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Posts posted by rudel.dietrich

  1. Like many things I say lately but this is going to sound rude with me intended it to be that way.

    But you seem totaly ignorant about military life and very uncommited to the entire idea.

    Like most people your age your past highschool and trying to find the answer to 'what the hell do I do with my life?'

    Joining the military can be a good idea, but it is NOT something to be taken lightly which you seem to be doing.

    And never so much as now when there is a very very strong possibiliy you will end up in Iraq or god knows where else.

    Men and women are dying and being mutilated over there by the dozens every month.

    And the Marine Corps is no walk in the park.

    They are looking for special individuals who are commited to what they do and not worried about serving close to home in the most convinent manner possible.

    From you words and speech it sounds like you have no idea what you want.

    That is completly normal.

    But don't rush into something that will suck up years of your life or possibly get you killed or missing one or more of your limbs.

    And god forbid you enter and after six months hate you life and wish out.

    You will be miserable and make everyone around you miserable.

    I would never want you in my command if I knew that to be the case.

    So I suggest you think about it more or just not do it.

    You sound like your expecting a vacation with guns and weekend hikes.

    Instead you are going to find hours on end of bordom, hard body crushing work, people screaming at you, stress so bad you wish you could shoot yourself and perhaps if you end up in a war a few minutes or hours of sheer terror that makes you wish you had never been born.

    Just think about it.

    I would hate for someone to spend years doing something they hate and perhaps even die from it.

  2. Originally posted by V:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

    Best situation is for the Iraqi goverment to ask the colation to leave.

    That would save face for the colation and finaly give some semblence of a 'job accomplished'

    They can't do that now, real civil war would break out which would most likely make the current bloodshed look like a tea party.

    The Coalition cannot win until the Iraqi government can defend itself from the insurgency. It seems obvious they are still a long way from that point, sadly. </font>

  3. As one of my bosses is fond of saying

    'The only way to win a asymmetric war is never to fight one'

    I don't see the situation in Iraq as winnable.

    Too much has been done to be undone and too much ill will has been fostered among the people there.

    Best situation is for the Iraqi goverment to ask the colation to leave.

    That would save face for the colation and finaly give some semblence of a 'job accomplished'

    But as it is now America has a moral obligation to clean up the mess it created no matter how long it take.

    And simply pulling out would be the worst foreign policy mistake of this young century.

    You never want to look weak in foreign policy and pulling out would do just that.

    As a non American and as a somewhat outside observer my opinion is that you can advance all the ideas and plans you wish but I see the situation as unwinable.

  4. So these will be kind of like the Mega campaigns that came out for Steel Panthers World at War several years ago?

    A bunched of linked hand made scenarios on hand made maps that appear after doing certain things?

    If so that sounds nice since it keeps the campaign somewhat fresh and avoids the suckiness that are computer generated battles and maps.

    Please tell us we can write our own campaigns...

    I could see myself writing scenarios and campaigns more than I can playing the game.

  5. Something landed on my desk about this weapon today.

    Trials have gone well and it is extremly well liked and production once approved by the proper people will start.

    It also stated a few might be sent to Iraq/Afghanistan for field testing to see how they hold up and if any pre production changes might be made.

    I will keep an eye on it and see if their is any chance of these being fielded during 2007

  6. Option three is acceptable

    But I still find it a little weird that BFC has been wanting to keept he focus of the game small and then out of the blue suddenly wants to include the possibility of alot more equipment and terrain.

    Maybe that is not their intention but the conflicting messages are weird.

    Anyways, glad to see most of my work in the other thread will not be undone.

  7. Only western Syria is like that John, i.e. what you would traditional call sand desert.

    Most of Syria is sand/soil and very rocky and with lots of hills.

    Not alot of rolling desert like you see in cartoons.

    Most of Syrias desert has a soil top several inches thick and is hard packed.

    Most of the desert area is strewn with rocks.

    Several north/south mountain chains run down the country and provide rock just a few inches under the soil/sand.

    The eastern 20% of the country is pretty lush and even contains some forests and plains of grass.

    This is about the only area of the country that is not broken up by constant hills.

    BF if they choose Syria has ALOT of terrian options.

    Of course you have villages and Urban sprawl in ME fashion.

    But you also have grass plains, hardwood forests, river farmland and irragation zones.

    Lots of hills. Some sand desert

    Some mountain terrian and even some volcanic terrain.

    Then hilly desert with rocks...lots of rocks.

    Here is a wikipedia article about the terrian of Syria


  8. IF BF really wanted to be pricks about it, then they would model Syrian forces in such a way that breakdowns were the rule rather than the exception, and for no good reason.

    Syrian equipment is very poorly cared for and the flow of spare parts and technical assistence dried up long ago.

    That is why over 50% of Syrian armour is mothballed or has been dug into the Golan.

    And that is also why most of their helicopter fleet is grounded.

    They got tired of pulling the charred bodies of their pilots out of the wreckage after their tail fell off or some other randon act of disaster.

    The same is also starting to apply to their airforce.

