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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Who here is the sub fanatic.Im playing 1 game and i went allout tech on subs from the very begining.It was summer 1940 and my subs were at plus 5.Man can they ever wipe out ships.
  2. SeaMonkey you of all people(chemist)should realise that it is stupid to burn oil for fuel when there are so many better ways to do things.I see your from texas.Hm oil anyone.
  3. I got beat by a guy doing a 1940 attack.He got lucky on his tech though(plus 3iw plus2 armour & i had nothing).
  4. jon_j_rambo,gas in british columbia is $4.60 a gallon on average.Time to find another source of power.You want to see a good show try to find the movie:who killed the electric car.It will really open your eyes.
  5. Yes ,malta got pounded and the german supply problem was solved for a while.Russia soon screwed all that up.
  6. Yea the russians wont fall back.The ai will try to defend everything.
  7. Go to the max.The only real challange(although this is the best ai ive ever played by far)is human vs human.I guess the problem with all ai is that you can trick it into doing just about the samething everytime.What works against the ai probably wont work against a decent human player ,but you could always try it.
  8. Alot of maltas success was a result of ultra.The british could get maximum effct with what little they had.I read where that the british were able to intercept a convoy and knew what ships to hit and where the ships were in the convoy.This would not be possible without ultra.They also knew what convoys had the most protection and could avoid them.The germans blamed the italians for a security leak.I dont believe ultra is factored in this game anywhere so maybe the british should have to have ships or planes on malta for it to have any effect.There should also be a limit to what the axis could have in africa due to logistics.I dont no how that could be decided.
  9. I dont see how malta could cause a problem at all if there are either no ships or planes.In third reich if you dont have either ships or planes there malta has NO effect at all.
  10. I dont care who i play or which side i am.Im with you guys in that the best way to learn is to get beat and most of all it will be fun.
  11. But in russia mud and snow are what caused alot of mobility problems.You cant take that out of the game.Ive talked to german vets who fought on the russian front and they told me that the mud and snow were so bad that it caused massive wear on all moving parts,Sometimes there would be colums strung out for 50 to 60 miles unable to move at all for days because the fuel trucks were stuck or the roads were mined and you couldnt travel off road because of the mud.Vehicles would sink up to thier axles and thats it you cant move.I say leave it how it is its the same for everyone.I agree about the affects of mud in the west because the road systems in europe were alot better.Most roads in russia were nothing but dirt tracks that became unpassable except for tracked vehicles when you got a sudden rain storm.
  12. I find it all depends on how the game is going.Does it look like the german is going to ty and invade,if so building the engineer early would have been a good idea,Are you going to fight in africa by moving your whole navy down to the med to wipe out the italians you might want to have built more corps to defend england.It all depends on your planned strategy.
  13. Against a human player if you havent K.O.d england, leaving russia untill 1942 would seem a death sentence to me.The commies would have a huge army.
  14. If you wait untill 1942 to attack russia garrison req.will be the least of your problems.
  15. Does terif and all the rest of you experts have to give us newbies a handicap(haha).Judging from what ive read i think this will be a real learning experience for me.The only way to improve is to get wiped out and learn from it.
  16. What did we learn from this.Absolute power corrups absolutley.Yes the axis alliance was at best a loose friendship that happened to be fighting the same enemy.Just imagine if the bad guys beat us.I bet they would go beat the hell out each other.And for fun we could throw the ultra,magic secret into it.
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