait for you to articulate your views.

    You are a wordsmith without equal. ;)

    As for back pedalling on the issues on Radios..So what if the Russians were technological inferior to the germans and there allies..that means you cannot have them (radiomen).

    Guys all i see is Narrow mindness. Im offering options trying to convey that i want change a game that has:

    No Mortar

    No smoke

    Cant enter buildings

    Unrealistic Capturing of enemy tanks

    No F/O

    Im not sure if they have medics. I guess you guys would say hey why have themas well.

    When it comes down to it..all i read is no cant have it, oh thats silly, or geez thats not accurate.

    When you guys say why???? I say why not.

    Lets make this game great or push forward in thinking for other ww2 rts tactical or stratgey games.

    I Never said (radiomen) are the difference between winning and losing.

    Qoute: Radiomen lets bring that into combat plz. It was such a huge factor for artillery, airsrikes and re-inforcements and other combat issues I believe its relevant.

    I believe that they are a factor and were used in those instances and have given proof.

    I still believe they could find a place in a more broad use of gameplay.

    I love my tanks and Infantry but hey can we dare to dream of including other specialist that were sometimes in the frontline making a difference.


    I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. - Winston Churchill.

  13. @ Rune

    I understand what you are saying but like have stated this should be a historical accurate game..it should contain f/o like it should contain snipers or medics.

    The fact that the US had the ability to use Radio more frequent should not stop its implementation.

    E.G Germans Actually had better tanks at the start of the war that does not mean they are not allowed to use them. Should all tanks have the same penetration rates to make it fair?

    If one country has an advantage or flaw then that should be accounted for ..that makes it historical accurate.


    # We no longer demand anything, we want war. - Germany's foreign minister, August 1939.

  14. ps if any one is interested

    this is a great site for asking questions about ww2 communications

    I have found it very helpful


    They are going to send me some more information about the use of radio in the field ... i must say rune and comradeP did offer some interesting points .. but from there e-mail ( army communicator) they see it very differently.


    "The fate of the Empire rests on this enterprise every man must devote himself totally to the task in hand."

    Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto - Commander in Chief of the Japanese Navy - 7th December 1941

  15. Yes some interesting points but i did find this:

    War is won on the ground. The use of signal FM radios enabled American troops to move rapidly by providing reliable, static-free communications. In contrast, the Germans still depended upon AM radio. (See George Raynor Thompson's comments on FM's impact on the battlefield, and Carol Stokes' article about the Signal Corps' role in developing FM.)

    The signal laboratories' contributions to victory in WWII were as numerous as they were significant. A process that had been almost entirely long-range, research-oriented in the 1930s was adapted to meet the needs of a wartime army and invasion force. It succeeded and justified the dreams, time and expenditures of a nation at war.

    Dr. Andrae, the administration officer at the National Science Center, Fort Gordon, Ga., has been interested in military history since he was in elementary school. He holds an EdD in adult education from the University of Georgia.


    "My strength has now been reduced to the equivalent of 36 squadrons...we should be able to carry on the war single-handed for some time if not indefinitely."

    Sir Hugh Dowding - RAF Fighter Command - May 1940

  16. LOL Hofbauer

    Well i can say this Hofbauer you make a better script writer then historian. :D

    You make me laugh so much...ahhh ok guys so you dont have any proof for your comments but hey its good to see that your using your imagination.

    I guess when you cant quote or give me one piece...and i say one shred of evidence that they were not important to a fighting force you must rely on fantasy.

    Maybe you believe that they were not armed and ran around with a telephone booth around them. :D

    C'mon guys with so many post and yet to produce any evidence. Please Hofbauer dont ever consider being a prosecuter or a historian, leave that to the smart people.


    No other island received as much preliminary pounding as did Iwo Jima. - Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet

  17. Kohler Still waiting for evidence

    tick tock tick tock

    times almost up

    Are you gonna stand and deliver?


    "To every man of us, Tobruk was a symbol of British resistance, and we were now going to finish with it for good."

    Field Marshal Erwin Rommel - June 1942

  18. Lol Kohler

    ahh Kohler obvious you cannot read i have given quotes ( evidence) for the reasons why...but i guess English is not your first language?

    Please Kohler explain to me and supply evidence that Radioman were not important to a platoon or a company and so on.

    Hey i got an idea lets just have Tanks and grunts (inf) hey that should be fun lets narrow this game as much as possible.... ;)

    Kohler quoted:

    mechanics, cooks, runners, donkeys, monkeys and talking parrots (french) but you dont see them in the game.

    Hey if you can supply me with the evidence that those which you have quoted were on the frontline as consistent as forward observer or Radioman then i'll be happy to listen...because having forward observers or some-one with a radio up in the fronline is stupid ( sarcasm in case you did not understand) Geez thank god you were not a commander.

    Looking forward for some opposing evidence.


    ”The only words I spoke to the British commander in the negotiations for the surrender of Singapore were ‘All I want to hear from you is yes or no’. I expected to put the same question to MacArthur.”

    General Yama****a - Manila – 10th October 1944

  19. PS ComradeP

    Please explain your interpretation of the use radioman with evidence please


    Your comment concerning the usage of radio's indeed lacks some historical understanding and probably won't be included in the game as Forward Observers are not included.


    I would like to know what part of historical understanding i lack?


    "At the present time, it is still too early to say whether this is a large-scale diversionary attack or the main effort"

    German C-in-C West - Morning Report for the 6th June 1944

  20. ComradeP i appreciate your comments...but i do say that this topic was a Wish list. Now i know that they Radioman will not be included thats why i suggested it, because the idea of this subject wish list is so you can but ideas forward that are not in the game.

