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Posts posted by Nick06

  1. I have just downloaded and installed the new demo. The only problem is that it does not appear to have been installed. I looked into the area in which the demo was supposed to be in and there was nothing. I had previously deleted the old demo so there is no chance the demo was placed over the older demo. I looked into the instalation log and found...

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">s DropTeam/DropTeam.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/.

    checkdir error: cannot create /Applications/DropTeam

    unable to process DropTeam/DropTeam.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/</pre>

  2. Well, Hermes is the Kind of Jack of All Trades (the hermes has air defense sensor jamming thus a Jack of all trades), Apollo though is the God of Healing (doesn't really relate to the tank at all).

    Ps. What do you mean Poesel?!

  3. Hello. I was just wondering, were the Apollo and Hermes named after Greek gods and were the tank capabilities modeled around the god they were named for?

  4. Sorry i couldn't get back to very soon but posting on this board isn't a full time job for me...

    Hmmm... If you could blow up an ion tower with it...
    Anyway, What the Heck? why not make it be able to blow up an ion tower? Okay, maybe TWO of these "BOOM!" devices could blow out an ion tower....

    Oh and maybe BOOM could be an abbreviation for what it is.

    Hey, why not give BOOM a camera so that you can find it on the tac display and look around and then with another click, You suddenly realize why they called it BOOM.... The guys on the other-side of the map will look up and say, "Hey it's a mushroom cloud.'

    I guess to balance the power of the BOOM it would be two BOOMS to a squad of infantry. The squads will have to have a explosives specialist.

    Okay, so what would BOOM stand for or if there is some new name you think of, post it please....

  5. Hey you now what this game could use? So infantry set explosives.

    Like some kinda box or something that could be, then (with some kinda remote detonated.

    Well? pros cons?

  6. Well first of all, has anyone here seen Star Trek Deep Space Nine?

    THe show is about a war over territory in space with a group of species called the Dominion. Their main fighting species is the

    Jem'Hadar. This species has a great advantage on everyone. First they are the most obedient species, they will do anything to please the commander. The reason for their obedience? They are addicted to a drug called Kettrecell White that can only be manufactured by the founders of the dominion. Now forget all those things before this. THIS is their greatest advantage: They can turn invisible for periods of time. If this could be done to the infantry....

    Instead of jump-jets cloaks!


    [ September 23, 2006, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: Nick06 ]

  7. Here are some thoughts:

    1) Redo the drop window entirely and allow commanders to click and drag multiple units for drops into LZs or deploying areas, rather than one at a time. Show inventories for all assets entirely across the board.

    2) When the map is zoomed out completely, remove the names and units and replace just with small unit icons. Use triangles for tracked vehicles, diamonds for wheeled vehicles, squares for infantry for example, but clear out the clutter.

    3) Remove names of enemy players completely from the tac map and screen. But still inform players just who killed them in the chat menu for the fun of it, but in reality you probably would have no idea who killed you.

    4) Allow commanders to place selected units from the inventory into squads or platoons and be able to number them. Squads or platoons could then be selected by Ctrl-# (for squads 1-9) and then right click to issue orders to the entire squad as a group. Squads could then drop or deploy together. Additionally, waypoints may be then designated by squad.

    5) Add range rings for all weapons systems (toggle on/off).

    6) There should be an "alert" sound when your base is under attack when you are the defender.

    7) New units:

    -Heavy Turret with 120mm gun

    -Command Bunker (same ability as Mercury but immobile and camoflaged)

    -Double barrelled turrets (10mm Ion, 20mm, 76mm)

    -Pop-up turrets in urban areas

    -Mortar turret (light, medium, heavy)

    -Dummy units with anti-matter signatures

    -Dragon's teeth and other barriers

    -Long range sensor/radar suite

    Just some brain storming after another night of on the field of DT world.

    Give him a break for heavens sake... lol nice ideas though
  8. Well thanks hub!!! Ohh if this is secret or something dont tell me but in the first picture there is a spot missing next to that mountain that looks like it was removed on purpose.... What is it!??!!!!

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