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Posts posted by rudel.dietrich

  1. Since this has turned into something of a gun thread, let me ask a question

    I just back into gun collecting and going back to the firing range for recreation.

    I have a chance to purchase a Kimber 1911 Stainless Pro TLE

    He wants $950 USD for it

    I am not that familiar with American pistols

    I know Kimber has a reputation for quality. But my current pistols are a H&K .40 USP and a Sig Sauer P220 SAO Match

    How does Kimber match up? I dont want to waste my money on something less than what I have


    [ April 07, 2007, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: rudel.dietrich ]

  2. Since this has turned into something of a gun thread, let me ask a question

    I just back into gun collecting and going back to the firing range for recreation.

    I have a chance to purchase a Kimber 1911 Stainless Pro TLE

    He wants $950 USD for it

    I am not that familiar with American pistols

    I know Kimber has a reputation for quality. But my current pistols are a H&K .40 USP and a Sig Sauer P220 SAO Match

    How does Kimber match up? I dont want to waste my money on something less than what I have


    [ April 07, 2007, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: rudel.dietrich ]

  3. Since this has turned into something of a gun thread, let me ask a question

    I just back into gun collecting and going back to the firing range for recreation.

    I have a chance to purchase a Kimber 1911 Stainless Pro TLE

    He wants $950 USD for it

    I am not that familiar with American pistols

    I know Kimber has a reputation for quality. But my current pistols are a H&K .40 USP and a Sig Sauer P220 SAO Match

    How does Kimber match up? I dont want to waste my money on something less than what I have


    [ April 07, 2007, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: rudel.dietrich ]

  4. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:


    Are you one of the beta testers? It sounded like it from your comments. If so, congratulations on getting to see the game before everyone else and I hope everything is progressing smoothly.

    I fully appreciate your comments regarding the Syrian side and believe even more so now that my earlier comments were not very helpful. As you say, even if you don't identify with the regime, you can still identify with the individual Syrian soldier, who is probably a decent guy just trying to stay alive whilst doing his best to defend his homeland against a powerful invader.

    Put like that I think I will enjoy playing the Syrian side as much as you!

    Yes I am a beta tester

    I wonder if I am allowed to say that? No one else seems to have mentioned it!

    Hope im not saying something im not

    Anyways, I think I took offense to your comments too easily.

    But I just dont like generalization comments where one side is good and one side is bad

    Even in Iraq this is not true. You see on the news where a car bomb kills scores of innocent people. But that does not nessacarily make the side that placed the bomb evil. It is a chaoitc confused situation where desperation has taken hold and some men are doing what they think is right to grab power.

    Power in that part of the world means your ethnic/tribal/religious group is not being slaughtered by another thnic/tribal/religious group that is in power.

    That is a very hard thing to understand in the West but I think we have to understand it since we are now directly connected to that part of the world.

    Even if we do not understand it, we have to understand that it is making some men whom under normal circumstances are pretty balanced intelligent men into men who will take up arms and kill.

    That is a very powerful thing. And since I do not understand it I have to try and get control of my gut reaction and western upbringing and not declare such a thing as 'wrong' or 'evil'


    I dont want to get this off topic which I think I already have redface.gif

    I guess since this is what I do at work at least one day a week it carries over into other parts of my life

  5. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cpl Steiner

    Personally I don't think the game can realistically have a "Syrian POV" given the back story, unless you happen to be vehemently anti-American or pro-Islamist.

    Originally posted by rudel.dietrich:

    That is a puzzling statement

    Can you expound on it a little more before I take you to task on it?


    From the CM:SF website: -

    At it's core, Combat Mission: Shock Force is a military simulation depicting a hypothetical near-future conflict in Syria following a fundamentalist coup d’état. As in Afghanistan 2001, the radical new government's refusal to shut down major terrorist organizations and its' regional destabilizing effect, compel NATO Coalition forces into action.

    I think I know where you are going with your query, i.e. that as wargamers we don't have to actually support the ideology of the side we are playing to still enjoy playing them in preference to another side. For example, plenty of people love to play the Germans in WWII wargames but that doesn't make them all fascists.

    If that is your point then I whole-heartedly agree. In retrospect I think my words regarding anti-Americanism or pro-Islamism may have been badly chosen. I was just thinking of the odd player who might actually relish the opportunity to take the Syrian side and bash the living daylights out of the Yanks with IEDs, snipers and what have you. In view of the back story provided, such an attitude might raise a few eyebrows. </font>

  6. Alot has to do with scenario design and how the designed inputs objectives and AI battle plans

    Alot has to do with casulties as well.

    This is not WW2 where 40% casulties were ok.

    If an RPG round hits a styker and burns up the crew and the rifle squad inside.