    You are right about not stooping down to that level and i take that on board but i do not like

    anyone being dismissive of somebody else when they cannot back up the argument with any proof..basically what was put forward was in affect just saying 'that is not right or thats not what they did' is not putting any conclusive evidence forward to justify there dismissive attitude.

    I must confess i like historical accurate games

    and if the yanks had the radios so be it..but i dont think thats entirely true.

    In terms of the God quote:

    but there's no need to communicate in game as you are the "god" that can see the entire battlefield.


    I see your point but maybe the chances of calling for reinforcements or arty strikes or simply relaying info could be limited if you have a radioman or not. You could make it work to a degree if you have the imagination to make it happen. A little example just an idea maybe the fog of war could be altered due to The forward observer/Radioman other things could also be altered.

    Like i said they had an important role to a fighting force, how they could be implemented is up to the imagination. smile.gif


    "Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!"

    Captain Henry P. Jim Crowe - 13th January 1943 - (Guadalcanal)

  21. Well well well...you still dont learn

    pull up a chair and listen

    hofbauer quotes:

    n.b.: no name calling, unless you started it: that finger points back at yourself.

    I believe it was you who was first to be insulting should i remind you ?

    No that would be to easy...you are to easy champ, you really need to look at the past conversation.

    what the hell you gotta learn sometime.

    hofbauer quotes:

    and I believe you should be hit on the head repeatedly with a Nerf ball that has your statement above scribbled onto it.

    That was your reply to my first post on the subject.

    also this quote:


    ok ill give you a break you might be 12yrs old.

    Im still looking for an explaination then rather

    Hofbauer quotes:

    you still dont get it do you?

    and the past replys werent much better.

    So before you dismiss ideas and be insulting about it please back it up..I believe thats what the moderators wanted. People who can back up there arguments. They mentioned those types of people are `mental midgets'. ;)

    Mr Kohler well you need to consider who is the upstart. Please read post before passing judgement on me. Though I would say you two will stick together that is obvious.


    "The heavy casualties inflicted on the enemy have greatly affected his morale and will prove to be a turning point in the battle of the Atlantic."

    Admiral Sir Max Horton - May 1943 - Commander of the Western Approache

  22. AAhhh Hofbauer we getting desperate are we ... relying on name calling and still you cant explain what you mean by skewed or what roll you thought they played. You want to dismiss other people but you cant back up what you say. why????

    I guess the answer is YOU GOT NOTHING CHAMP

    The example i gave you was to highlight the fact that radiomen were in the frontline, also that were important. Whether using the radio or the semaphores.

    Hofbauer quotes:

    what I would like you to cite instead would be more examples where radiomen in line infantry platoons (or combat units of ToW size and composition) in the Polish Army of 1939 or - take your pick - Red Army of 1941 played a "huge factor for artillery, airsrikes and re-inforcements and other combat issues".

    I am looking forward to those examples.

    Well you asked for it so i shall enlighten

    for the slow learner in the class.

    My Grandfather was in the Battle of the Bulge around the town of Malmedy. He was sent on a patrol to find the enemy troop movements. As he and his buddies came over a convoy of German troops they began to take fire. He and the radio man were the last of 10 men. They called for an artillery strike on they position. Running low on ammo for his BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) he and his buddy waited for the shells to hit. When they finnaly hit, what was left of the convoy retreated.

    Jan Torgrimsen Sr

    North Plainfield, NJ United States

    99th Infantry Battalion

    United States Army

    This story was contributed by Christopher Torgrimsen



    While Radioman John Gallagher (upper left) was sending critical shore-to-ship messages for Commander Carusi from the Fox Green sector of Omaha Beach, a vicious German artillery attack commenced. Dr. Davey reported, on D+1, Gallagher "had a 3-cm piece of shrapnel enter his face just below the eye, which passed thru the upper part of the maxillary sinus, entered the orbit to sever the optic nerve, and lodged in the petrous part of the temporal bone."


    oh and there is more ;)

    Shell Hits Foxhole

    "Murph landed an hour after H-hour," he said. "He was carrying a tommygun. He was a radioman second class and in charge of communications for his platoon. He soon had the ship-to-shore radio working so the officers could direct the movement of troops and materials ashore.

    By Ensign, W.N. Turner, USNR


    Well hofbauer you been to Normandy..so what! so have i...oh thats right you got original transripts of that day..dont make me laugh :D

    Do you honestly think you have every piece of data recorded on that day..You are kidding not only me but yourself buddy.

    For some homework hofbauer you could read the book 'The Jedburgs' I'll give you the test later :D


    This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

    Winston Churchill (November 10, 1942)

  23. Hofbaurer explain what you mean by skewed?

    I would like you to tell all those radiomen who fought in ww2 what you mean by this.

    Quote: what I suggest is that you have a skewed perception of the role and character of radio use in "WW II" .


    You have probably heard of the famous Rangers achievement of taking Pointe du Hoc.

    Quote: Afterward, the signalman was supposed to radio officers commanding the battle from a ship in the channel. But the radio, having been soaked during the crossing, would not work. Neither would a carrier pigeon that "decided war was dangerous and wouldn't fly," Neighborgall said. So the radio man decided to use the semaphore signaling flags, conveying a less-than-reassuring message: "Send help."

    Now These guys were instrumental in conveying important messages and believe that was a day which they needed it. Also note you dont get more close the front line then trying to capture Pointe du Hoc.



    "Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely"

    General Dwight Eisenhower - 6th June 1944

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