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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by spybaz

  1. Sorry for not posting a response earlier. I posted this twice, in the two forums but responded to only the other one.

    The issue was caused by me not knowing that the tank was also controllable by a joystick. My joystick was plugged into my PC but laying on it's side on the floor thus overriding the keyboard commands.

    I appreciate your responses though!

  2. Officer Meatbeef - thank you.

    That is exactly the kind of response I was looking for. I lied when I said I had deleted the game because I was really waiting for input like this.

    I now have a reason to play the game from the few pointers you have given as to what is involved in the game besides the visual aspects. I was curious as to the physics and sim aspect of it.

    I do appreciate tha this is a small outfit that developed the game/sim and my criticism is not of their ability (I completey admire and appreciate what gaming devs do - after all playing the games that they make is my hobby) just simply one aspect of the game - the terrain.

    Thanks, again.

    I will come back after some playing time to post my opinions.

  3. It was constructive. You have got me on my soap box now smile.gif

    The points of my post were:

    1) To let the devs know that the bar for terrain graphics has been raised so if/when they bring out "Balkans on Fire II" that they will asses the game engine for it's terrain graphics - maybe then I will (and many other gaming connisseurs - I'm 40 yo been gaming since the 80's) will consider purchasing it. until then I am basically not inclined to play it due to the poor terrain - I have other, better 'looking' games to play.

    2) I wanted other people's opinions too.

    e.g.- "you should play it for a while - the sim aspect is awesome" or "while the terrain sucks the physics are awesome" or "wait until you see a tank blowing up", etc..

    While I appreciate your valueless response I feel that is is just that. It is, in fact, a non-constructive criticizm of my post. Thanks.

    I play games quite a lot (actually a lot more than I would care to admit to anyone that knows me). I have a pretty good system and I download 2-3 demos a week on average, wherever I can find them and I tend to purchase a game once a month (that's a minimum). I am not really a person who attempts to complete games but I lean towards the enjoyment and experience of realism (no fantasy for me - e.g I hate Halo on XBox) that I can get from gaming because, fundamentally, I am lazy bastard and will never try to drive a tank, fly an F16 (Ala Falcon 4.0 modded to the hilt), direct a battle, drive a souped up sports car, fire an M16, etc., in real life. I have every peripheral you can think of when it comes to gaming and I think I can say I own virtually every realism/sim game that has come out over the last 10 yrs so I do consider myself a bit of a connisseur of PC video games (even though the corollary of that is that I probably need to get a life) and I would like to think that the devs take heed of people from every walk of life who asses video games so that they can improve their game engines. If their intention is not to listen to criticism and learn from it then they are not really game "developers" [One that develops] are they?

    So, if anyone has any input for me I am ears open. In the interim the game has been deleted from my system. I'll check out version II if/when it comes out.


  4. I agree that the terrain graphics are nothing short of 90's.

    I too have a 6600GT and your screenshots represent what I see too. You think that that terrain looks good? Check out Far Cry, Joint Ops, BF2....this appears to be very low budget on the terrain detail.

  5. This is 2005AD, right? Not 1999...

    I really felt a need to post this to see if it's just me or is the terrain in this game unbelievably terrible?

    While I appreciate the ability to play demos for free I feel that this game (sim?) has been a complete waste of time. While the driving feels somewhat like what I would believe to be driving a heavy, tracked vehicle to be like (I really don't kow though - I have never even driven a bulldozer), the terrain could not be more boring even with the graphics cranked to the max (at 1600x1200 too!). I have a great frame rate but the game engine is diabolical (IMO).

    You would think that for such a slooooow paced game that the graphis would be awesome but alas, IMHO, they are a joke. Look at Joint Ops or Battlefield 2 or Far Cry terrain and then take a look at the scenery on the 'driving' mission on the demo. I just had to laugh and then remove this [insert negative description of this game] from my PC.

    That said - I realize it is a demo and that the full game may have potential but is the purpose of a demo not to show a games capabilities?


  6. Thanks, Moon.

    I got that far already smile.gif

    I figured it out though. I didn't realize that this game utilized a joystick. My joystick was plugged into my PC but thrown in a corner with the stick at an angle. This was causing an override of the keyboard commands. I am using the joystick and can now drive smile.gif

    That said - while appreciate the ability to play demos for free I feel that this game (sim?) is a complete waste of time. While the driving feels somewhat like what I would believe to be drivng a heavy, tracked vehicle to be like, the terrain could not be more boring even with the graphics cranked to the max. I have a great frame rate but the game engine is diabolical (IMO).

    You would think that for such a slooooow paced game that the graphis would be awesome but alas, IMHO, they are a joke. Look at Joint Ops or Battlefield 2 or Far Cry terrain and then take a look at the scenery on the 'driving' mission on the demo. I just had to laugh and then remove this [insert negative description of this game] from my PC.

    That said - I realize it is a demo and that the full game may have potential but is the purpose of a demo not to show a games capabilities?

    I am going to post my opinion as a seperate thread to see if anyone else concurs.

  7. - posted July 18, 2005 10:10 PM Profile for spybaz Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Hey, folks.

    Just D/L'd the demo -

    Is it just me or does the steering of this this tank take some special commands?

    1) E = start engine

    2) UP ARROW = throttle to half

    3) B = release brake

    4) A = change gear (have to be in 2nd gear to move[?])

    5) a) Press left arrow = nothing happens

    B) Release left arrow = tank jolts to right and stops turn (ok but no real control of steering)

    c) Press right arrow = nothing happens

    d) Release right arrow = tank jolts to left and stops turn (ok but no real control of steering)



    So - before I uninstall this demo I would love to know how you folks are steering the tank so I can at least see the potential of the graphics. I have a good vid card so I really wanted to check this out.


  8. Hey, folks.

    Just D/L'd the demo -

    Is it just me or does the steering of this this tank take some special commands?

    1) E = start engine

    2) UP ARROW = throttle to half

    3) B = release brake

    4) A = change gear (have to be in 2nd gear to move[?])

    5) a) Press left arrow = nothing happens

    B) Release left arrow = tank jolts to right and stops turn (ok but no real control of steering)

    c) Press right arrow = nothing happens

    d) Release right arrow = tank jolts to left and stops turn (ok but no real control of steering)



    So - before I uninstall this demo I would love to know how you folks are steering the tank so I can at least see the potential of the graphics. I have a good vid card so I really wanted to check this out.


    Athlon 2700+; Geforce 6600GT 128MB; gig of RAM; Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro; View Sonic VP201s 20.3" LCD display

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