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Everything posted by Rolend

  1. Yea what is the point of making a change to make US contrubutions more historical if you are then going to make the German side less historical? This is a very dicy thing game balance. Personally I think if you could make a game that matched history perfectly then Germany would NEVER have a chance and the game, even with differant victory conditions would not be a lot of fun to play. The more I study and understand what the Germans were up against in WWII the more amazed I become at what they did manage to acomplish. Don't get me wrong I am NOT glorifing them, I mean what 60 million total dead beacuse of that crazed whaco, but you can call him a dumbass all you want he came very very close to pulling it off.
  2. I have posted about subs many times and most of you know how I feel, but what the heck I will say it again. I think it was a HUGE mistake to lower the 'sub dives' ability. I think it should of been upped a LOT, I would also lower the damage subs do to surface fleets except transports. I would make it so subs take damage when raiding convoy lines. I would lower the cost of subs by as much as %50 and I would give the Germans starting sub tech of 1 with one chit in subs tech at start of game. This would make U-Boat opps a lot more historical IMO.
  3. Yep I would drasticlly reduce damage to ground units taken by airfleets and would NOT lower entrenchment, I don't mind the morale hit. As for WWII carpet bombing, it was not very effective and in fact the first time it was tried when trying to break out of Normandy the US actully bombed their own troops, even killed one of the US Gernerals if I recall. As for stratigic bombing of Germany the real impact was not on German indutry but on the German airforce. By the time of D-Day the LW was so beat up that the Allies had complete control of the skies making it very hard for the Germans to bring up supplys and reinforcments and I think that was a very large factor in the success of D-Day. EDIT ADDED: I also agree with Blashy about AA, alow it to have an effect on ground troops so the higher the AA you have the less effect airfleets have on ground targets and the higher the damage the airfleets take.
  4. It happened but was very rare. Keep in mind that silent mode does NOT make your sub any less 'spotable.' All it does it keep it from hitting convoys when in the convoy lanes.
  5. I agree air ops against entrenched ground units is WAY to good. Historicaly fighter bombers had their best effect when ground units were out in the open, using roads or open fields. When they were entrenched and under cover they were not only hard to hit but hard to even spot. If the Germans come to Russia with just 3 or 4 Airfleets and they concentrate them, NOTHING can stand in the way of Germany sweeping any entrenched or city position. As I have stated in one of my other post I also think that if a ground attack is intercepted by an enemy airfleet then the effects to the ground unit should drop drastically.
  6. Yea 3 or more combined airfleets make defense of Russia impossible. Personally I think if enemy air units intercept your attack on ground units then the damage done to ground units should be lowered a LOT. That way Russia could counter a strong German Airfleet with Airfleets of their own. This would make controling the air much more important and give the Rusians a chance to defend.
  7. Or better yet infurstructer, I would even base the amount of Operates allowed per turn on infurstructer.
  8. Cool list Blashy. More then the number I think the real strength (or weakness depending on how you look at it) in US divisions was how they kept them fully manned due to the system of the replacemnet pool. If you look at some of the US divisions they had well over %100 losses for the war yet were still fully functional with a LOT of time in the line, that could only be done with a very good replacement system. Hey maybe HC should think about a tactical turn based grand WWII game next instead of SC 3. Make it similar to Panzer General and units at Divisional level. Now that would be fun Retributar not me if anything I am suprised it was so high, the vast majority of Army Divisions were in Europe. Except for the Navy the Pacific got the short end of the stick when it came to men and equipment. I think the Marines did so much with so little, IMO they were and still are the best fighting men in the US military, baring Special Forces of course. This opinion coming from an Ex Army grunt
  9. Oh that is right, sorry Rambo forgot they were all Rambo clones and could kick supermans butt
  10. Blashy isn't that on by default? I have never messed with it and that seems to be the way it works in all my games.
  11. Yea I like this idea too, I could even play a game with a freind where say I took the Russians and the friend took the English in a co-op game. While we are on the subject of nation control it would be fun to be able to set all nations to AI control and just sit back and watch the fun.
  12. Yea if Bush could sell Iraq to America then FDR a MUCH more popular Pres certinly sells it. Ok you have changed my mind on this issue.
