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Posts posted by Sammy_Davis_Jnr

  1. After seeing the clips the graphics look great, but i was wondering about the in-game sounds.

    I have a few questions:

    1. How much care and thought were taken into the sound dept?

    2. How generic will the sounds be. Eg will we get the same sound for every tank across all the nations?

    3. The sound of the different types of guns...how detailed are they? ...most games cant get the MG-42 right :( hopefully you guys can.

    4 Atmospheric sounds, will we hear off in the distance gunfire will we hear birds singing etc ?

    5. Have the dev team considered the different sounds when a shell or a bullet hits a tank or a building or tree? or do we get the same sound for all?

    If there is anyone who can give me any answers on this topic that would be great.

    The sound quality in these games sometimes are overlooked alittle maybe :confused:


    The only Maybelline I knew was the name of a cow.

    -- Chuck Berry

    [ November 01, 2006, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: Sammy_Davis_Jnr ]

  2. havent we talked about this before?

    pink mist


    I dont think anyone is suggestion we have bucket loads of blood and lets face it, any amount of blood even "pink mist" would mean a different rating on the game. Which all know would affect sales.

    I guess thats the real reason why any type of graphical display of bloodletting will not be shown.

    Having seen the the vids from BF and the one on youtube the game does seem very immersive. I cant wait to play it through my projector and sound system. smile.gif

    I can feel a few sickies coming on when i buy this



    A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.

    Hugh Hefner

  3. wasnt responding to your post champ!


    The first question was:

    As a grognard, I hate aspects of games that are not historically accurate.

    So do we get swastikas or has history yet again been drastically altered and toned down to appease the left wing and the more politically correct amongst us ?

    I guess seeing or not seeing swastika would depend on

    1. Types of german troops you may come across in a particular mission.

    2. Do you get to go to berlin in any of the missions as the invading Red Army.

    3. Do the developers want it in their game.

    It seems a little strange to not come across no swastikas in the entire game ( if that is the case ).


    ahhhh nah but yeah!!!

  4. To MeatEtr

    What should i let go of?...certain people wanting to discredit the game at every opportunity?


    Certain people taking cheapshots at RTS players?

    Is that ok to respond to MeatEtr?

    Maybe you should have posted the same message to Hof.

    Iam just sticking up for the people who play RTS games and the poor light Hof painted them basically as people with less intelligence.

    Note: Can you imagine the response if i portrayed the CM crowd or turn base players as less intelligent.

    Would you send the same message MeatEtr that you sent me to those people who objected?


    Yours sincerely


  5. Hof are you still looking to get cheaps shots in that this is an RTS game ;)

    Hof qoutes


    Dont listen to the small but vociferous ADD crowd that just comes with announcing an RTS game.



    Hof again


    Although it is strongly suggestive to a certain well-known tank type, that tank in reality unless I am totally mistaken had 32 track links while the one in the quiz picture has 36.


    Well if your not sure find out before posting ...

    or back it up. Hell you might be right but some proof plz or dont bother.

    Hof yet again

    Hof quotes


    In the latter case, let me emphasize I would really NOT like to have a soldier by the name of "Ima Winner" or "1SSLeibhasenschartenfurher", or "SS_KillaSnipah" or whatever the RTS kids come up with.


    :rolleyes: Geez another cheapshot at rts players. CM players would never come up with silly names ;)

    Oh hof i feel sorry for you

    hof quotes


    That is, a bad idea if you're going for a realistic WW II atmosphere for ToW; it's less of a problem for a pure RTS game just happening to use WW II toys / be set in WW II.


    Well i guess your true colours are showing hey?

    When we all hoped the debate between RTS and TB was over, Hof comes in and tries to open the wounds. Hopefully this will not spawn another CM vs CC vs TOW debate.

    Hof its a game ... its basically designed to entertain not just you but other gamers that might have similar opinions to you or differ greatly.

    When all is considered the proof will be in the gameplay. If you DONT like RTS games then why bother us with your constant childish cheap shots at the developers.

    Hof i have a challenge for you. I want you to write a post that is positive about the game which includes the same enthusiam and care that you show in tearing it down.


    "I criticize by creation - not by finding fault."

    - Cicero (106-43 B.C.)

    [ October 19, 2006, 01:14 AM: Message edited by: Sammy_Davis_Jnr ]

  6. Geez you are a Queenslander...The BIG Prawn is in Ballina..which is in NSW. tongue.gif

    NOT Queensland.


    maybe it is true they say about you Cane toads.



    An old lady walks into a cafeteria for lunch. The guy behind the counter asks her what she wants. She asks for a hamburger. The counter man grabs some ground beef and squeezes it underneath his armpit to make a patty and starts frying it up.

    "That's disgusting!" the old lady gasps to the woman in line behind her.

    "Yeah," says the woman behind her, "but you should see how he makes the donuts."

  7. LOL ok fair call on the girls playing 99o/o are guys.....but i do know some girls who play...like you two Franz and MEYER 1944..should i rest my case.



    Democracy arose from men's thinking that if they are equal in any respect, they are equal absolutely. – Aristotle

  8. maybe...go to a few games...maybe

    para..you are a parramatta supporter?

    Im a saints supporter...very sad always diapponting.

    Im based in sydney obviously...good to see this post getting a response, wasnt quite sure how many of us bludgers there were. :D


    Lets get the farken ashes back tongue.gif

  9. Geez Traemyn you are very busy boy ....Silent heroes without MP ...wasnt that disappointing.

    Lets hope TOW treats MP with just as much priorty then SP.


