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  1. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from RockinHarry in Headcount - Please Fix It!   
    @Battlefront.com.....Is there any chance you guys could fix 'Headcount' so that when set to 50% strength, a two man unit ALWAYS becomes a single man? 
    It's utterly bloody infuriating when a single man, especially one who is the subject for a scenario, mysteriously develops a twin. 
    PS - For some reason several types of two man team are NEVER reduced at the 50% setting, including MGs & RPGs.....How is one expected to create Rambo adequately if one can't get a single man with a machinegun or a rocket-launcher? 
    PPS - Most of my comments are based on CM:SF2, but I believe they generally apply more broadly too.
  2. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Pelican Pal in Headcount - Please Fix It!   
    We'll see. 
  3. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Improvement suggestions   
    I did exactly the same with randomly generated CM1 maps and I feel pretty much the same about the idea of having random maps in CM2.....I can think of an awful lot of other things I'd rather see first (persistent map damage, reinforcement by trigger, duration limited occupy objectives, AI painted artillery targets that can be timed to arrive mid scenario, amongst many, many others).
  4. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from RockinHarry in Improvement suggestions   
    I did exactly the same with randomly generated CM1 maps and I feel pretty much the same about the idea of having random maps in CM2.....I can think of an awful lot of other things I'd rather see first (persistent map damage, reinforcement by trigger, duration limited occupy objectives, AI painted artillery targets that can be timed to arrive mid scenario, amongst many, many others).
  5. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Another map is done, 'Bien Dong Co Plain', the 'Sea of Grass':

    About as close to 'tank country' as Bong-Hai gets. 
  6. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in Irrational Behaviour   
    I am not sure I understand the logic flow here.   Previously you commented on the fact that the TAC AI in CM is really complicated to the point you surely wouldn’t want to do it.  Then you suggest BF could easily answer questions relative to the TAC AI. Which is it?
    what exactly would you have them answer that would change your mindset about “supporting them”?  I can tell you now as a beta tester I submit behavior to BF that “looks” wrong with as much hard data (saves and the like) as I can get.  Charles then looks at it and builds a patch and says have at it.  I do not expect more than that as frankly I wouldn’t understand it. I can only test and see if it seems to have worked. Testing AI is a pain in the butt as you also have to consider unintended consequences which is one reason BF is so slow to address these.  As it is none of this has stopped me from playing and dabbling in design. 
    I am honestly pretty tired haranguing folks to stop just harping on behavior to provide saves and not just comment and yet 90% of these threads are completely useless to helping isolate what might be going on.  People point to one item, assume that is it and then assume because they guessed at it presto BF should fix it. 
    I am still on the fence on this particular issue simply because something about it seems very specific but it hasn’t been nailed down yet. For example if it turns out it is specific to something baked into a map, which maps? I expect this one is going to be around a bit yet. Nature of software. In a game this complicated if you assume you will get easy fixes and easy answers you are doomed to be disappointed.  Yeah it sucks, but as someone who troubleshoots software issues a lot, it is how it works. (And the software I troubleshoot isn’t even this complicated). 
  7. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in Into the Valley of Death Rode the ... Stryker Brigade...?   
    Will do....assuming that after I finish this bottle of wine I remember to do this at all. 🍷 kidding, but I did just get in from Japan this morning so it will likely be a day. ...or so.  
  8. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to SgtDeadly12 in So I Recognized the Soldier from the Cover Art   
    So a while ago I made this post in the CM: Afghanistan forum showing that the cover art from that game was based off of a picture of a US Marine being barely missed by enemy fire.
    Well, a friend of mine linked me a post on reddit that has the SAW gunner that the CM: Shock Force cover art was based on. Apparently it is a picture of a 1st Armored Division soldier in Ramadi, Iraq sometime in 2006.
    Here is the original picture and the cover art side-by-side.
  9. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from CaptainTheDark in The upgraded Canadian campaign "The Khabour Trail" is now yours!   
    Superb.....Now I finally know why I'm ordering these:

