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Mike 60

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Posts posted by Mike 60

  1. I've tried to open the scenario in the editor, but only get the message that the system can't find "scripts/events/convoy.txt". I'm sure the convoy-file is where it should be. What might it be, causing this blockage? :rolleyes:

    Wait! I figured it out at last. It was a double ini-file that caused it. smile.gif

    Now I must make some minor changes and try this one out. Seems very good.

    [ November 05, 2006, 02:29 AM: Message edited by: Mike 60 ]

  2. Hubert, we have exactly this problem playing PBEM (my friend, Johan, has already approached you with it directly). We tried to delete all older scenarios in the campaign folder as you suggested, but it did not solve the problem. All SC2-gaming is presently down, and we're getting a bit twitchy.

    It must be something else ...

    Wait!! Problem solved! smile.gif

    We made another deleting run, took away a scenario called Attack that I thought was part of the original game. Suddenly it worked!

    [ September 13, 2006, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: Mike 60 ]

  3. Thanks for new patch. smile.gif

    Being a bit confused here, however. I updated to 1.03 some days ago, and also updated my custom scenarios using the "export" feature. In the instructions for 1.04 there's talk about save files and updating scenarios alternatively, my impression being that there's a full compatibility between 1.03 and 1.04. But it could also be understood that this only refers to save files and that one has to update the scenarios again, even if done so in conjunction with the 1.03 update.

    Do I have to update my custom scenarios using the export feature once again when going to 1.04? :confused:

    [ September 07, 2006, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Mike 60 ]

  4. Originally posted by Normal Dude:

    There is a work-around for it, although it would be a chewing-gum-and-wire fix. ;)

    Have a pop-up prompting the player to make a choice. Have a corps located on a remote island out of the game, that is used to trigger the decisions. For Choice A: Move a unit to this exact X,Y tile. For Choice B: etc For Choice C: Dont move to ANY of those tiles. And then those events are based off of the occupied tile.

    Granted, not pretty, but it would get the job done before a patch.

    I had that sort of triggers for a entire-WWII-scenario I did for TOAW and it worked very well. That way players could decide for a number of events to have: Seelöwe, Barbarossa, Torch, Overlord; even a number of operations that never took place historically. Triggering the event made things happen and also comitted the player to that decision.

    I've tried to make the same trigger to SC2, but failed.

  5. Oh, dear, I finally got it!!

    If one could only read the manual properly in the first place, instead of, not unlike the apes, going trial-and-error through a game, thinking you quickly know it all.

    I had totally missed the "update" button in the editor and I never entered the editor at all when I changed the settings. Instead, I did all that from the outside, thinking that the system linked to the proper script folder. I take it all the data actually goes into the cgn-file after update.

    I changed the pop-up text on some of the standard scripts that I know was working. It didn't show up and that finally put me on the right track.

    Thanks, Hubert, for encouraging me further. I would have given up otherwise ...

  6. Hi again

    I've tried to create scripts for a non-combatant France as my suggestion above, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there anything wrong with the script below, for instance, or should it trigger a French reaction when Axis declare war on Benelux?

    #NAME= Axis DoW on Benelux (France->Allies)

    #POPUP= Strong French reaction to German attack on the Benelux

    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 0

    #COUNTRY_ID= 2

    #TRIGGER= 100

    ;3-20% activation increase towards Allies

    #ACTIVATION= [3,5] [2]

    ; Benelux declared war on by Axis

    #CONDITION= 12 [1] [1]


  7. Well, think I found them. This is one example:

    ; Event for increased US activation:


    #NAME= USA->Allies (USSR Allied)


    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 1

    #COUNTRY_ID= 3

    #TRIGGER= 100

    #DATE= 1941/06/22

    ;3-5% activation increase towards Allies

    #ACTIVATION= [3,5] [2]

    ;Set variable conditions:

    ;1st Line - UK politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered AND

    ;2nd Line - USSR politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0]

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 4 [2] [100] [0]


    If I read the above correctly, USA will increase it's leaning towards the Allies by 3-5% as a one time occurrence at this date, the 100% meaning that this script is guaranteed?

    If, with France at peace, I was to copy (not cut) this event and paste (double) it, replacing the US ID# (3) with that of France, will those two scripts then trigger USA and France simultaniosly?

  8. This is a question that hopefully is not to difficult to answer by Hubert or any veteran modder on this forum. tongue.gif

    Me and a friend will soon start a PBEM-campaign using a slightly altered Case White. We will start may-39 with Hitler having second thoughts about the attack on Poland, looking for alternative strategies with slightly improved diplomatic options.

    I have changed the parameters for France and Poland, making them at peace in september-39. That UK and Germany is at war is nothing to be done about I take it. But this will be dealt with using a few Home Rules. There’s one nagging question that I can’t make out by simply reading the rules, though.

    Will USA and USSR go to war with Germany in 1941-42 for sure (with a certain randomness as to the actual date) or are these declarations of war dependent upon what Germany does? We would like to see the latter condition in use. I have noticed the Pearl Harbor script, but it seems to me that it only announce the attack, but does nothing, hopefully, to push the US into war with Germany.

    Is there any way to make these two countries war entries dependent on the political situation only, without any unavoidable triggers, and what scripts do I, in that case, have to select or deselect before starting this scenario?

    Hope this doesn’t sound to unclear. I’m not dead sure what I’m asking about in the first place. smile.gif

    [ June 11, 2006, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Mike 60 ]

  9. I see ... No I really don't have a save file. I noticed it earlier while gaming, and when I now decided to fiddle around a little with the editor I remembered to have the Ploesti value raised.

    It may very well be that it wasn't connected to Berlin. Is that it?? Does it have to have an unbroken line of squares back to it's parrent majors capital?

    By the way, thank you for a very nice game. I was so excited by the upgrades done since SC1, that I posted a review on it on my website. Unfortunately it's in Swedish (and therefore impossible to read), but I gave it very good credit anyway.


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