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Posts posted by rudel.dietrich

  1. Originally posted by PSY:

    rudel, what about Assault? Where would you put that in your list? Does this work for entering buildings?

    I forgot about assault redface.gif

    I do not find myself using it alot

    What is does is breaks your team into two fire teams and one team supports the other fire team

    I find myself breaking the fireteams myself and then using hunt

    I will mess about more with the command and see how it works

  2. Originally posted by Sgt.Rock of Easy Company:

    Do planes and Helo's even fly over the map? I haven't seen a shadow yet, just munitions coming from outside the map.

    I would think you would hear or see something if either the A10 or apache used their 30mm's

    Even an A-10 does its work at several thousand feet

    You would not hear or see a thing besides maybe a jet engine

    But by that time it would be several miles away and the effects of its ordance probably already seen or heard

  3. Originally posted by thewood:

    The problem with hunt is that the units stop where they are and you have to go back and tell them to move again after the firefight. I would suggest to BFC going back to the old hunt-style command where they continue the move after the firefight.

    Why wouldn't quick work. Would they stop an shoot and then continue?

    I am asking out of ignorance. I have tried a couple of building entries and between my incompetence and a few AI issues, I totally coked em up.

    An entry command suggestion is a good one and I will suggest it.

    The hunt suggestion will help until if and when something else comes along

    From my beta notes here is what I found the various movement commands to be used best as

    Move - Standard patrol walk. Use this in non danger situations to converse stamina.

    Quick - A very brisk jog. Use this to get from place to place like to cross streets or bound short to medium distances.

    Uses stamina quickly so long distance movement is not recomended

    This also decreases a units situational awareness so do not use this command when you are looking for the enemy

    Slow - Makes units crawl.

    I only use this for Syrian units to infiltrate units in urban areas or move snipers and ATGM teams to roof tops or to the crests of hills.

    Very very slow but also stealthy

    Fast - A flat out run

    I only use this for emergencies or when withdrawing my Syrian forces after a ambush back to their fall back posistions.

    Saps stamina very quickly

    Hunt - Moves units the same pace as 'Move'

    But puts them in combat posture and they drop and seek cover upon seein the enemy and then engage

    I use move and hunt 90% of them time when issuing orders

    I only use quick when I am 90% certain I am not going to get shot at or I need a unit to cross the street and do not want to stop and engage

    So here is how I would solve your problem

    I would use move to get my units into the jump off posistions

    Then use hunt to find the enemy

    Then when I found a building I wanted to clear I would use my heavy assets to supress the enemy

    Then use quick to move a squad or squad to the corner or a building

    Then when next to the building I would then use the hunt command for each and every floor until I cleared out the building

    One more thing I notice is people under utilize fire teams

    We spent alot of time making these better than CM 1

    The US army (and most militaries) utilize fire teams for MOUT combat

    Use one fire teams with the M249s for supression and use the other to clear buildings

    And take your time!

    I cannot stress this enough

    Quick moving units all over the place will get them chewed up

    Use slow small movements

    Once your find the enemy do not press the issue

    Bring up more firepower and defeat that enemy in detail

    I play in RT mode and use pause A LOT

    There is no shame in pausing the game and issuing orders

    Hopefully some of this will help

    Maybe it won't

    But there it is smile.gif

    I will pass along your building clearing command suggestion

    It is a good one

  4. I did alot of the Syrian TO&E for CMSF

    BF is talking about the possibility of expansion packs adding in more Nato forces to be released down the line

    Each of these expansion packs will of course add Nato forces like I said but there is also the possibility of adding in more Red forces

    AA guns and mobile AA guns are things I am going to add onto my list of things to add in future expansions

  5. Let me try and explain this

    Time compression and the fast forward button are gone because turns are different than in CM 1

    It used to be you inputted your orders and you would see the processing bars move and then your turn would play

    What would happen is the game would process your turn and then you would see a replay of the turn

    But now what happens is you press the turn button after inputting your orders and you actualy watch one minute of the action as it happens

    That is why the replay options are fewer than before

    I think it works out for the better since turns no longer have to be processed

    But very early in the beta I switched over to RT and never looked back

  6. If you have two video cards in your system running in SLi mode please note that this will cause issues with CM:SF

    Such issues I found are that you cannot click any units with your mouse

    I also found that I have a framerate hit

    A quick fix to the not being able to click issue is to disable SLi before starting the game as it states in the manual

    Another user stated that downloading the latest Forceware 162 drivers will fix the problem

    I can confirm that it does indeed fix the problem and I noticed a small FPS gain with SLi back on

    Here is the link to NVidias driver download page


    Find your video card series and operating system and it should take you to the proper page

    Please confirm that you are indeed downloading Forceware 162

    It should be 46.8 MB

    This should clear up any SLi problems

  7. Originally posted by AdamL:

    Um, what? It takes like 30 minutes to prepare a hole.

    So basically all covert defensive works are out? LOL

    30 minutes?

    A proper foxhole takes a very long time

    A trench takes the better part of a day doing it by hand and the planning taking into consideration LOS, tying it into exsisting trenchs and checking approaches

    The entire time I was in the army I think I dug or helped dig a total of two holes

    Most of the time in Afganistan when we stayed in one place it was fortified base camps with pre dug holes, wire, fall back posistions and assuming anything was in the way like small hills and trees those were cleared away for fields of fire.

    We had engineers to do anything larger than a group of foxholes for a squad

  8. Originally posted by AdamL:

    I hope I'm just daft, but I can't find a way to dig in my troops at all.