    Those shiny Mig-29s don't do much good when they fall out of the sky because the engine matinence was a little lax.

    So count your lucky stars if BF decides to be nice and let most of your Red force equipment stay mobile.

  9. Good points Steve

    But as I said a page ago, unless you have realistic TO&E then the game can never be totaly realistic.

    Otherwise you have a fantasy game with nice models and a really good armour penetration table.

    But as you have said, no matter what you are going to have that.

    No whether it will be labled as Syria or 'Country 2139C'

    We don't know ;)

  10. In case it was not clear before, I vote for Syria with major back story.

    Many games have done this before and had no problems with looking 'silly'

    All the Ghost Recon games have a story

    All the Rainbow Six games

    Lock On Modern Air Combat did as well

    And if the OOB is going to be 'Syrian' then the flexibility for a fictional nation is not really there anyways.

    In future add ons you can just change the story to get the equipment you want.

    I think too much of being put into this story idea anyways.

    If you want to focus on a single player campaign then pick a story and go with it no matter how unbelivable.

    I don't really think anyone is going to pick over it and point out all the 'silliness'

    People are not expecting a Tom Clancy novel here, just something to give their campaign battles some context.

  11. Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

    Why fictionalize the country? Why not fictionalize the geopolitical situation such that Syria ends up with the fancy equipment that some people want in the modules? Either way you're seriously messing with reality but I think the latter would be preferable since it would retain some of that real-world immersion.

    Then you might as well toss TO&E and realism out the window.

    Sure the platforms, armour values etc will all be realistic but alot of the realism comes from realistic force values and a realistic picture of what that force would actualy look like if a war did indeed happen.

  12. Why are you luring people towards the fictional side of promises of T-90s and BMP-3s and then in the other thread bitching about us asking for the moon and stating you wanted to to narrow the scope of this CM.

    THEN we find in this thread people asking for months of extra art and modeling.

    You are just trying to expand the scope of the game by possibly including the entire ME

    You then say the US invading Syria is far fetched but are willing to make up a entirely fake story involving fake nations and stories.

    It really hard ot ask what we want when I cant get any sort of consistency on what the game is trying to do.

    And I think your damned if you do and damned if you dont.

    If you fictionalize it then you are going to turn some people off like myself who have zero interest in ordering around regiments of T-90 tanks that cost as much as some entire yearly GNPs of some ME countries.

    You would also be opening up the game to questions like

    'If the game is fictional, why can't I have every nation and platform in the world represented'

    On the other hand if you go with a plausible story and one single nation you will have those who cannot get their heads around the concept of what actual armies field and why they cannot have every fantasy weapon in exsistence.

    You are going to have people dislike the game either way.

    I really see no point in wasting some of the work done already or opening up the game to what you in a thread not 24 hours ago said you did not want to do which was have a broad focus.

    So when you finally reach some sort of agreement on where exactly you want to take the game please let us know.

    Your confusing the hell out of at least one person here!

    Sorry if that sounds harsh, im not trying to be and I understand limitations and wanting to get the game right.

    But its really hard to give out sugesstions when we don't know the rules of what you guys are trying to accomplish.

  13. Here is my idea and it incorporates alot of your original story.

    The current Syrian goverent sees the writing on the wall.

    It's current military is not capable of defending the country or being a threat to Israel.

    Its economy is on the rise and it sees the joys of prosperiaty.

    It begins to open the door a little and begin a long term cease fire solution with Israel.

    It also begins talks with the US and EU to cease chemical weapon research and keep out of the affairs in Iraq.

    This does not sit very well with certain groups in Syria nor with the people of Syria.

    It also does not sit well with Iran or Russia.

    So in the winter of 2006 a coup forms and the people begin to revolt against the current goverment.

    By December a violent civil war has broken out.

    The UN declares it will try and negotiate but will leave the matter in the hands of Syria.

    The Arab states sit back and let the thing play itself out.

    Russia and Iran seceratly back the coup.

    By early spring the war is winding down in a crushing victory for the hardline forces.

    Lead by the former Syrian special forces and Hezbollah the new regime is very hardline and much more religiously strict than the last.

    It also completly cuts itself off from the rest of the world besides Lebanon, Russia and Iran.

    Quickly terrorist camps open and begin to train thousands of new soldiers for a war against the west and Israel.

    Israel begins a war of words and the US moves forces to the western border of Iraq to stem the flow of weapons and put a stop to border incursions.

    Israel begins the first steps of mobilization and moves some forces to the Golan region.

    Several bombings rock Beirut and the Syrian goverment offers to step in and 'stabilize' the country.

    Special forces and some army units move in and Lebanon becomes a puppet state for the new goverment.

    The UN meets and issues a resoloution economicly squeezing the new country.

    A blockade is set up and all natural gas shipments are cut.

    The Syrian goverment with enemies of all sides is extremly paranoid of an inpending Zionist and US invasion.

    It then takes the drastic step of a first strike.

    It launches SSM chemical attacks against, Tel-Aviv, Haifia and Jewish controlled Jerusalem.

