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Posts posted by rudel.dietrich

  1. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Hi Rudel,

    Thanks for the answers and the clarification on the Mech Infantry. I think you misunderstood me when you gave this answer:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I was under the impression that their were two full time crew members who did not dismount.

    For the Mech Infantry, absolutely correct. The driver and the gunner always remain in the vehicle. The vehicle commander is also the Squad Leader, who dismounts with the Squad. What I was talking about is the regular Infantry units within the Syrian Army. They've got tons of them, mostly as independent brigades. In Soviet doctrine the Squad size is the same, but since there is no organic transport to the Squad all 9 are dismounts, unlike Mech Infantry where there is organic transport to the Squad. When you detailed plain old Infantry on the first page of this thread you didn't note the headcount for the Squads. At present time I am assuming they are 9 men and not 7.

    Thanks for the Engineer info... that's what I needed :D

    We've made a decision to hold the Airborne units over until the first Module. Too much to do for the initial release already and we want there to be some sort of new experience for the Red side in each Module. For subsequent Modules we'll probably expand the equipment to include things which are not apparently part of the Syrian forces today (like T-80s), but in theory could be or in fact might be by the time the Module comes out.

    SG-550? Wow... that's not a gun that is found hardly anywhere! I'm surprised to hear it managed to find its way down to Syria.

    Thanks again!!

    Steve </font>

  2. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


    Sorry! One more point of clarification:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I think I detailed platoon HQ squads, did I not?

    Looking back at what you wrote I am confused. You state that a Platoon has 3 Squads, but do not specify any HQ element. You do for the Company, which makes me think that there is no separate command element at the Platoon level? In other words:

    Infantry Company

    1 x Command Squad (9 men)

    3 x Infantry Platoon

    1 x Rifle Squad (Platoon Leader + 8 men)

    2 x Rifle Squad (Squad Leaer + 8 men)


  3. Originally posted by c3k:


    As much as rudel.dietrich's information is obviously very appreciated, what checks are you performing to verify the authenticity of the information?

    I'm certainly not trying to cast aspersions here; quite the contrary, I think rudel.dietrich is performing a great service.

    However, I would think our little community would be quite chagrined to find out if there were mistakes being propagated throughout the game because sources were not being double-checked.

    Now, I certainly do NOT want to have this done publicly. I am just hoping that you're not creating a major element of the game based on information being posted in a forum.

    On a final note, I again would like to applaud rudel.dietrich for the work he's doing.

    Thank you,


    I want to address this point first.

    Most of the information in this thread is either wrong or partially wrong.

    I know that is shocking at this stage in the game.

    But it is the nature of the beast.

    As Steve and BF can tell you, getting information out of this region is damn near impossible.

    The information I have is the best avaliable but is still either a few years or few decades old and based only on best guesses and tiny pieces of information pieced together and then the gaps are filled in in logical ways.

    And all of these formations are pristine. Within the first few hours of a war they would be bombed 24/7 and never look like this again.

    So total accuracy is not even that important.

    What I am presented here is closer to reality than anything else that I have seen presented.

    So while far from perfect it will at least give some semblence of a real army.

    I can also guarantee that the US side will not be totaly accurate either. Those are ever shifting formations as well and in a period of rapid change to meet the kinds of conflicts that the US finds itself in.

  4. Here are some updates to questions I have been asking

    No new news on the Soviet T-80

    Airborne squads DO have BMP-3s

    I have pictures to prove it

    No you cant see them ;)

    Syrian AT guns CAN fire ATGMs and each gun has an allotment of them

    I am still not sure if Syria has the 2A45M

    I would almost like to stumble across the fact they do simply because that would be nice to see if AT guns in consealed locations can still combat modern armour.

    NV and IR googles for airborne and special forces seems to be somewhat modern stuff from the 90s

    IR scopes appear to be widely used by SF units

    I have also read about them using many many different types of sniper rifles besides the SVD.

    Bolt action rifles

    And some units have G-3/SG-1 and the SG-550

    Both should be looked at for inclusion into the game.

  5. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Thanks! I meant to bump this myself.

    Rudel... any more details on Engineers or Platoon HQ composition? Those are the two holes I have right now. I've made educated guesses using Soviet and Russian TO&E, but there is a good chance that my guesses are not 100% accurate.


    I think I detailed platoon HQ squads, did I not?

    9 men

    Armed exactly like a regular squad

    No radio that I can find

    Guards, airborne and SF platoon HQ squads would have radios

    NO RPG in those squads


    Each company has four nine men squads and then a 5 man platoon HQ squad

    Armed like regular infantry except for the special weapons which are quite varied


    AT Mines



    Entrenching tools and other tools to fortify an area

    Basic Soviet stuff

  6. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Another question, this time from back on Page 1. Squad size for a Soviet Infantry Brigade is 9 men, just like for a Mech Infantry Brigade. However, since there is no Squad organic transport the 2 men that would be manning the BMP/BTR are part of the dismounted Squad element. Meaning, Mech Squads have 7 dismounts, Infantry Squads 9. The extra two are a RPK gunner and assistant gunner, otherwise squad organization is the same.


    I am not sure

    I was under the impression that their were two full time crew members who did not dismount.

