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Everything posted by womble

  1. What are the chances of the transport system actually delivering a viable nuke to whatever target the Russians pick, given the ABM/AD capabilities currently deployed in Ukraine? Less than 100% I'd suggest, and sending a city-killer and it not going off gets them the same international response as if it detonates, with no intimidation effect whatsoever, just anger and determination turned up from 11 to about 200 on a scale of 1 to 10.
  2. I think this is a good point. The troops that have crossed the border are, I would gather, pretty battle-hardened. They don't know the terrain as well as Ukraine's defenders in the early days did; the local territorial units have the home ground advantage. And all the airpower Russia's got hanging about can be brought to bear largely unopposed, so it'll be as effective as the Russian ISR can permit. But I wouldn't be surprised if some of the locals get a serious beating if the raiders decide to. So long as they don't hang about too long to take pictures with NLAWed BMPs, they should be able to slip away ahead of any CAS response. I don't think they can sustain their presence for long, but they have the potential to do some acute propaganda-worthy combat damage.
  3. Yeah, it does. There are a couple of those lying around. "GNU Unix" for example...
  4. I understand that "Marine" is actually an acronym: Marines Always Ride In Navy Equipment
  5. I'd think SecNav/DoN was "The Navy" top dog... so the floaty-fighty ones and the jarheads are both still Navy... Even if the Marines and Navy are equals on the Joint Chiefs. Similar arrangement in DoA, too, with the Army and the National Guard both having seats on the JCS.
  6. I think dust is a pretty broad spectrum obscurant. Probably because it's suspended solids rather than vapours and droplets constituting a large part, as is the case for smoke.
  7. I suspect the pros have probably set up the parameters for that in "Professional" versions... Any reciprocity agreements for out-of-date technical specs as set up in Pro to be sent to BFC for inclusion in future product?
  8. That it is. It is that. Thanks for the correction.
  9. Maybe I'm thinking about buildings then...
  10. The needle doesn't have to move much. Margins in elections are generally tight enough that autocrats can quibble...
  11. So a "Prigozhinic Victory"? Has Pyrrhus been overtopped sufficient in the "victory that cost more than it was worth" stakes to have his name replaced?
  12. I think you'll find that LOF gets blocked if you put high trajectory weapons under trees. If it's not, a tree's foliage elements remain capable of setting off fuses, so you would, I believe be risking premature detonations.
  13. As far as I'm aware, it's an engine limitation that you've encountered. There is only one level for water.
  14. That, Mr Burke, is because, for all your protests about senescence setting in, you remain sharp-minded. There are a lot of dullards out there* who will not look past what they're told, by people who have myopic vision themselves whose interests do not align with those of Ukraine. * By "out there" I mean "beyond this forum". p.s. While I'm addressing the point directly, this isn't really aimed at sburke, more as a hopeful dig to remind others that not everyone sees things the way "we" do, even as generally as that can be a true statement, and that those people have, or seek, with some prospect of attaining, power.
  15. You misunderstand. It's not about what you're fighting for, it's what you're fighting with. There are a hatful of reasons for the west to arm you against Russia, but "They're Naxis! Look at their unit patches!!" is just a gimme own goal for Russian propaganda to add to the reasons to not arm you. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% behind Ukraine and understand that you're absolutely not trying to be the reincarnation of the Third Reich. But I was never going to vote for Trump, even if I had the right to do so. You'll beat the Russians in the end, for sure, because you're better, and more determined. The timescale and casualty toll though, if you throw away Western support for some frat-boy humour would look even more grim than they do currently. I know you can't stop them, but I hope you can see that it's Bad PR and that currently you're winning the war at the rate you are because you have Good PR. And then there's post-war reconstruction to consider. That's an even softer target for propaganda. There was great work done by UKR around the time of the Azovstahl siege, debunking the "neonazi militia" thing. I think it's a stupid risk to undo that when there are powerful lobbies looking for reasons to get our governments to shut down the aid to your country, military, humanitarian and, in the future, for reconstruction.
  16. This is very true. The presence, or even suggestion, of neo-Nazis in the ranks, and accepted there, allowed the Russians to poison Western opinion against intervention back in '14. It matters not whether "Azov"s philosophy was widespread, its existence opened the door to some sort of credibility for aninterventionists finger-pointing. Maybe your national psyche needs, or at least finds it helpful in morale terms, to mock the enemy, but there are other ways which don't hand the Russian-apologists out here beyond the hot borders of the conflict easy ammo to shoot you in the foot with. Storm Shadow has a tandem warhead. Don't know whether a human listener would be able to distinguish the shaped charge detonation from the bursting charge, though.
  17. I don't know how I'd manage without it So much SMG ammo to be collected and distributed to worthy pTruppen...
  18. We were also social, and invented revenge as a survival tactic: if a predator kills one of your troop, you get the troop together and kill all the predators of that type anywhere near you that hang around/fall into your traps. Then we applied it to other troops of humans... And that is apparently where Putin sits in his Master Strategist chair...
  19. Those 'Fausts are there for infantry to grab and use. The half track won't do anything with them itself. To use them, have an infantry element board the vehicle, and then there is a command (I want to say "Equip" and I can't check it at the mo') available to the infantry element which lets them pick up any small arms carried by the vehicle. You have to take each item separately, so there's a bit of clicking, but it's "instant" in game time if you're paused or in the Command Phase. You can't put anything back, so err on the low side if you want to save any for another team.
  20. The "PMC" label truly is a fig leaf though, isn't it? Wagner will go where Putin wants it to, if it has any significant assets to send there. That they are hoping to be relieved by the Army in Bakhmut is probably indicative that they can't expect to stay there if UKR try and push them out. That they're then being pulled out of the UKR warzone entirely is an admission that they're no bloody use there in the first place*. If they were "real mercenaries" they could, indeed, have been paid to defect or withdraw, but they aren't, they're an organ of Putin's control, in Putin's control. * Or it's a sign that Putin is trying to line up some sort of "Job done" exit strategy. Hopefully the renewed additional commitment by the G7 nations in the last 24 hours has shaken the kleptocrat-in-chief's confidence that this will be successful, if it was his plan...
  21. How do you even pull that without taking the front off the turret? Or will a failure that catstrophic render the chassis irreparable too?
  22. Ben Wallace. I hope, with no expectation of satisfaction, that the winners of the next election keep him at Defense, even though he's a Tory, and they won't be. Solid.
  23. I think it's sufficiently certain that the benefits of attempting such a thing would have to be firstly cast-iron guaranteed (which the history of "marches on Moscow" doesn't seem to encourage optimism for) and, secondly, worth the risk. I suspect that "those in charge" will consider that a long-term containment of Moscow will be "enough" and that the chances of actually forcing an unconditional surrender on Russia are so slender, and the cost of attempting it so high as to make the non-zero risk of total annihilation unacceptable.
  24. For me, WEGO is the only way to play. RT may as well not exist, as far as I'm concerned. A massive chunk of my enjoyment is in re-watching the turns unfold, finding the engaging little stories that play out. RT simply doesn't give anything like the same opportunity for watching situations develop and resolve. I hate to miss anything, and even on a small/Tiny map, you will in RT.
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