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    rocketman got a reaction from Reverend Crass in Horrible frames. Getting frustrated.   
    Thing is the CM engine is more CPU heavy than GPU heavy, so better and better GPU will unfortunately not help much. It is also on OpenGL. Main thing why it can't be compared to a RTS game that on the surface looks much better, and that is the vast simulation going on under the hood. Especially in large/huge scenarios. So that is the tradeoff for realism under the current engine.
    There are settings that can help. I find that shadows look the worst in sunny conditions, which is pretty common in Syria. What you can do is open a scenario in the editor and change the weather to "hazy". Won't change LOS range much but will make shadows better. Also try turning on/off shaders in-game as that can help too. 
    There are also mods that can make terrain and buildings look better. Sounds can be improved.
    So what I'm trying to say is to make it look/perform the best under the conditions at hand - and then enjoy the ride!
  2. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Citizen Snips in First Time CM Player Impressions   
    Get your mods here (for all CM games): http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/
  3. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in First Time CM Player Impressions   
    Get your mods here (for all CM games): http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/
  4. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Problem: it looks fuzzy   
    I understood your query, but answer in English.
    Make sure the graphics card is associated with the game if you have an internal one as well. If on Nvidia, go to control center, add the game and then there is a button for it. Or you can right click on the shortcut for launching the game and pick the graphics card there.
  5. Like
    rocketman reacted to ChrisND in Order completed!   
    The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
  6. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Hapless in New Schmuck in need of advice   
    I like  @Hapless reaction to the mayhem, settling with "hmm, interesting..."
    Thank God I'm not a Youtuber, I would have screamed my head off with profanities. Will check out more of his stuff on YT though.
    Yes, the charm with CM, "live and learn", or "die and learn". 
    "Fail again, fail better" is sort of a motto for me. Only way to improve your game, especially when taking on human oppos in scenarios never played before.
  7. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from zinzan in New Schmuck in need of advice   
    I like  @Hapless reaction to the mayhem, settling with "hmm, interesting..."
    Thank God I'm not a Youtuber, I would have screamed my head off with profanities. Will check out more of his stuff on YT though.
    Yes, the charm with CM, "live and learn", or "die and learn". 
    "Fail again, fail better" is sort of a motto for me. Only way to improve your game, especially when taking on human oppos in scenarios never played before.
  8. Like
    rocketman reacted to Bulletpoint in Improvement suggestions   
    Have infantry stay on one side of a low wall when running along it. Right now, they jump back and forth over it. Also often affects hedges etc.
  9. Upvote
    rocketman reacted to slysniper in BFC - Time to Rethink the 'Roadmap'?   
    well, out of all the things I have read here in a long time.
    This is the first one that actually makes so much sense. These two items if they could be fixed to do just as mentioned. Sure would be a massive time saver for anyone who does work on creating scenarios.
    My day to day job is working in 3d modeling. So every time I get in the editor of these games I know just how wasteful it is to have to try and envision the change and then have to go back and forth to view the changes and how things are reacting in the model. The thought has crossed my mind but have never thought about requesting if the programming could change. I would suspect it would only happen in the  cm#3  engine. Not the present engine
    The units placement is also a big time waste. Its a feature that gets old really quick. Really would be nice if they could just manage to stay grouped somewhat to their organization.
  10. Upvote
    rocketman reacted to Glubokii Boy in BFC - Time to Rethink the 'Roadmap'?   
    Imo the one thing holding 'good' campaign design back is the HUGE amount of playtesting that is required. Even designing a small campaign with no force preservation, ammo concerns and the like is a big, big undertaking when it comes to playtesting. Many of the comunity made campaigns are made by a single guy i belive. If he is lucky he has a small number of volontary playtesters to help out. 
    A Small campaign...mayby 4 or 5 'stand alone' scenarios linked together into a campaign with pretty much full replenishments between the battles resulting in pretty much a garanteed set of curcomstances for the next battle still requires testing, testing, testing...
    To get a 'good' campaign
    Add to this brancing scenrios, force preservation, ammo concerns and stuff...The need for testing increases drastically to be able to try out the different results the previous battle will have on the next one and the next one and the next....
    'Good' campaigns is pretty much not doable by a single person...He would go mad 😉 by the need for playtesting...over and over  and over again...
    Things like designing the maps takes time...sure...but it's nothing compared to the playtesting needed for a 'good' campaign.
    The best improvement to the editor imo to simplyfy scenario/campaign design would be to be able to - load a save-game file into the editor - Tweak it and re-save it to be played again...
    For example...You have designed a 60 minutes battle...You have playtested the first part of the fight...lets say up to minute 20 and everything is working fine so far. But as the battles continues somewhere around minute 35 things are not playing out as you have intended. Some stuff will need to be tweaked to get the second half of the battle to work the way you like.
    With the current editor features you would need to tweak the second part of the scenario. Save it and start from scratch. that is minute 1 !. having to play through those 20 to 30 minutes again to get to the part that you just tweaked. Maybe it is working this time. Good for you ! but maybe it is not working this time either or you would like to try something else for the second part of the battle regardless. Tweak the scenario ones again. Save it and ones agian you will need to start playtesting from minute 1.....Uuuurghf !!!
    What if you could take the save-game file you have from a few minutes before the playtesting showed some undesired results and load that file into the editor....Make your desired tweaks for the second part of the battle and save the file again. Now...when you begin your playtest of the tweaked version of your scenario you will begin playtesting at the same minute the game was on when you saved it...maybe minute 25...and start your playtesting from there. No need to play the first 25 minutes again.
