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Everything posted by BCGOVT

  1. Greetings all! I've played all my CMAK scenarios to death, and would like to try some new one's, but not sure where to go, nor of the Mechanics of how to do so..... Can anyone help a PC challenged Gent?..... Any assistance appreciated! Cheers!-BCGOVT
  2. Fredrock, Many thanks! E-mail sent, and I do so appreciate you taking the time. Best of luck "weathering" the storm. Thanks again-Cheers-BCGOVT-JHW
  3. Greetings All! I'd dearly love to try "Sie Kommen". However, I confess that my computer skills are a wee bit uncertain. Can anyone Please guide me through downloading it and how to use/install it? I'd really appreciate a walkthrough "How to". Thanks muchly, Most appreciated. Cheers, Peace to all. Regards-JHW (BCGOVT)
  4. I Order my mechanized forces to advance, be it hunt or move, or whaterver............They seem very "Gobsmackked" when they run into any obstacle? I mean, as a former soldier, (Infantry), I agree that Track types are a bit thick. However, my beef with CMBB, or any CM game is that Mech forces on the advance or retreat don't deal well with woods or scattered trees, Etc. They get a bit weird around anything blocking their path. Comments appreciated. Cheers-JHW (BCGOVT)
  5. Never having done "Play by E-MAil", I'm wondering if someone will be willing to take the time to explain to me how that works? Fun? Satisfiying? Is there Another way to play CMBB/Can one Play "Online"? And yes, I'm obviously a firm believer in the: "There's no such thing as a stupid question"..... I'd appreciate any feedback, thanks muchly-JHW (BCGOVT)
  6. Never having done "Play by E-MAil", I'm wondering if someone will be willing to take the time to explain to me how that works? Fun? Satisfiying? Is there Another way to play CMBB/Can one Play "Online"? And yes, I'm obviously a firm believer in the: "There's no such thing as a stupid question"..... I'd appreciate any feedback, thanks muchly-JHW (BCGOVT)
  7. CM Gamers all (Whom responded) -Sorry I mentioned it. He happens to be an old man whom drinks too much, and is (In my opinion) Genuinley a nice man. Now, and, here. What he did, what he was like, what his motivations were 60 +/- years ago are, and always will be, between himself and whatever higher power he acknowledges, if any. I just thought it unusual, and worth mentioning, that one of "their" vets was still alive and kicking. Had been there and done that. I've mentioned CMBB to him, but he dosen't quite get it... As a former Soldier, I respect anyone who's legitimatley Soldiered for an Established armed and recognized force, espescially when the circumstances are bad. Soldiering anywhere/anytime/anyhow is difficult enough anyway. If you've never been there, done it, then I hope you make your judgements accordingly. As I said originally, "It's your call". Obviously, I touched a nerve, without intending to. You've have many opinions related to this, many of them very bitter or so it seems. One of the rights of the Victor, is to Forgive the Vanquished. And if you can't forgive, then remember, and never allow the past to repeat. Was it a Horrible time/place/situation? Too much has been written to even bother to delve into it further in my opinion...To me, and anyone who's had a beer with "Johhny", he's a former enemy soldier. Absolutley things were tough for him and his. As they were for every man woman and child involved All Over the World. Are there those whom hate him here? I'm sure. There are certainly those whom won't speak to him, nor have a beer with him. Personally, it was before my time. He never makes an issue of it, and has always been very reluctant to discuss it. I Personally apologize for even Mentioning it, and will refrain in future from discussing any non-CM related topics. I wish to take a moment to thank Dey and Phillipe for their comments and assistance with a file copying Issue. Thanks again both. And........Yes, I am A "New Guy" (Obviously) I Didn't realize such passion/controvesy could arise. Curious-Several people have intimated, that there have been (ARE?) Actual Nazi's on here? People have been Banned? Are We Talking American Nazi Party? Canadian? (Is there A Canadian NaziParty??-I doubt it) National Front from the UK? How do people know/what was said? And most Importantly...........WHY?? What's the point of bugging a war same site? Again-Peace to all-JHW (BCGOVT)
  8. Jason C-Thanks much. Anyone with further Info? I have fired the MG 42, and the MG 3 both, as well as the current and past Canadian/NATO squad SAW's and GPMG's. Minimi is a lovely weapon, and although this has no CMBB/CM signifigance per se, I'd personally like to see any further Info on this weapon. Anyone have the actual weapon designation-MG 42 (V) (V as in fifth model?) Thanks to all-JHW (BCGOVT)
  9. Just curious, I've Never heard of this weapon. Any Idea of the rate of Fire? Similar to the MG3? MG3 fires 1200 RPM +/-. This was an Experimental MG?? Thanks for any Info-JHW (BCGOVT)
  10. Well. As I said Before "It's your call". I don't Agree with the Government he fought for. I certainly don't agree with their political Ideas or aims. I do know that now, he's a nice old chap. And yes, he did have many drinks bought for him by his former enemies, whom are now also nice old chaps. To me, it's History, and belongs in the past. Learn from it yes, repet it, Lord no. Throw it at him? Well, your call. Peace to all. -JHW (BCGOVT)
  11. No Offense meant to anyone. Johhny's a good Man, even If he did serve a bad cause long ago. My father fought them, and fought in Korea, and several tours against the IRA. (Again, no offense!) You'd be surprised how little Politics and actual Soldiering have in agreement/common. Peace-To all, as, and when you can get it. Cheers-JHW
