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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Trying to defend a very vulnerable structure From enemy light forces could make an interesting scenario.
  2. I brought this up in another thread, but what are the infantry's engineering/demo capabilities?
  3. I believe Yurch's advice holds for shooting paladins from the side too. Low middle results in instant brewup.
  4. While we are on this subject, will infantry have a demo capacity against buildings? It is awfully easy to make things stop working by shoving explosives or pieces of whatever down barrels among many other methods.
  5. Well I knew a guy who flipped a jeep backward end over end that way, it can be done. The fool was extraordinarily lucky to live through it. The problem is that nothing in the HUD tells you that you are about to do it. A simple inclinometer with a red zone would work. In a a larger sense the fact that vehicles do not give good feedback about how violently/aggressively they are being driven is an issue, Especially on rough terrain. Maybe they could make the players view shake with increasing violence as the speed got really high for the conditions. I have been way to fast in a four wheel drive vehicle, and at some point you start bouncing so hard you think your fillings are going to come out. "The physics for wheeled vehicles just feels wrong. " I don't think it is the physics. I think the physics model is showing what would happen to a vehicle whose center of gravity is too high for its intended use. the visual feels wrong because you go from fine to flipped with little or no warning.
  6. Their is a very simple way to make people more careful with dropships, limit their number. Once people run out once or twice and watch the remnants of their forces decimated they will be much more careful with them. You could even have an intermediate step where drop request take much longer to fill after a certain # of dropship losses. In real life any vehicle capable of ground to orbit transportation in would be orders of magnitude more expensive than almost any conceivable ground combat vehicle. Their availability should reflect this.
  7. I have one, and I could not agree more, it improves coordination by a factor of 100. It will matter even more as more people play and teams get bigger.
  8. I have a much simpler request. I would dearly love two changes in the vehicle interface. First, can we have a speedometer, PLEASE? I hate flipping vehicles because I have lost track of how fast I am going. Second, can we gave some way to make the vehicle hold a constant speed with out holding the button? So that the player can concentrate on shooting for a few seconds with out coming to a full stop. It is completely realistic that stopping is unhealthy, but trying to bleep the throttle and shoot at the same time is a pain. The weird effects from very bumpy ground mentioned above can be very irritating. Tanks flip over like they hit a 500lb IED.
  9. There is a lot of good stuff on this site.
  10. It would be rather nice if you could just say cut fighting position here and drive something else in the meantime. I had not figured out the part about cardinal directions, very good tip.
  11. I know that b makes the blade go down and start digging but making effective positions seems beyond me. Help?
  12. Actually there were some semi serious designs for an unmanned turret for the M1 floating around a few years back that that look very much like the apollo turret. They could never get the reliability of the automated systems high enough. I think the devs would love to have a fully rationalized vehicle design suite in the game, but keeping game balance is essentially impossible. Tweaking the available vehicles for some semblance of balance is more than hard enough. The other way to go would be to make the copies of the current U.S. military gear more explicit, which at least allows them to access ready made answers for why. The real world factors that influence AFV design decisions are just too subtle for simulating them to be fun. Last but not least I just read something about sticking extra weapons on the M1 and the issue is not so much space for the weapon it self as it was space for a reasonable amount of ammo.
  13. Could you do some kind of reactive armor for the turret top? So that it takes two top attack missile hits instead of one to kill the turret. That seems to be one of the overwhelming weaknesses. And would be a solution very much in line with where current tank design seems to be going.
  14. I can't say how much I like the game overall, it is off the scale. I do have one large pet peeve at the moment, about one drop in five or ten my vehicle flips over as the drop ship releases it resulting in a dead or disabled vehicle. Is there some easy way to prevent this? I try to only drop in flat places but the tactical map does not have the needed detail. Is there some way to disable the vehicle stability physics just for three seconds or so to let the dropship bounce settle out without ruining my day. Or maybe have the ship drop at the nearest suitably flat point, or , or...... :confused:
  15. How many people have head sets? More voice chat would improve things by leaps and bounds.
  16. I think that tac ops 4 has a pretty good set of hit probability tables on this subject. The verdict of virtually all recent conflicts though is that being second best, even by a little bit, will result in your being reduced to smoking wreckage in the desert. Crews and equipment both count of course.
  17. There are multiple stand alone single player game modes that can be played on multiple maps. There is a lot of variety.
  18. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that they never even new the jets were there, one second they were sitting around talking about where to blow up the elementary school next, and the next second they were dead before they had time to realize they had screwed up. Zarqawi did not last as long as he did by being unsure when to duck. I wish they had used white phosphorous just to give him a little time to ponder his sins in this world before getting down to an eternity of it in the next. But I will take his elimination anyway We could get it.
  19. This is a somewhat silly question, but if the vehicles are antimatter powered wouldn't they either have an advanced antimatter to electricity conversion system or if the liveships have lost that ability, then a very compact steam turbine? A combustion engine with an anti matter power source makes no sense. I was looking at the schematics trying to figure out why paladins take me five rounds to kill with a 120mm gun and that part of the description really jarred me.
  20. Game as whole is simply excellent. I am absolutely certain the very small problems that exist will get fixed. I do agree Yurche's turret comments. They are the only things that feel really wrong. The ground ones especially. IFF is much easier for aircraft. I have discovered a small exploit that may or may not be intentional. The mortar carriers can fire while attached to the resupply dropship. This allows them to essentially shell the whole map to death. Made very short work of the moon scenario in the Hopewell campaign that way. Ten long range heavy mortar rounds are bad for the other teams day, 30 or 40 of them and their is no other team. Multiple mortar carriers hooked in at the same time would be beyond devastating. And they get the Galaxy's point dense at the same time.
  21. I have one to add to the formations wish list. Have a couple of choices of formations, line abreast and column at the minimum that orient of of the leader. Right now it is agonizingly slow to get bots formed up in a useful way. This would really ,really help. Game is absolutely fantastic overall.
  22. The game overall is excellent. It runs flawlessly on my 20" intel mac. One small things. Is there a pause button in single player mode? I keep getting reduced to smoking wreckage while looking for a command I have not memorized yet. This is what happens in a firefight when you don't know what you are doing, but I already know that I don't know what I am doing. It is why am playing single player and trying to get it together.
  23. For gods sake Clay, GO TO BED. Your baby(game) will still be there in the morning.
  24. I like this game even more than I thought i would but it needs voice chat desperately. Is there a way to do it that I am missing or will that happen with the full game?
  25. I have figured out how to call for resupply, but how do I get the ship to let me go when I am full up on ammo? I keep getting stuck to it.
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