    A series of bombing and highjacking occur in Europe and a small nuclear device is exploding in Washington DC.

    All of the attacks are traced back to Syrian sponsered terroist groups.

    Condemnation is swift and fierce.

    Syria has 72 hours to hand over the guilty parties, dismantle all camps and return pull out of Lebanon.

    They refuse

    Turkey allows Nato forces to use its border and airbases.

    Israel is shattered but agrees to make limited attacks in the Golan to pin Syrian forces in place.

    US Marines (for a later module) plan a daring attack to land in Lebenon and drive on Beirut.

    The US military along with loyal forces of the ex Syrian goverment plan to drive in from western Iraq and link up with Nato forces from the north.

    This will either drive Syrian forces towards the landing Marines or towards the Golan and onto the IDF anvil.

    So there you go.

    Its wild, its far fetched.

    But its what I have.

    It gives you real countries, a deep story, lots and lots of material and is not so far out there that its in the realm of sci-fi.

    You will not lose people due to having a ficticious OPFOR and the story will provide the setting your looking for while perserving all the work that has been done.

    And you have lots of ready to go follow up modules that use large chunks of what has already been done.

    You have the Marines, various European nations and possibly the IDF.



    (Sorry for all the spelling and grammer errors)

  14. Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

    As I said, if a fictional country with a fictional storyline could be done properly (i.e. no Leo2s fighting with Bradleys against M-60A1s and CV9040s) then it would be good. You can still base the OPFOR off of the Syrian research, but fill in the gaps and flesh it out a bit.

    Their arn't many gaps. I filled in most everything from the batallion level on down and over the next few days am going to start answering some of the questions I left scattered around this thread.

    It seems for whatever reason BF has cold feet about what they originaly proposed to do.

  15. I don't think I could play a game against a fictional country.

    If we go down that road lets just give the blue side Leo 2 tanks and British infatry and American air power.

    Who's to say its wrong?

    If the red side has T-90 tanks backed up by Brazillian APC's and Icelandic infantry all while having the air force of Belize buzzing overhead.

    That would completly kill the game for me.

    I think its kind of scary that the game is still wanting to be released in 2006 and the story has not even been written yet...

    Time to bite the bullet, pick something and stick with it.

    I can't believe you would not use Syria because it would be unrealistic if a real war broke out.

    But then you want to use a totaly fictional country...hmm

    All this work has been done on Syria.

    I vote for sticking with them.

  16. Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rudel.dietrich:

    Just takes alot of practice.

    Wikipedia believe it or not is actualy a pretty good resource. Just input something and start reading.

    When something looks interting just click the blue hyperlink and read about it too.

    As for Victoria, that is one of my favourite games!

    The only Paradox game I ever liked.

    Maybe with Steves permission some of us can undertake a platform information section for the manual.

    We can list every weapon and piece of hardware in the game and give it its own entry into the manual.

    Since the manual is probably going to be .pdf all those extra pages will hardly matter.

    Maybe we could build a Battlefront Wiki? </font>
  17. Now that is what I have been looking for smile.gif

    I wonder how much houses will simulate houses in the region.

    Will courtyards be possible?

    Will all rooftops have small wall around the edges?

    Does every floor have to be the same size?

    Lets say I want two main floors then a small floor on the roof, is that possible?

    Will buildings have different building materials.




    Reinforced concrete

    Cinder block

    Thin metal

    Metal and concrete



    Too bad we are limited to two building axis :(

    And finally, how will soldiers react to all this new stuff?

    In CMx1 is was pretty pointless to have a tiny alleyway since soldiers would either use the terrain next to the alleyway or warp into the building.

    Will soldiers now have to use entryways and doorways?

    Have to find windows and doors to fire out of?

    Will they have to mount small walls and fences?

    And custom buildings.

    Will it be sort of like SimCity. Can we build custom buildings, save them and then upload them and share them as mods?

    That would be too cool for words if its possible...

    I am loving all the new building options.

    I imagine the rate of new scenarios will be pretty low now since it will take forever to custom construct all this new stuff!

  18. Needless to say I disagree. I can easily seem them leaving Lebanon behind and fighting in Syria.

    And I think you are forgeting what you own storyline is ;)

    As soon as a military coup of civil war started Hezbollah would have men on the ground supporting one side or the other within days.

    That would be a number of weeks before the US entered the picture.

    But im not the one making the game.

    My advice since this is the thread for it to strongly model Hezbollah units since I am of the opinion that they would be active participants in a war.

    [ September 11, 2006, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: rudel.dietrich ]

  19. Just takes alot of practice.

    Wikipedia believe it or not is actualy a pretty good resource. Just input something and start reading.

    When something looks interting just click the blue hyperlink and read about it too.

    As for Victoria, that is one of my favourite games!

    The only Paradox game I ever liked.

    Maybe with Steves permission some of us can undertake a platform information section for the manual.

    We can list every weapon and piece of hardware in the game and give it its own entry into the manual.

    Since the manual is probably going to be .pdf all those extra pages will hardly matter.

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