    Having something like this would be a feature i would really like...
  11. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from NeoOhm in Error 2 File not found - I cant install the games   
    Glad it worked. You know - sometimes even a blind hen finds some corn. Lucky guess on my part, but a known issue with CM games.
  12. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from NeoOhm in Error 2 File not found - I cant install the games   
    I'm no tech wiz, but check for anti-virus program putting the game .EXE in quarantine. Try disabling anti-virus just for the installation of the game, and then reactivate it.
  13. Like
    rocketman reacted to Bozowans in Enough Whining. List things you LOVE about CM   
    Weapon ballistics and munitions. That's the one thing that CM does better than everything else IMO. No game can simulate the complexity of human behavior, but CM does a pretty masterful job with really getting down to simulating the munitions of an actual battlefield and the physics of bullets and shells and shrapnel flying around. It can be almost frightening to watch sometimes when you see companies of men get shredded to pieces with modern weaponry and you imagine what that must have looked like in reality, or how horrifying it would be to be on the receiving end of it. War movies look really fake and silly after playing CM. It's funny that we're living in an age in which video games do a better job at simulating this stuff than movies with real actors. Kind of like how Napoleonic movies do such a poor job of showing what real Napoleonic-era munitions looked like, especially with artillery and whatnot. Yet you can simulate that stuff in video games pretty easily.
    With the WEGO mode in CM you can get that absurd, forensic level of detail about every little bullet flying around. You can rewind and watch an AT shell miss its target, fly between someone's legs and then smack into someone's face through a window 800 meters behind the line. Or watch bullets ricochet off a building and hit someone hiding in an alleyway. Or ricocheting into an open hatch. Or you can watch tank shells bounce off armor, fly high up into the air, and then come back down and land on some poor sap's head. Or watch bullets raining down from the sky from a firefight way on the other side of the map. Other games can do this kind of stuff -- I have fond memories of playing Red Orchestra and watching tank shells bounce off armor and then hit some dude nearby, turning him into red mist. No game has ever approached the scale of CM though with the same level of detail, with entire battalions of men running around with authentic orders of battle, visually represented down to the last man cowering in the dirt. CM was like my dream game when I was a little kid playing with toy soldiers.
  14. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from L0ckAndL0ad in CV90 bells and whistles   
    This seems to fit the timeframe and NL forces in SF:
  15. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from Thomm in CMSF2 Demos Released!   
    Try PeaZip, it is easy to use and unpack the download, rar-files can't be extracted by Win 10 AFAIK.
  16. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Bud Backer in Enough Whining. List things you LOVE about CM   
    I love the fact that after playing these games on a daily basis for years and years and I still get those "did I just see that?" and "did that just happen?" moments when units interact in surpising ways. That's a lot of credit to the engine and the realism it generates - that things never get stale and commonplace.
  17. Like
    rocketman reacted to Anson Pelmet in Enough Whining. List things you LOVE about CM   
    The ability to orchestrate and view a battle from half a mile above, then replay and join a single sniper team as they break cover, miraculously avoid a hail of tracer, and make it to cover. All thanks to WEGO!
  18. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Enough Whining. List things you LOVE about CM   
    I love the fact that after playing these games on a daily basis for years and years and I still get those "did I just see that?" and "did that just happen?" moments when units interact in surpising ways. That's a lot of credit to the engine and the realism it generates - that things never get stale and commonplace.
  19. Like
    rocketman reacted to Bulletpoint in Enough Whining. List things you LOVE about CM   
    Having to make important decisions based on incomplete information.
  20. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Kinophile in Enough Whining. List things you LOVE about CM   
    I love the fact that after playing these games on a daily basis for years and years and I still get those "did I just see that?" and "did that just happen?" moments when units interact in surpising ways. That's a lot of credit to the engine and the realism it generates - that things never get stale and commonplace.
  21. Like
    rocketman reacted to Bulletpoint in Improvement suggestions   
    Would be nice if they would let us toggle all fire orders on/off like we can with movement orders. Would make it much easier to remember to stop area firing units.
  22. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Ales Dvorak in Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video   
    Nice video - looks like it will be a great game. Would be interesting to see a "side by side"-comparison with SF1.
    One thing though, can we please have some new background sounds? Chirping birds in a desert setting just doesn't feel right.
  23. Like
    rocketman reacted to mjkerner in Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video   
    I can never understand how so many otherwise intelligent people on these boards can't seem to understand and accept in regard the BFC business model.  And, while I'm at it, how so many insist on beating a dead horse over and over when BFC/Steve consistently tell them not to expect release dates, dev logs, etc., etc.
    Yes, I'm a fanboi, but not because of the above posting, which is simply pointing out my wonderment at people ignoring the facts, repeated and consistent facts.
    I'm a fanboi because, in spite of flaws, bugs, long silences and the like,  I love the game and have the utmost confidence in BFC based on a superlative track record of consistently putting out a superior product, continuously fixing bugs for free, upgrading constantly, back-upgrading older products, etc.,  years.
  24. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Bob Willett in Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video   
    But what does it sound like? Chirp, chirp ... ?
  25. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Bob Willett in Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video   
    Nice video - looks like it will be a great game. Would be interesting to see a "side by side"-comparison with SF1.
    One thing though, can we please have some new background sounds? Chirping birds in a desert setting just doesn't feel right.
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