    That is a disaster as far and the US army is concerned and that mission is probably going to be a failure

    So the Syrian player is just going to have to pick and choose his chances and hope for some luck.

    Ambushes will help alot as well as using good defesnive terrian.

    Also from my early playtests the Syrian player does not have much in the way of long range firepower.

    You best bet is to hit the US side with short range ambushes maximising suprise and volleys of machine gun and rifle fire mixed with RPG rounds.

    Then break off contact and fall back and set it up all over again.

    Rinse and repeat

    Syrians tend not to react well to fire and the US side can bring to bear heavy firepower very accuratly in short order.

    Your Syrian forces tend to melt under fire.

    A typical Syrker platoon even when mounted can bring to bear 4 .50 HMG and then various small arms fire from within the vehicle.

    If any tanks or MGS systems are around then you will find your squads blown to bit very quickly.

    So its best to fire and keep up combat for 45-60 seconds and then disengage to better defensive posistions

    At the platoon level I have been doing this very well with my weapons squad covering the two other squads.

    If I have a MMG in the mix then I can really pin down the US forces and fall back with few casulties

  7. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Did you have that game in mind when you made this suggestion, out of curiousity?


    Personally I don't think the game can realistically have a "Syrian POV" given the back story, unless you happen to be vehemently anti-American or pro-Islamist. </font>

  8. I have used elicense for a half dozen games I own and I can vouch for them.

    You can use the game on two systems at once, unistalling and reinstalling a license is very quick and easy.

    There customer support is also top notch, most questions are replied to by e-mail within a few hours.

    Even in the early morning hours of weekends

  9. Originally posted by undead reindeer cavalry:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Nobody has asked about HMGs, interestingly enough. So I'll offer that one up before someone remembers that the Soviets gave these out like candy at one point. However, thanks to Rudel's research we learned that they have fallen out of favor with the Syrians. They have been scaled down in the frontline units (if even present at all) and are apparently only found in quantity with the Reserve Infantry units. It's the NSV model, which is 12.7mm.

    what about AGS-17 or AGS-30? in the game? </font>
  10. Originally posted by panzermartin:

    Hope they are in. So far the syrian side feels a bit stripped of some useful weapons like ATGs and on map mortars. Especialy mortars. Blues will have their 60mm tubes, why not red side too. They are common in Iraq and mid east generally and perhaps the only indirect mean the syrians can effectively use.

    Syria from what I can tell does not make use of the 50mm light mortar

    82mm is as small as it gets for them

  11. Originally posted by Suspicious_Sedan:

    On that note, what are the general pros & cons of putting the various AT systems in bunkers and buildings. Besides the obvious backblast effect of rocket propelled projectiles, are various bunkers designed with this in mind? Would you generally expect the ATGMs to be deployed outside enclosed structures. Any data on how the hezbollah deployed their ATGMs?

    I havent found any pictures or text on this subject.

    As far as I know they used them out in the open or from rooftops.

    The back blast is of course something you have to deal with, but you also want as few obstructions as possible between you and the target since LOS is requried for these weapons and in some cases you have a wire trailing the missle and do not want to get it tangled on anything.

  12. Good stuff

    I always roll my eyes at the nitpickers, so I cant believe im about to nitpick

    But one thing that stood out to me in the second video of the soldiers firing the M4

    The soldier reloading his rifle looked like he was at the firing range reloading.

    I do not profress to have seen much combat, but the few times I was in combat, reloading never looked like that.

    It was always yank the clip free, either stuff it in a pocket or drop it to the ground and collect it later. Then rip a new clip free from whatever pocket you have it in and jam it into the gun and pull back the lever to chamber a new round so hard you almost break it.

    I dont care how experienced you are or how much fire you have been under, when you are firing rounds at a target you always reload as if your life depended on doing it in as little time as possible.

    I think that animation needs to be a little more 'violent' and alot more under duress.

  13. Originally posted by Abbott:

    I'm still running an AGP slot and doubt if I have the Power Supply to run another card. If I was going to go with two-video cards I most likely would have purchased a new system.

    If its an AGP slot then nevermind then

    If you do not mind my asking, how much are you paying for the upgrades?

    Might be worth weighing that with the cost of a new system capable of going to dual core in the future and having PCIe slots

  14. That should run it pretty well

    The extra half gig of ram may give Windows XP a problem.

    XP has trouble with anyone over 2 gigs from what I hear.

    The extra 512mb is pretty redundant anyways

    The CPU is a little on the weak side but nothing to worry about

    The 7800 should kick some serious ass

    If you have the slot and are the type who can save some money

    See if you can toss another 7800 into the system in SLi mode

    Those two cards working together can chew up massive amount of polygons

  15. Lobbing a mortar into a crowd of schoolgirls is most definitly murder

    But no civil war was ever won without some blood spilt.

