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Everything posted by sburke

  1. ahem, as a telecom engineer I object. Telecom is primarily audio and has nothing to do with illiteracy. Blame spell check, texting and social media for it if you want.
  2. The difference is BF would not just have to create things that seem to be something but aren't. They'd actually have to do far more work than just modding images. Let em get out the stuff we are already waiting for and can mod that rather than adding more onto their pile that they will never get to. CMRT's module is gonna rock and I am not even that huge a fan of eastern front... well in comparison to others anyway.
  3. The road map is aaaarrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh RIP sburke you did provide a good meal for the hounds. At least they didn’t feed me to the pigs like they do in Deadwood
  4. have you opened a ticket yet with the helpdesk? that really is your best route.
  5. only way I know to do this is you create a location for exit. Launch the scenario to play, move the army crew to the exit area, move the marine crew to the vehicle. when you hit the big red button say goodbye to the army. You can't save the scenario in the editor with them moved. They just go back to the vehicle when you launch the battle. There are some oddballs items about vehicles as well. If you do this with the Mk 19 equipped Humvee, if your team exits the vehicle during the scenario, the vehicle is immediately dead. If you do it with the M2 Humvee you lose the M2.
  6. Because it is the internet. Extreme responses are a requirement for participation according to the fine print.
  7. The reality is there isn't really a separation of RT vs Wego. Steve has gone and explained some of that prior but the short of it is you won't see them changing the format.
  8. watch it there sonny, I'm not quite dead yet. And get off my grass mod.
  9. you were clear. You are also participating in a thread of discussion that is some of the same litany about BF's pace of release. In your particular instance as I noted it was the pace of release only of one particular family. I get that is the only family you care about but as part of this discussion I thought it noteworthy that yes you have waited a while for a CMRT module, however that has no real bearing on BF's overall release rate. Doesn't help you much as those other releases aren't of interest and yeah that would suck. Hopefully the CMRT module isn't very far off.
  10. That is irrelevant for the doomsayers who think just because BF is taking a little longer to release a module that suddenly they are in danger of going out of business. And the fact is that prior to the new engine they only released 3 games so I'd said they actually are correct. As to your comment on the module, you weigh BFs business only on the modules of the Family you are interested in. That's fine, but for folks like me the release of CMSF2 upgraded to Engine 2 far outweighs that. It's all subjective. Problem is everyone assumes their subjective view is the reality for BF's business.
  11. It was 3 years between CMAK and CMSF. You guys really need to maintain some perspective on real history on BF release rates rather than what you might desire the rate to be.
  12. wrong forum for those games - you may want to just open a ticket with BF.
  13. Basically there will be no gossip. If and when there is anything to say it will come direct from Steve. No one else who might know anything would be authorized to say. Speculation you will hear plenty of on these boards. Fun but not based in anything other than possible wish lists etc.
  14. Getting back to the OP, the first question you should be asking is does BF want to be producing more. Obviously we pretty much all have the view that we can never get enough. However from BFs view getting larger may be exactly what they don’t want. Granted I think things are going a bit slower than they’d like right now, but a lot of that is tied to specific projects. CMSF2 (which suffered from some mission creep, but the end result was worth it) and CMFI (which will likely go into the lessons learned column but will still be worth it in the end as a unique product). Once CMFI is out the door I would hope the plumbing throughput should improve. I doubt either Charles or Steve is interested in spending more time in people management.
  15. Considering all the assistance he provides for other users and the degree he communicates stuff within the confines allowed I think that is a grossly unfair representation of his participation in this forum.
  16. I see it a fair amount when one of my pixeltruppen needs to reload and is....... busy
  17. I vote shut. I actually agree with things being said by both sides ( or several sides as this thread has really become adrift) but these discussions never really go anywhere here except in circles and get more acrimonious as they go. This is not a political events forum, keep it in context of the game or go to a political forum. The thread was never relevant to begin with, JK needs to keep this stuff in the general forum or his omnibus post.
  18. The young insurgent leader may have been inexperienced and afraid, but he was brave... or just blindly stupid. He didn't hesitate to throw his men at the Americans who had appeared behind him. Against a superior trained force in a good defensive position endowed with night optics his men never stood a chance. Some survived long enough to return fire, but that lasted only moments. Some of the insurgents did survive...and would likely end up in Fallujah or Ramadi Hitman's battle was just beginning
  19. Assassin 1 is given the order to reveal their presence. Lt Navarro gives the order to Sgt Nieto to light up some contacts around their position - "time to start this party Sgt." The bravado hides his concern that his platoon is isolated from the rest of the battalion and the enemy force in the town is estimated at several hundred. On the opposite end of town Hitman starts eliminating enemy units surging toward the canal road.
  20. Godfather upon hearing from Assassin 1 orders Hitman across the canal. The insurgent leader to the north nervous about what is going on around him sends out men to the other two team leaders in his area. Unfortunately one is dead and the other is in a daze wandering among his men - casualties of the American bombardment. There is no help.
  21. 1st recon plan is for Assassin 1 to occupy a factory complex on the northern outskirts of the town. The open fields between it and the river will allow the team to cut off the defenders from the North and create confusion. Meanwhile once Assassin 1 has confirmed they are on the objective Hitman elements will cross the canal and follow the canal road west then occupy the buildings along that route. This is parallel to the bridge road and one block over. Hitman 3 is tasked with actually taking control of the bridge itself. Meanwhile Raptor and the remaining elements of Assassin will frontally assault the thoroughly disrupted defenses and clear the town, Hitman elements are to maintain a defensive posture along the canal to prevent a friendly fire incident. The first the insurgents know of 1st recon's plan is the sudden appearance of smoke if front of the northern positions. They wait for the Americans to appear...… Meanwhile Assassin 1 has slipped past them in the dark and headed for their objective in the enemy rear. The insurgent commander confused by the failure of the enemy to appear sends a team forward across the road. On hearing they see nothing he races across himself to confirm. The view from Assassin 1 at the factory complex.
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