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Posts posted by LukeFF

  1. With all of that said, the key difference between the Iraqi and Saudi military is effectively nil.  The Saudi Air Force is the one military arm worth a damn, the Army is comprised of people not smart enough or rich enough to be pilots in the officer class, and the average enlisted struggles to read (or simply doesn't).  One of the endemic things about Middle Eastern military forces seems to be a focus on equipment=performance.  So in that regard it is essential to have the same kind of gear that better, cooler, armies have (see Iran under the Shah's runaway acquisition process, or the prevalence of high performance tanks and planes in places than can support neither), but the training, maintenance and the like is for babies and we don't have time for that.  Oh no, we lost another war!  THIS CURSED RUSSIAN/FRENCH/BRITISH/AMERICAN GEAR HAS FAILED US, GET US THE RUSSIANS/FRENCH/BRITISH/AMERICANS ON THE LINE TO SELL US MORE BETTER EQUIPMENT SO WE WIN NEXT TIME.

    Probably nothing new to you, but still a good read nonetheless: http://www.meforum.org/441/why-arabs-lose-wars

  2. ...or mere distraction allowing other members of their unit to escape.

    ...if only to surrender another day.

    So, basically it's all about style over substance is what you're saying.

    from Wiki:

    "Another distinctive trait of the Bersaglieri is the fast jog pace they keep on parades..."

    There's a joke there somewhere.

    "Run away!"

    How about we keep the lame jokes out of a thread meant for screenshots?

  3. And the sideways mortar rounds that required actually zooming in and replaying over and over again...some groundbreaking stuff there that will move the entire genre forward.

    You can always just skip over threads like that if they bother you that much. I mean come on...Is this how you spend your spare time?

  4. As I recall Steve did at one point say they would not do the Hungarians and Romanians again though calling them marginal forces is a little harsh.

    Seeing how they performed in battle, I would certainly call them marginal. In the end, they were little more than a speed bump for the Red Army. 

  5. Simmer down, Luke. In this case "corporate honor" means solidifying their reputation as a company that can consistently deliver the goods on whatever they turn their hand to, and that translates pretty directly into dollars and cents. What's ridiculous about that, hmmm?


    I'm plenty simmered down, and yet I still think your idea that BFC needs to somehow rehabilitate themselves is patently ridiculous. 

  6. How about we keep this thread about CMFB and not Total War? :rolleyes: 

    Now I can finish my TW-Attila Campaign without rushing !


    I have yet to finish a campaign in Attila i get like 150-200 turns in and get bored

    Same here. I really like the Total War series, and I own every game since Rome 1. However, I have never finished a whole campaign, though I have started many of them. The historical battles, which are both very cinematic and very intense at times, just gets repetitive and boring after a while. They are all fought in the same way: put your infantry in a battle line, use your cavalry on the flanks, and have your archers/javelinmen/skirmishers positioned so they can most effectively fire on the enemy.

    As a contrast, battles in Combat Mission are all unique, and they all need to be approached differently, depending on the exact layout of the terrain, the composition of your forces, and that of the enemy. 

    I agree with you 100%, TW every moment it becomes boring. That's not what Combat Mission each game is other.

    Don't agree re "boring"--am on turn 311 in TW Attila and I need 10 more Settlement captures for total domination ! Love this TW series AS WELL AS CM  SERIES (WW2 only)  As they --to each his own.

    Yeah I'm a sucker for the Total War series as well, going back to the original Shogun. They are always on my permanent game rotation. :)

     I'm currently playing the DeI mod for Rome 2, which I highly recommend if you want a slower more "realistic" styled  experience.

    Yeah I started playing when Medieval total war 1 came out. I like all the games and usually Finnish 3-4 campaigns in each game except for Rome II and Attila.. I wasnt a huge fan of Rome II, but Attila is great 

  7. Think I´d rather like seeing a wider assortment of trucks and minor vehicle types for germans. There were plenty of them and I´m not speaking of the booty types. Just having the Opel Blitz and some Krupp Protze gets boring over time and it doesn´t reflect reality that well. 

    Of all things to add to the game, you want more...trucks? :blink: 


  8. According to the CM manuals 'Green' does not represent fresh recruits, that would be 'Conscript'. 'Green' represents troops who have received a normal amount of training but have yet to experience combat up close and personally.


    No, not quite:

    Green: draftees with little training and some combat experience or reservists with some training and no combat experience. Green can also represent professional soldiers whose training is substandard in comparison to another force.

  9. That carrier task force will take a few days to get into the area and its' ability to generate air support over Central Ukraine will be limited early on and it will be opposed by Russia's Black Sea Fleet and airforce/air defenses. 


    You just don't really get it, do you?

  10. Oh, you understate this big time :D  Not only was IL-2 was considered the best flight sim of all time by many, it also came out at a time when the industry had written off flight sims as viable game genre.  IL-2 was so successful that position was reevaluated.  Oleg was considered a god.

    For sure. :D The 90s were a time when many tried to make their name in the flight sim business, and most ended up failing. Then along comes this guy (Oleg) from Russia showing that not only were realistic flight sims still viable but also that people would buy into a game set on the Eastern Front. I remember those days well. It's just a shame he bit off more than he could chew with Cliffs of Dover (hoo boy, aint that one big drama...). 

  11. I have heard of issues with that game.  I have not played it.  Was it supported by the developers much after launch ? I'm reading Microprose, which sends up a lot of red flags given that company got passed around.

    Both games were supported after launch, yes, but the end result is both games ended up with fractured communities due to the bickering over which mods had the most correct flight models.

    Mods killed IL-2 ?  From what I recall it wasn't shipped in great condition.  I only played near launch.  It was a lovely game.  

    IL2 was shipped in very good condition. In fact, it was praised at the time by the community as a game that wasn't a bug-ridden mess and didn't crash all the time. But yes, once the source code was opened up, it became a very big chaotic mess of competing mods. That's about the time I lost interest in it.

  12. Eh, no offense, but the forum here works just fine for communicating with other players, not to mention the other fan-made sites that organize CM tournaments. Teamspeak is for games that involve multiple people playing together in one match, and CM is plainly not that.

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