    America needs to put away its moral qualms, pick a group and do everything in its power to help that group ruthlessly crush its enemies.

    Fighting a Vietnam type war (which this war is eeriely close to being, a report landed on my desk the other day claiming some units were relying on body counts to measure success...sound familiar?)

    In which America tries to fight everyone and fight brush fires is never going to win.

    They need to stand on the outside and use some local firefighters to douse the entire country.

    Its not right, its not moral, but its how it has to be.

    The group they back is going to kill schoolgirls, by the dozens.

    But its either a few girls now or tens of thousands down the road for decades to come.

    Either being raped and slauthered in civil war or dying of famine and poverty and disease.

    Democracy is not going to work. Its not meant to work in a place like Iraq.

    At least not yet.

    But neither will letting the chips fall where they may.

    Pick a horse and ride it all the way to the finish, however violent and bloody and immoral it might be.

    In the long run the nation will be better off for it.

  16. Here at work we have done psychological profiles of the insurgancy

    One of the problems is that America and its soldiers continue to cast the insurgancy in the light of a criminal enterprise and terrorism.

    The average insurgent in normal life would probably not be a criminal nor a terroist.

    Most of them have the profile of ultra nationalists (in this case replace nationalist with ethnic) akin to revoloutionaries.

    These people are not fighting to kill just for the sake of killing.

    They are fighting because they believe they are in a civil war and want whatever religious and ethnic faction they come from to come out on top.

    Sun Tzu said you have to know your enemy, but the army and its leadership does not know their enemy from a hole in the ground.

    Until that happens, the conflict is a lost cause Hell it maybe already is, anyone with who is not beholden to political interests already has declared it a open civil war.

    But the idea is so alien to Americans.

    Despite your massice ethnic and religious divides, your nationalist interests are above all else.

    Despite all the racial and some religious strife, you still think of yourselves as Americans.

    But imagine a America where a foriegn power disposed of your goverment and only had limited control of a few major cities.

    Now imagine that instead of rising up as one people against the foreign power that the conflict broke down into a mixture of petty power struggles.

    Blacks formed their own army and want power for themselves

    Catholics took to the streets against protestents

    Hispanics formed an army while asians formed another

    Then they proceded to wage war against the foreign power and agaisnt people who are trying to keep their heads down.

    Once that foreign power is weak enough, they will begin a bloody war against one another.

    The foreign power will pack up and leave and then you will see the last few climatic months of a bloodbath as one by one the groups collaspe and eventualy one has the power and has inflicted a big enough bodycount to hold together some sort of peace.

    Maybe it has a powerful figurehead that rises to the top (like Saddam) or every few years a new war breaks out and its a endless cycle of poverty war and death.

    Iraq is headed in that direction and im afraid all America can do is slap a bandaid on a shotgun wound.

  17. Oops

    Probably my thought

    English reading comprehension still gives me problems sometimes

    Well if its going to be $45 I will probably have to play the demo first

    Its not that I think it will be a bad games, its just that im completly WW2ed out

    I have fought the conflict more times than I care to remember

    Its starting to take something special to catch my interest

    Then again...Company of Heroes was one of the best games I played last year and it was a WW2 theme

    It was not really a war game, but for sheer fun factor it couldnt be beat

    I had a good month playing through that game smile.gif

    Hopefully an expansion pack comes out for it, skirmish mode is not all that fun

  18. A few things I have noticed

    Half the weight of a Styrker seems to be tied up in whatever crap is loaded onto the top of it.

    Probably just a different culture and a different theatre of operations

    But we never would have gotten away from that in the German army

    However, if we would have been in a conflict like Iraq...who knows

    Also, every US weapon I see is so heavily modified that they are almost unrecognizable

    That must play hell on matinence and getting the right spare and replacement parts

    Do soldiers pay for the own modifications?

    Make them out of other things?

    Or does the US army have alot of avaliable stuff and soldiers can pick or choose?

    Again, in the German army we had very strict guidelines on what we could and could not place on our weapons.

    Most of our add ons came from H&K themselves or from third party licensed companies.

    Again, probably just different army culture.

    But I feel bad for the quarter masters and supply officers who have to make sense of that mess :eek:


    I notice alot of differnet clothing and gear as well by very non army companies.

    Again, do soldiers pay for this stuff themselves?

    Almost every soldier is dressed differently.

    If the uniforms wernt all the same colour, you could almost believe that the US army was not even an army at all but a group of paid mercenaries who outfitted themselves and purchased their own weapons :D

    Very nice pictures and I enjoy very much looking at them.

    Always nice to see how armies adapt and fight based on culture and circumstances.


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