    I know there are trenches in the editor, but those everyone can see from turn 1.

    How does this work now?

    Modern troops don't do much digging anymore unless it is a fixed defensive work they intend to occupy for a while

    In a war like a fictional Syria war the movement would be so fast that there would be no 'digging' unless it was done prior to the war by the Syrians or during the occupation phase

  9. It cuts both ways

    After 4 years of being beaten sensless in the media war the Pentagon is finally going to thighten its grip of information going in and out.

    In part to 'protect' the citizenry from blogs and homemade videos that the Pentagon has no control over.

    And part to 'protect' the soldiers from how the war is being played out at home or across the country.

  10. Originally posted by David Chapuis:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Flanker15:

    Did some further reading and found they have a complement of 50 Mig-29s so they're a match for any NATO fighters.

    Are Mig-29s really a match for F-22s? or F-35s? </font>
  11. Originally posted by Steiner14:


    I see. That's excellent news! Again CMx2 is programmed that way, that it will grow with CPU/GPU-power.

    Do you think is the preference for smaller battles only true for realtime-mode, which makes absolutely sense to me without further explanation, or do you think is it also true for the classical CM WEGO/PBEM mode?

    The preference is up to the player.

    I never liked large battle in CM 1 or any other wargame.

    Thats just me.

    But the game is intended to simulate smaller battles.

    But if the player likes larger battles then by all means they can create them and share them with other players.

    As far as we-go

    I barely have touched it.

    Real-Time is my prefereed way to play.

    It play a whole lot faster and keeps the action going.

    As you can pause the game to issue order so it works well with small and medium sized battles.

    Again, it is player preference. But I think alot of die hard CM players will be suprised at just how well real time works and discover that is the preferred way to play.

  12. Your computer will break down before you reach any sort of max limit.

    This is a game that in in the coming years as PC power increases so will the games ability to handle larger scenarios.

    But the game is not designed for massive scenarios and really works and plays better if you keep it small.

    However, the ability is there to create some very large scenarios.

    But I suspect alot of machines will not be able to handle them.

    The game throws alot of polygons onto the screen all at once in some cases.

  13. Originally posted by Capt. Toleran:

    My point was not that I favored a particular setup, though I did make a suggestion (and take a little offense when it was shot down so arbitrarily, though the BFC forums seemed to be populated by folks who know more about tanks than manners). My point is, we don't need a huge song and dance animation for hand to hand -- pick a movement, animate it out, use it as the default.

    We're on the same side in terms of this not being a significant event, I just would appreciate someone not making broad sweeping statements that shoot down my suggestion so offhandedly.

    I was being rude?

    I don't think I was before :confused:

    Hand to hand combat would be seen so rarely in modern combat that it would be a complete waste of time and resources to include it in the game above some other things.

    There are so many more things above this in importance on the list.

    Lets say BF has 500 resource units and 500 time units to allocate to the game.

    And it just so happens the game requires 1000 combined resource and time units to complete the game in a reasonable amount of time.

    First you have the engine which is 300 resource points and 300 time points.

    Then you have art, manual writing, animations, scenario writing, cordinating the beta team, marketing, handling the forums etc etc

    All of that is 150 units each

    You are left with 50 units

    So they make a list of things that are not in the game but they would like to have in the game

    They decide to expand out the vehicle list a little

    Add more some map editor options and landscape items

    They decide to beef up the sound a little bit

    All those things get placed on a priority list and chip away at their remaining units.

    They get about 30% of the way down the list and are left with precious few units.

    So some things get left by the wayside and its why the scope of the game is narrow.

    Unfortunatly PC games a whole are getting alot more complex.

    Where as CM 1 could sim the entire western front 1944-1945

    The new western front game may only sim 1944 to September 1944 (I said MAY, I have NO info on this one way or another just making an example)

    That is because the engine gets more complex and everything that had to be done in the first game takes longer time and more resources to do.

    It really sucks that BF has so few time and resource units.

    But thats the way it has to be until they either hit it big or slowly expand.

    Even teams like EA and Ubisoft have limits

    Sure they may have 5000 of each compared to 500

    But they still have their limits and must pick and choose how to spend theirs just like BF or any other company.

    So unfortunatly things like 50 million weapons for the Syrians (my idea redface.gif )

    HtH combat (your idea)

    Rivers (someone elses idea)


    Those have to be left by the wayside for inclusion either later or or possibly never

    And they all have to be ranked and pioritized otherwise you get the dreaed mission creep that leads to long game delays and poor games.

    I am not trying to defend BF, I am not on their payroll.

    Im just asking the community to scale back its requests a little bit and try and not get angry when Steve has to tell you no on certain things.

    And I quoted your post, but im not trying to pick you.

    I promise

    Nor am I trying to moralize everyone.

    Im just trying to give a vivid example of how this works and try and keep the peace and keep expectations at reasonable levels.

    So if you think you have something really important, than by all means post it.

    Otherwise dont get mad when your told no.

    And try and post on things that are in the game. Focusing on that and pooling together knowledge will help improve aspects of the game that are guaranteed to make it.

    So hopefully that clears things up a little.

  14. Originally posted by Capt. Toleran:

    Seems like a simple "rifle butt to the face" animation will suffice.

    I cant think of a single situation where a 'rifle butt to the face' would ever come into play

    This entire topic is a little out in left field and waaaaay down on the list of alot of other important things that are being left out for possible inclusion late

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