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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Darkmage

  1. nice work Bardosy, great campaign the 1st time round so going to enjoy replaying it
  2. bump just signed in, lets play some games!
  3. Yeh I'm not sure what's going on with arty, i.e. how much I'm going to use and how much I have etc.. a little more info in the UI would be helpful and allow you to plan things a bit better!
  4. Would've thought the Iowas would've had some force projection value, a lot more scary if you park it off someone's coast then a destroyer, guess too expensive though, shame awesome ship!
  5. maybe they brought the Iowa class out of retirement for some action? Any navy buffs around know what kind of big guns the US navy has left?
  6. If only our little pixel guys could spot the big red signs sooner
  7. Yair just played this through and really enjoyed it a simple mission but well executed. I think a 'course' like this could really help to put armchair generals through their paces and get you thinking about using the things you've practised here in normal missions where you may not have an explicit suggestion about employing them.
  8. Damn pesky Marines catching you in your staging area atleast you can re-load your pixel soldiers!
  9. yeh I also lot a truck to that =( guess you need to hunt down those ATGM teams early!
  10. is through the mountains the left hand branch? I went left and this got me through to obj Pooh.
  11. Just playing Pooh too. Looks like an epic battle! Def getting some slow down though It's playable but a lot slower..
  12. I'll be available for a game in about an hour and a half?
  13. Handi, atleast in previous patches if you disable 1 core and have CMSF running on just 1 you seem to get better performance. Not sure if this has changed with marines. Also I seem to remember BFC trying to move over to dual core but had some problems with the code?
  14. Did we ever get anywhere with the sharing/passing ammo idea? I think with the marines this could be particularly useful.. For example if you've got a Jav team deployed on the front line and a normal squad arrives as reinforcements in an AAV you could pick up the Javs for your AAV move your squad forward and then hand over the goodies to your dedicated Tank busters. Save having to run your AT guys back to the track to Re-arm.
  15. Would be awesome.. I'd also pay for officially supports scenarios with some background etc..
  16. some training style missions focusing on different things would be awesome Unfortunately I don't know where to find such info.. I'm sure some of the other guys will though. But good luck and hope this happens!
  17. It is winnable from both sides so keep trying
  18. So I'm playing through this scenario and so far so good, lots of action, surprises and desperate scrambles However there's around 50 mins left and everything has gone quiet. Do I declare a ceasefire or do I need to hang on for another wave?
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