    Drilling them out and re-polishing the inside will be interesting (they are 1/72 scale)! 
  10. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Improvement suggestions   
    I did exactly the same with randomly generated CM1 maps and I feel pretty much the same about the idea of having random maps in CM2.....I can think of an awful lot of other things I'd rather see first (persistent map damage, reinforcement by trigger, duration limited occupy objectives, AI painted artillery targets that can be timed to arrive mid scenario, amongst many, many others).
  11. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Ultradave in New "02" patches for Game Engine 4 are now available   
    Ok, I've been able to duplicate this and posted on the beta forums to have someone (or two or three) double check me. Also a couple thoughts on the specific situations that are happening (I'll hold that for now until I'm sure or someone confirms what I think I'm seeing). 
  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to General Jack Ripper in New "02" patches for Game Engine 4 are now available   
    Man, it has been a LOOOONG time since I've had to download an incremental patch.
    Brought a tear to my eye with the nostalgia.
  13. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Tuthorn in The upgraded Canadian campaign "The Khabour Trail" is now yours!   
    A source I found says it was for affixing IR chem lights for IFF identification.
  14. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in Interview of a Waffen SS Soldier   
    My paternal grandfather was involved in the disastrous 'clean-up' at Belsen, hence my particular hostility to this video and the ghastly scumbag that it features. 
  15. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to HUSKER2142 in Russian army under equipped?   
    Guidance helicopters VKS RF to strike at ISIS.
  16. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to DougPhresh in The upgraded Canadian campaign "The Khabour Trail" is now yours!   
    I was serving at that time, in Afghanistan. We didn't carry Carl Gs when/where I was but a tonne of LAWs to bust grape huts. I'll ask around.
    Also 8 man section is absolute. Sometimes we were shorthanded, but most often not. Is the LAV commander considered a dismount?
  17. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from 76mm in Can We Get a Board Policy on Revisionism?   
    I got a telling off for posting images from Belsen, a mess that my family were directly involved in clearing up.....So I don't take too kindly at all to seeing videos of fascist f**ks pontificating about what a jolly rotten time they had on the eastern front, getting a free pass. 
  18. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to DougPhresh in Can We Get a Board Policy on Revisionism?   
    We've all seen threads go rapidly downhill, so I was wondering if we could get general guidelines on:
    Clean Wehrmacht Clean SS Holocaust Denial  Major Warcrimes denial Nazi/Imperial Japanese apologia I like this place and the community that has formed around it. I know, as most of you do that military history is itself  often contentious and WW2 history in particular attracts certain types of people. I'd rather not have this go the way of the axishistory forums where whenever I want to look up a unit history I have to read past David Irving quotes at best, and outright Nazi propaganda at worst.

    I don't think this is an issue of "political correctness" I'd just rather not read about how unfair Nuremberg was when someone's Opa was fighting for Volk und Vaterland.
  19. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    A few more screenshots.

    A view from the command chopper.

  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Some screenshots from a southeast Asia mod made by @37mm on a map made by @Sgt.Squarehead.  Pretty cool.  Especially when the Alexa app is playing Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater and the sound of choppers can be heard in game.  
    Note the sloped roof of the hut in the background. 

  21. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from nathangun in Combat Mission AAR: MSR Titan   
    And that, gentlemen, is why storing ammo in your turret ring is not always a brilliant idea! 
  22. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from RockinHarry in Interview of a Waffen SS Soldier   
    Well said gents, I look forward to the AAR! 
  23. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from professionalXMAZ in mortar response time   
    I'm guessing you mean top right hand corner? 
    I never knew that! 
  24. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from IICptMillerII in Kinda frustrated   
    Try 'Tankovyi Desant' as the Soviets.....It's a great little scuffle. 
    PS - Don't be scared of the difficulty settings, if you are new, go straight to 'Iron Mode', it's actually no more difficult and you will learn how the game really works (as opposed to how you might think it works) a lot faster.
  25. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to AttorneyAtWar in Interview of a Waffen SS Soldier   
    True enough, these usually don't go anywhere for better and worse.
    I didn't mean to imply you were a Nazi fanboy, just that you are using some of the arguments I see everywhere.
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