  12. Just an interesting tidbit for those of intrest in the ostfront: Let me quantify for a mo': I currently work for the BC Govt. in a security cappacity. I am A C.F Vet. 12 Years. Infantry-Airborne Regt. Cyprus/Germany/others. I Enjoy this Game, It's fun. Just Fun. Occasionally, I'll Have a beer with a vet at the local Legion, of a different sort. He's a "Kraut", Boxhead", Square-Head", Etc. However, He has an Interesting story-your call here, Just Interesting I think. (He's currently 91/ish-He's not sure-he says...-but looks 60 !) "Johhny"-Johannes?-Was/is Dutch. In Early 40's saw his home/country overrun. Decided (Urged by his single mother for the money..) to join the local chapter of the HitlerJugend (He repeatedly has told me the name, but I can't pronounce/spell it-JHW) Anyway-At 14 (I Joined Army Cadets In the U.K at the age of 12 as we lived on base, moved to Canada in 1979- continued same through cadets, militia, Reg-Force, but what a diffrence from "Johhny") Anyway, "Johhny", at the time 13/14 joined the Dutch branch of the HitlerJugend. Did well, and according to him, the best thing about it was " my Mum, sisters, and brothers never starved". Apparently, there was a selective rota for awhile about whom got fed and whom did not. Long Story Short-"Johhny" fought on the Eastern Front from the age of 17 (!) until the end. Luckily for him, captured by Canucks in 1945 in Holland. Told me many weird/lucky stories, too weird to disbelieve. Do I Doubt him? No. He brought his tunic to the Leigon one night, because I kept pestering him. It was rolled up in a green plastic garbage bag. he showed it to me, (Motheaten rag essentially, But SS patches clearly ripped off..) and a few lads, knowing my intrest, wanted to see it too. (I say "Lads"-These are men in their 80's/90's whom all fought the Germans) Many recognized his medals/badges/decorations. Johhny Didn't buy one drink that night! Did the Lad's Hate him? No..Maybe then, but not 60 years later....Is he a good man? I think so. A man whom served a bad cause? Absolutley. I asked him tonight, If then, they thought they'd win. His response- Aber Naturlisch. (Of Course!) My thoughts-As A Young Soldier-to an adult one-Love your Kids, Guide them well. Just me-Cheers. Do the Absolute best you can, always. "Johnny's" fate? He has a house in the community of Langford, and mostly gets rides home from the Leigon nightly. He's a locally known (To the Military) folks oddity. An Honest to god "Probably" ss Guy....Johnny Hasn't ever admitted to being in the SS, however, if you could see his tunic.... Anyway, a nice old vet. I respect the hell out of him, and anyone like him. Your call... (Name an SS Marching song, any one, he'll belt it out............."Johhny-How'd you learn that?...."Popular record back then he'll say..."
  13. DEY-Again, My thanks! I found the "proving grounds" and am looking forward to trying some of those Items, and posting feedback. (after I work through the 1000 or so I got from CMMODS-Thanks Philipe!) Also found a "Blowtorch Scenarios?" looks good too. I shall scream loudly if I require further assistance, (Don't be surprised!)and shall double check my typing! Thank you again, cheers-JHW (BCGOVT)
  14. DEY-I only recently found time to resume playing CMBO, CMBB, CMAK on a semi-regular basis, and found to my dismay that I'd played the supplied battles and operations to death. I'd seen the Battlefront site many times of course, but because I'm rather computer challenged, and because I'm usually reluctant to do anything on the net, I had in the past refrained from attempting to utilize the help offered via Battlefront. Frustration and hope of assistance overcame my reluctance, and I am very pleased. No worries about the tone of voice, can't say I blame you. Thanks to both you and Philipe, I really appreciate the comments and assistance. Regards and thanks-JHW (BCGOVT)
  15. Philipe-SUPERB, Worked like a Charm!!!!!!!!!!! VASTLY Appreciated!! Many thanks! Note-The site wasn't slow At all for some reason??! Again, Many thanks!! Regards-BCGOVT (JHW)
  16. PHILIPE-Thank you, I shall try your suggestion. I'll let you know how it goes. I Appreciate the comments and helpful Suggestions, And My thanks again. Regards-JHW
  17. DEY-My Apologies, I meant to Say I'd like Assistance in learning how to download Additional Operations which are available on various CMBB Fansites, Etc. You're quite correct, My typing confused me when I re-read it just now.
  18. DEY-My Apologies, I meant to Say I'd like Assistance in learning how to download Additional Operations which are available on various CMBB Fansites, Etc. You're quite correct, My typing confused me when I re-read it just now. PHILIPE-Thank you, I shall try your suggestion. I'll let you know how it goes. I Appreciate the comments and helpful Suggestions, And My thanks again. Regards-JHW
  19. Greetings All, I've been playing CMBO for about two years, and for Christmas received CMBB, And CMAK. I've played all the battles and Operations Ad infinitum, and would REALLY love to use some of the Operations and Battles and Operations Available. Here's the kicker, I'm over 35, and computer challenged. If any of you kind people could explain to me in plain Queens English how to download and run operations, Etc, I'd be eternally Grateful. Remember KISS-Keep It Simple Stu... In Other words, I would really appreciate step by Step Instructions on this. Again, My thanks To All. I'm at: jwja@telus.net. Again-Danke. Now-Schnell Marsch!
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