  13. Yes I agree Blashy it does make it harder on the Axies another reason to have it Homebuilds?
  14. I still want to see you guys do this with the Railheads option on
  15. Sure Blashy I could see it going down either way, it is hard to tell how things would of shifted after Pearl Harbor had England already fallen. Since that is a 'what if' type of thing I have no problem with the US declearing war in the game, more fun that way anyway EDIT ADDED: But I don't think it would of happened tell after Pearl Harbor in any case.
  16. Stalin O of course they would have, had Germany done so, I am just supposing that after the fall of England Hitler would of figured there was no need to but you never know what that loon would do. EDIT ADDED: I am a firm believer that Hitler never wanted a war with the west and had England and France done nothing after the invasion of Poland then there would not of been a war in the west. Now of course had the Germans managed to win in Russia he most likly would of turned his eyes west but by then it would of been a much tougher nut to crack.
  17. Agreed Lars, Hitlers intention was never to take all of Russia, but had he achieved all he wanted and the Russians off'ed Stalin then came to him asking for peace I think he would of listened. Once again a lot of IF's. EDIT ADDED: NO way FartKnock3R, they might of lasted another couple of months. That little bit of water saved their bacon, but then it has throughout most of their history.
  18. Blashy yes very true but if I am playing the part of Hitler in the game I have more brains then that and I don't DoW the USA Besides I don't think there is proof that there was a set agreement with Japan on DoW of US, the only set agreement was that if Japan DoW on Russian then Germany would DoW US. I think that was a dipolmatic mistake on Hitlers part, he DoW the US before Japan DoW Russia, then Japan either backed away or there was no 'set in stone' agreement to begin with.
  19. Blashy yea and look at the total number of Russian troops wounded/killed/captured in the frist few months of the war, had that been any other country it would of been finished. I think the Germans were doomed from the start even had everything gone perfectly for them, the best they could of hoped for was to force a peace and as long as Stalin was in charge there was no way that was happening.
  20. Its too bad you can't tell the computer to play both sides That would be fun to just sit back and watch both sides flounder
  21. I am not sure what your thing is with Micky D's but yea, the first game I played after the patch I noticed the same thing. The US takes Algier and I think great that is a step in the right direction then they do nothing, no invasion of Itlay or possibly taking Vichy France. It was nice to see HC's response that he is not done tweaking the AI in that regard. Once again Thanks HC.
  22. Keep in mind that the US para army includes the 82nd the 101st and there was one more airborn division, sorry I forget the number. So that one US para unit holds them all. What I find suprising is that Germany is allowed 2 para armys, that seems high to me. Being Ex Army I have all kinds of jokes about Sailors, Airmen and Marines. Would openly tell them to sailors and airmen but never to a 'jarhead' unless my friends and I were in the mood for a good fight and there was like 10 of us and only one of them LOL. [ June 21, 2006, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Rolend ]
  23. It is not offten I agree with Blashy However this time I do. I firmly belive that had England fallen the captial would of been moved to Canada, the US would NOT of entered the war in Europe, even after Pearl Harbor. N Africa would of fallen as the 'New England' would of had real trouble defending it both from a resource stand point and a morale stand point. The Middle East then would of fallen to Germany and Russia could of been invaded from both the South and West. Once Moscow, Stalingrad and the Cacucus's fell Stanlins head would be on a pike and the Russians would of sued for peace. The Germans would of given it because they cared little about the rest of Russia. End of war. I know a LOT of IFs By the way had just Moscow fell no way Russia bows out, they fight on tell Stalingrad and the Cacucuses fall. I think the Russians expected Moscow to fall in the first year of the war, in fact had the Germans not turned south after their first push the Russians were going to let Moscow fall without a fight. They were already in the process of doing just that but when the Germans turned south it gave them time to shore up their defenses, the Siberean troops show up along with an early winter. Moscow was NOT the key to Germany losing the war in Russia.
  24. No way US jumps in if England falls, in fact I would think had Hitler not declared war on the US it would of been months before the US did so maybe even longer. There was VERY strong feeling in the US that Europe had their war and the US now had its own war. Add in the fact that had England fell I am not sure the US would of got involved in Europe at all. I know why it was put in the patch, to stop people from doing Sealion. Rather then fix the engine to make it near impossible for the Germans to do Sealion they put in artifical politacal reason not to do Sealion. I hope this gets addressed in a patch.
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