    Once the game is over, the King and the pawn go back in the same box.

    - Italian proverb

  10. A have a couple of questions

    Since an individual can be selected from a squad can they

    1. Swim ( can a whole squad swim ) across a creek or river .... surf what? :D

    2. Climb ladders....fences etc


    "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." -- Albert Einstein

  11. Hey guys and girls

    Just wondering how many Aussies are on here.

    Maybe we could set up a few teams (clans) for MP.

    The theory behind this is playing MP can be frustrating when it comes to ping and of course Time...usually the Europeans and the US are playing when were at work or sleeping.

    Hopefully we can get a good network of guys and girls willing to play MP.

    Cheers big ears

    Ps Kiwis included bro :D


    Sammy ( New south Welshmen ) Davis Junior

  12. Really boldrick !!! (soddball)

    So was i ... obvious you dont understand the rivalry between The UK and Aussies.

    Look at wickys recent post you will understand



    Aussie Aussie Aussie

    oi oi oi

  13. You know what i dont get?

    Citizens from the Allied side say the UK or US and even Australia take up German and Nazi profile names.

    I would feel ashamed to to do that, my grandfather and great uncles fought in WW2 in Nth Africa and they would roll in their graves if i took a Wermact or Nazi profile..even if it be a game.

    Alot of men from Australia died to protect those who could not from a dictator and army that savaged Europe and Africa. It saddens me when an Aussie does this.

    I think its a little disresptful..escpecially if your Ancestors sacrificed so much.


    Lest we forget


  14. Excuse me Michael Dorosh

    you state:

    I don't know, but I hope you gave the buggers a good British-style thrashing, six of the best, trousers down!

    Well Michael Dorosh we are Australians...its like saying Canadians are Americans...the only style thrashing we give out is an Aussie one.

    Also i dont care if we faced the SS or not ... we faced Rommel and let me tell the Australian 9th division pulled his pants down and gave him a yours truly from down under spankeeroony.


    Of this fighting the British official report on the Battle of Alamein states: "The Ninth Australian Division put up a magnificent effort. They fought themselves and the enemy to a standstill, till flesh and blood could stand no more. Then they went on fighting."

  15. Originally posted by Wicky:

    [QB] It's customary to momentarily forget Aussieland when they lose the Ashes ;)

    OHHHHH thats hitting below the belt guv


    Rod Marsh & Ian Botham:

    >1. When Botham took guard in an Ashes match, Marsh welcomed him to the

    >wicket with the immortal words: "So how's your wife & my kids?"

  16. Ahhh excuse me Michael you forgot

    The Australians ;)


    If you go out for a big night and by some misadventure you end up in a prison cell, you can count on your best friend to bail you out, but your best mate will be in there besides you.

    Australian observation

  17. I must state both Allied and Axis were guilty of war crimes we can all agree with that.

    Rmc made a good point

    Originally posted by RMC:

    So the holocaust was the work of just a few bad apples?

    But i did find this ...

    German sources listed below estimate that at the end of World War II, Red Army soldiers raped more than 2,000,000 German women, an estimated 200,000 of whom later died from injuries sustained, committed suicide, or were murdered outright. After June 1945 the Soviet high command imposed punishments for rape ranging from arrest to execution. In 1947 Soviet troops were completely separated from the residential population of Berlin. Estimations of rape victims are distributed as follows: Eastern Provinces: 1,400,000; zone of Soviet occupation excluding Berlin: 500,000; Berlin: 100,000. [1][2][3][4][5][6] The 2,000,000 rape victims estimate is also supported by the research of historian Norman Naimark.[3] In addition, many of these victims were raped repeatedly, some as many as 60 to 70 times. [4]

    During the occupation of Budapest (Hungary) it is estimated that 50,000 women were raped.[5][6]


    If i got this wrong plz inform me.

    Stalin and Hitler were very much the same Tyrannt,just different idealogical differences.

    In conclusion discussing war crimes and atrocities maybe a little inappropriate. It could inflame people and bring out there bad side.


    In this world, which is so plainly the antechamber of another, there are no happy men. The true division of humanity is between those who live in light and those who live in darkness. Our aim must be to diminish the number of the latter and increase the number of the former. That is why we demand education and knowledge.

    Victor Hugo

  18. To Michael

    It wasnt meant to be that literal

    like saying geez that was the best day i ever had or this could be the best ice-cream i ever had.

    It was said with zest Michael.

    I understand your point and i apologise if i did not communicate that properly.


    I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain.

    - Lily Tomlin

  19. Hmmmmmmmm maybe a good idea ;)

    Maybe those who want to go off and start there own forum is not so bad.

    Ok we might lose a couple of worthwhile people but hey at least it would take the boring and stale argument of CM vs CC vs TOW and the i dont like this and i dont like that attitude that is rife among this board.

    Some people here think its there forum lol...know thats ridiculous.

    Quote RMC

    We may become a minority on "our" forums here. When the w00t monkeys arrive in force the mix will prove explosive as it already has here and BFC doesn't have the resources to dedicate to controlling it. Maybe the best course would be to drop this ToW forum and redirect traffic to some other place.

    Mate why are you so divisive?

    Its not your forum or mine ... its realistically TOW who expect us all to get over our narrow mindness.

    To all who are unhappy with the way TOW is going and all you want to do is piss on it that its not like CM then maybe you should leave.

    WE have a game here in the process that has the potential to be the best War game (pc) ever brought out.


    We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

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