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Posts posted by Elementalism

  1. These super tanks are Hitlers wet dream. However as time has proven not very practical. That Ratte while interesting looks like a prime target for CAS. It would be the battleship of tanks lol.

    The E series of tanks sounded interesting and I suppose lucky for us they didnt implement such a standardization process earlier in the war. Not that in the end I think Germany could have held off the allies. But it could have been possible with more standardization they prolong the war or we see the first nukes dropped on Berlin instead of Hiroshima.

    Still interesting to see these plans.

  2. i am still on the fence whether to buy it. The demo was ok but the fight where the germans try to stop the soviets from crossing the bridge kind of scared me. There were obvious LOS issues in that which need to be fixed.

    As well, i need more info on the mission editor. I'd like to setup battles with a company of men supported by a few halftracks and tanks. Not 20 tanks and 3 squads of men :D

  3. Yeah, I am impressed with the level of model damage they show. I had a panther lose its turret and it looked very similar. Then the panther next to it had the skirts blown off it. Then the track and eventually lost more of its shell and exploded hehe.

  4. One question about LOS. It seemed like my paks were firing at armor which should have been hard for them to see due to tree's.

    Or are they finding a way to see through the brush and shoot T-34s from 1000 meters through a forest?

  5. I got smoked in my first trench assault. Then i decided to think it through a bit. I did the old CM tactic of laying down area fire on positions with my tanks at range and flanking with infantry.

    This greatly reduced my casualty rates.

    It is funny because I am so used to CM where you watch for 1 min, then spend an hour making your next decision. I keep forgetting I need to micromanage my troops a bit better and keep those tanks changing targets smile.gif

  6. I played the mission in the demo where I had to repulse a Soviet attack across a bridge. They simply outflanked my armor and paks. I couldnt kill them fast enough then overran my infantry with their infantry.

    I was pretty impressed. In Combat Mission I probably could have pulled it off, but not here.

  7. I fired up a tutorial and it seemed like it has potential. Unfortunately lastnight there wasnt time to play it for hours on end. But the 30 or so mins i spent playing it seemed like fun.

    At first I nearly wet myself as my rig was rendering at 1 fps. But I remembered something about dual core processors having an issue. I disabled one cpu and it ran smooth as a hot knife through butter.

    I will play it more tonight and over teh weekend. IMO this is where rts's need to head. Slower more complicated gaming. Not spit out x unit 500 times and send your entire group at the enemy base.

  8. Oops hehe, were 88s used extensively in 1940? Or was it one of those weapons that when used was decimating, but only saw action in limited scenarios and its use was overstated due to its godlyness?

    I honestly dont know.

    I will say in CM, the 88 flak was a prefered gun of choice. It was cheaper than the Pak43, seemed like it had a faster traverse, and knocked out most anything except the very high end armor at 1000+ yards.

  9. I have been playing this for the past few days. I have to admit eventhough the UI lacks, the game play is kind of fun and quick paced.

    Wish they had the option to turn the time down to 1/10th of real time. I find once you get going and are fighting in multiple towns with lots of infantry and armor that controlling it all can be tough.

  10. you have a point about RealLife, but in ToW just like CMBO, CMBB WW II occurencesd are being inflated. I mean, how often did IS-2s take on "King Tigers" ( ) in real life? And guess how often this happened, the world over on computer monitors in CMBB so far?
    I know what you mean. I now have respect for the recovery crews in World War II that had to recover the thousands of abandoned tanks on open roads because their tranny blew out or something.


  11. 20mm flak is the devil, great gun for knocking out guns or finding a weak spot due to their high rate of fire and high velocity on target.

    Sometimes I am indifferent, other times I wouldnt mind seeing what human selected forces can do.

    Right now I am in a QB where I am defending with a depleted company with 2 MG42s, 1x81 mortar, bunch of minefields, trenches, and barbed wire and a single 75mm pak. Knocked out a couple of light armor vehicles and waiting for him to make a rush over the open plains to my defensive positions smile.gif

    This was computer purchased, kind of fun having to make due with what you get.

  12. Originally posted by C'Rogers:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />The pro-bogging crowd seems to not want to answer this point, instead advancing several unrelated arguments:

    You missed one.

    The rate of blogging and how it affects the game is grossly exaggerated by some players. As evidenced by those (like myself) who have never seen a bog that didn't make logical sense and felt that there was control over. This meant people's complaints about bogging where about an incredibly minor issue. </font>

  13. Originally posted by Inola:

    Lets return to tigers. It was really good AFV, but dont forget-it was very hard to exploit. In reality, one day of usage requred nearly 2-3 days of tecknical support-it was often compared with Luftwaffe planes. And it requred a lot of fuel (gasoline, not exonomic diesel). There were ideas to unit each two tiger battalions-one would be in support, another could be in battle. Knikapf`s transmission was good, but two columns of wheels-one of the nightmares of German tecknical support service.

    Going to take this a bit off topic. Things havent changed, except now it is their cars. As an owner of 2 Audi's and my sister owning a VW. I can say the above is true of their cars, nice when they work, but expect to spend lots of time repairing them.

    btw this thread was interesting until Sig went into some political tirade and discredited himself.

  14. CoH is fun but I realize now it is DoW with a WWII skin :(

    I didnt do my reasearch and spent 50 bucks on it. Dont get me wrong, i enjoy DoW and will enjoy CoH, but for 50 bucks it isnt worth it imo.

    I played the FoW demo lastnight and it seems like fun but havent had the time to really delve into it.

    I like slower paced WWII games. CoH ends up being like DoW which is just mass a bunch of crap and roll your enemies base. Yeah you can occupy a building with troops but then a tank rolls up and they shoot rifles at it because they arent smart enough to lob a sticky nade or panzerfaust at it. Eventually the tank levels the building and your troops die.

    There is also a few overpowering features in the game that need to be addressed. The allies ability to call in off map arty with on map 105s is destructive. After that barrage it is pretty safe to say no base can really survive.

  15. Sweet! I wanted to do a larger scale version of CM where you have nation building and encounters setup by GMs, kind of like the meta campaigns, but with resources, industry, and unit creation\refits.

    But when I got into the project years ago, I realized, you can only have two sides because of the in game requirement one had to be Axis, the other Allies. With the ability to go head to head with the same equipment\forces, it will allow my idea to work with more than 2 nations, as a nation picks which equipment and infantry they will use from the start.

    Now please tell me a mission and map editor as also standard with the game :D

  16. I have played a lot of RTS's, some good(starcraft, Warhammer 40K, Battlezone I and II) some bad (AOE II, C&C Generals, and Warcraft III). They all boil down to knowing your race, build times, ect. They are mildly amusing to play drunk against superior numbers of AI players. But if you venture out into the MP arena expect to be slammed within 5 mins.

    That doesnt mean I hate them, but they are like driving a bicycle where games like CM are driving the car.

    And I fully intend to buy Supreme Commander when it comes out :D

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