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Everything posted by Wartgamer

  1. **** you. I think maybe you've finally revealed your true understanding of this subject. </font>
  2. A 'circle' 30 feet wide translates to a area of 706.5 sq ft. The vulcan fires 100 rps? So it would take ~7 seconds of firing to achieve that. The vulcan would scatter the rounds at a certain range to achieve your 'magic' circle. The circle would be smaller closer to the firer and larger further away. Whats the range? You calculate this yourself or are you quoting someone? In reality, the rounds would be grouped in a dispersion pattern about the center of fire.
  3. Canadian Boy Scout Leaders Homepage Well, heres a website for you then...
  4. How do you know what it will cover? And the present system can model this with Campaigns. I made about 400 bucks today. Not great but I will make about 2500 for the week. I wish I could make 5000 a week. I would have plenty of time to post even more then. Would that not just be wonderful? And I am sharing my wealth..here's a free website you can look at. http://www.45thdivision.org/combatload.htm [ March 18, 2005, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: Wartgamer ]
  5. Are you speaking to me? Well, yes, I am wealthy. Does that matter?
  6. Some questions arise... The SCR536 is AM and the SCR300 is FM. Both are on different freqs. I assume they could not talk to each other? The SCR300 is battery operated (2 types, a large or small battery. One for CP use, one for more mobile use). There was no means to use a alternate power source? The batteries are actually battery packs, multiple voltage sources sealed together.
  7. The game will almost certainly have Sherman tanks. I guarantee that. And Spam. Lots of it.
  8. I have some links to US communications equipment that was used at this level. I would like to know if anyone has an equipment list that shows just how many of these items were issued typically during the war to a infantry company. The Field phone http://www.olive-drab.com/od_electronics_ee8.php SCR536 'Handie-Talkie' http://www.olive-drab.com/od_electronics_scr536.php backpack radios SCR300 http://www.scr300.org/ http://www.nj7p.org/history/portable.html
  9. The concept of a Command Post and 'moving' it up to a new location is a battlefield reality that 'victory' assesment should take into consideration. The 'fireteam' concept of breaking up a HQ section into its functioning parts should also be modeled for wargames at this scale. The CO fireteam, the XO 'fireteam', the Command Group (mans CP itself), 'basics' (new guys getting line-time before assignment) and even possibly the cooks/clerks further back. Runners are certainly a command and control reality, as is wire/radio and signal communications. This even applys to platoon HQ sections. Earlier US TO&E had 'Basics' at the platoon level but they seemed to be moved up to the company level later. Much training was needed to actually get these men assigned properly. Unfortunately, later in the war, they were often fed raw into the units. Often at night. This was almost a criminal act as the old guys knew they were dangerous and would not last anyway. US Airborne was one of the few units that did not like to take any new guys during an operation. They fought typically short engagements but even they were ground down later in the war.
  10. A rather long read but it time and again mentions the concept of the Company CP. http://www.tankbooks.com/stories/seeyou1.htm Here we see the Company Commander and XO split up and again demonstrate, like the Field Manual for platoon HQ operations, that a HQ group could be spread out and in many cases, not a unit. This example clearly shows that the Command Post personel can and will be used, along with anyone else, to defend the company. [ March 18, 2005, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Wartgamer ]
  11. http://www.militaryresearch.org/WhatisTOE.htm
  12. http://www.752ndtank.com/TOEdetails.html Detailed TO&E for US Tank unit http://www.752ndtank.com/MiscEquipment.html Its interesting that again, we do not see ground mount tripods for 50 cals. Just for 30 cals.
  13. An interesting stat is that German 81mm mortar production was 1000+ a month. This could go higher especially at the end of 44.
  14. I am not saying that like its a bad thing, its being read that way perhaps.
  15. How 1:1 modeling can play into this needs to be addressed. The MG bullets, of course, can not be modeled 1:1.
  16. In many aspects, I believe the CW companies just acted like large platoons. The German and US infantry companies were like small battalions.
  17. From that same battle. [ March 17, 2005, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: Wartgamer ]
  18. Great. You're throwing out facts and assumptions, but there seems to be no overarching concept. Do you have an idea of what you'd like the new C2 model to do? yes, model command and control Do you want CPs that enhance C2 in some way? yes Would you then want some way for the attacker to neutralize the C2 enhancement with artillery destroying the wire net? perhaps. is the wire strung over buried? [ March 17, 2005, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: Wartgamer ]
  19. http://www.ncweb.com/~davecurry/brothers/lestromberg.html An interesting insight given the current discussion. Some notes: So we see a unit in the Fall of 1944 with an overfull TO&E. Half the officers and 30% of the men are green.
  20. If buildings will have states, perhaps one of the propertys will be a CP link to a unit. Field fortifications (and I hope they are better modeled than the foxhole/trench/bunker system in use now) might also have a state. How much of the C&C modeling will be 'virtual' and how much 'abstracted' remains to be seen. If communications equipment is to be 1:1, then the game will be a much different beast than the present CMX1 C&C abstraction.
  21. How many soldiers in a Soviet Infantry Regt that has 6 120mm mortars?
  22. http://www.hardscrabblefarm.com/ww2/ An interesting look at how a US Army infantry platoon HQ 'element' can actually be all over the place and seperated when out of the CP during an non-defensive situation. This is a 1943 document and clearly deals with situations that Combat Mission might model. I would say this is 'pre-SCR536' thinking by the way. The extra runner reflects that. Notice how the LT, SGTs and runners are placed in certain situations. Not at all a unit really. They would almost be best modeled as part of a fireteam or a squad within the platoon. So could 1:1 modeling really capture this? [ March 17, 2005, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: Wartgamer ]
  23. It really is what it has been described as; A Command & Control issue. That really is my interest that you can be sure of. I suppose the designer also realizes it.
  24. I think you have pointed out the heart of my particular question. I am concerned with the Command Group, which I believe is a small group of officers and NCOs with a couple of radios and some maps, that it is fairly mobile, at least on foot, and that this Command Group is what is intended to be represented by CMx1 Company HQ units. The Command Post is not included in the game by default becuase it is not supposed to be near any fighting, but it can be represented easily using the editor. Does that make sense? Am I wrong in whole or in part? -dale </font>
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