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Posts posted by stoat

  1. If I remember correctly, the notion of Polish cavalry charges against German tanks was initiated by the Italian press, and then the Germans seized on it for propaganda.

    The Polish army was certainly not that backward in 1939, and their main drawback was their lack of modern weaponry. This is a big if, but I would like to know what kind of show the Poles could have made of it had they had enough modern weapons. Their army was fairly large and their dedication would have made it a bloody affair for the Germans.

  2. I'm sure there were some battles where they engaged the enemy on horseback, but I doubt that these were planned, set-piece battles. Cavalry was used mainly to do recon probes, or to pour through and exploit breaches in the line.

    I can see them attacking rear area units like field ktchens, hospitals, and even artillery batteries on horseback, but I don't think that horse vs tank Polish-style battles were common at all.

    If the Russians charged anyone on horseback, it would probably be the forces of Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, or Italy, basically those that were more pooly armed than the Germans, and had fewer heavy weapons and armor.

    The reason they always go into battle on foot in the game is that it is quite hard to model horses in the abstract, and it's the same reason you don't see motorcycle troops.

  3. It's been a while since I played this one last. I set my heavy weapons up in overwatch positions within cover. I targeted my artillery on the far right flag for turn one. I used the company with some regulars in it (A, I think) to move up the right flank. Company B and the tanks provide fire support from the center. Company C was in reserve to human wave an objective if I was to get held up.

    After running into and then suppressing two machine guns, A Company reached the trees with only a few casualties. They cleared this area, then proceeded to flank the next two objectives in succession, with close in tank support, and covering fire from the two other companies and heavy weapons.

    I really didn't utilize the conscript company and they ended up with only 2 or 3 casualties caused.

  4. Originally posted by no_one:

    This can not be!!!You mean that you have to use different tactics for each side? No way!
    Right off the top you come off as deragatory. What was RSC doing? His idea was to "try and remodel my tactics." Ideally, scouting with engineers, followed by suppression/elimination with light armor could work with forces of any nation.

    Stop playing the silly little QBs over and over and start learning instead of complaining.
    Maybe QBs aren't the epitome of realism, but what is wrong with other players playing them? The scenario in question wasn't a QB, and I doubt RSC plays QBs exclusively.

    How I am self-righteous for stating the obvious?
    What did you state that was so obvious?

    Or did you just get up on the whinny punk side of the bed this morning
    I most certainly did not wake up on the whinny side of the bed, but instead the left side.
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