    What happens if the squad comes under fire and is wiped out or the two crew members are lost?

    The vehicle is undamaged but useless?

    That seems really really dumb to have made it like that.

  7. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


    Do you have a specific TO&E for the Support Company assigned to a Mech Infantry Battalion? Standard Soviet TO&E has no Support Company, rather a number of Support Platoons attached directly to the Battalion HQ:

    Mortar Battery

    1 x HQ

    2 x Mortar Platoon (3x120mm)

    Antitank (BTR based only)

    1 x HQ

    3 x ATGM Squad (2xATGM each)

    1 x Recoilless Team (3xRecoilless)

    Antitank (BMP based only)

    1 x HQ

    3 x ATGM Squad (2xATGM each)

    Automatic Grenade Launcher

    1 x HQ

    3 x AGL Squad (2xAGL each)


    1 x HQ

    3 x SAM Team (3xSAMs each)

    The lack of a Support Company makes sense if they are to be split up, as you state on Page 2, to support the Mech Companies. It would amount to:

    1xATGM Squad (2xATGM)

    1xAGL Squad (2xAGL)

    1xSAM Squad (3xSAM)

    Mortars not necessarily attached, but if so probably 3x120mm

    You also state that the Syrian Mech Companies have a rather huge amount of firepower compared to the Soviet ones by incorporating 4x82mm Mortars or 2x120mm Mortars for each Company. Based on the Soviet TO&E from the 1990s this would appear to be the amount a Battalion has at its disposal.

    Any details on this?



    2x120mm mortars (Armoured Truck towed)


    4x82mm mortars (Armoured Truck towed)

    3xATGM teams (with BTR)

    3xSAM teams (With BTR)

    I saw some references that say 4 HMG or 4 MMG were also included but could not confirm that.

    It would make sense since the role of mech units would be defensive in nature

    A rather tiny company but each Batallion has one.

    Serves three main purposes, to ward of Helos, level one fire support and added depth in defense against armour and mech units.

    And by split up, I mean that the entire company would support which ever company was in the leading attack or probe role.

    As to your second question

    That was a typo on my part. That shold be for each batallion and not company.

  8. Originally posted by luderbamsen:

    Erm, aren't we getting into a discusson of towed or SP arty?

    That certainly wasn't my premise. Both types have their pro's and cons. Obviously, light towed guns are very useful for light, airmobile forces while SP guns have advantages for heavy mechanised units.

    My question was if towed arty was the right solution for a Stryker brigade? Not so much in the short term (I'm not sure there is an off-the-shelf alternative that matches the Stryker) but rather in the longer term: Something that that can match the mobility and survivability of the Stryker.



    Towed is about 1/20th of the cost

    That is a plenty good enough reason why it should be perferred if the fits the needs of the unit

  9. I am trying to get a feel for what a Styrker can and cannot survive.

    I will post a small list of things im curious about and hopefully get some answers.

    I know many of these will be conditional but im just looking for a rough yes or no.

    Direct 120mm mortar hit

    Direct 85mm artillery round hit

    Direct 122mm artillery round hit

    152mm artillery round at 15 meters impact

    85mm AT gun at 750 meters

    82mm RR

    107mm RR

  10. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    Very interesting film. It makes you wonder what cover genuinely IS cover, and not just concealment. It was also interesting to note how some rounds can "eat through" certain types of wall over time even if they can't penetrate it with just one burst.

    Maybe some of these effects could be factored into the game by giving the target less percentage cover against certain calibre rounds and also reducing the target's percentage cover for each consecutive burst, provided both the target and shooter do not change their position between bursts.

    Since watching the film I have thought about the many CMx1 games I've played in which an enemy squad has managed to hold a small building for many turns despite being suppressed and taking casualties from repeated small-arms attacks. In reality it looks like a squad would only be able to last out in a building like that for a minute or two before it ceased to provide any cover at all.

    This is similar to the idea I had

    Each object in the be assinged a certain number of 'hit points' expressed in a % term.

    As that object takes damage it becomes easier for smaller rounds to penetrate that object.

  11. Originally posted by SirReal:

    Also, it should be noted that light rounds (as in, not much weight) are more easily deflected by small branches and other foliage. Thus, while hiding directly behind a bush won't help vs 5.56, trying to shoot through foliage a few meters away at a distant target (100m+) will impact hit chances. You might not hit a branch, but then, if you do, it's a guaranteed miss.

    We were taught never to stay in tree of brush cover once the bullets started flying.

    As rounds are incoming they do as you say and start hitting branches and tree trunks.

    This is bad in the sense that this creates alot more smaller 'bullets' made of wood and what have you that can easily penetrate skin and go through the human body.

    In a sense are more prone to injury or death once you are found and rounds begin to be fired at you.

    The video did a very good job of detailing that this happenes indoors as well.

    Even if you are no where near the point of impact you can be wounded or killed by flying shards of building material.

  12. I was going to start a thread on this, but this thread is as good as any.

    Small arms fire ballistics are extremly important to me and I hope they are handled in as good as detail and armour penetrations and fire ballistics.

    I hope that 5.56 rounds can penetrate realisticly as well as every other small arms round in the game.

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