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Posts posted by para

  1. "could it be that the way the mentally instable/eerily frustrated are being treated, differs significantly?"

    Why are you grasping at straws?

    The murder rate in all of western, northern, and southern Europe, excluding Russia and eastern, is 1.0 to 1.5 per 100,000 people per year.

    The murder rate in Africa other than northern, is 20-28 per year.

    The murder rate in central and south America is also 20-30 per year.

    1/4 of the population of the US is from those regions.

    The US murder rate is 5 per 100,000 population. The murder rate of the US white population is the same as western Europe.

    Murder is an activity of young men. It is practically unknown before sexual maturity. It is 10 times less common among women. It declines dramatically with age after 35 and by extreme amounts after age 50.

    This pattern of physical aggression is seen in every social mammal - restricted to males and peaking soon after sexual maturity. The greatest levels of aggression are shown by a small minority of all populations in all cases.

    We know precisely what causes human aggression because we can track its prevalence. It is a natural behavior of sexual competition. Young males compete for social dominance; they naturally resort to aggression against others, especially other young males, in that process.

    We can socialize some of that away. We cannot socialize all of it away. Different cultures and human groups show very different levels of such aggression. Not 5% differences, differences of more than an order of magnitude. There is no mystery about it whatever.

    All there is, is political ideology preventing people from facing those brute facts of human nature.

    The reason the murder rate in the US is higher than it is in western Europe has nothing to do with your laws or ours, your weapons or ours, your medical systems or ours. It is purely a function of your people are ours. Different people, different outcomes. Entirely predictably. People of the same background in Europe and the US have the same patterns of aggression and criminality. People of the same background in Latin America and the US have the same patterns of aggression and criminality - actually, lower by half or more in the US, but from that baseline.

    All there is to it, I am afraid.


    I know you are very knowledgeable man. So please do not take this the wrong way. Are you saying that it is an ethnicity/race thing?

  2. para - I agree mentally ill people should be getting treatment. Do you have laws in place to stop them buying weapons? Checks etc? I do not know all your laws.

    Yes. I would suggest you google state gun laws to find the specifics in each US State. The standard firearm purchase form asks many questions about the purchaser's history including mental illness, crime, drugs, etc. If they lie and have no "record" on file they get the gun.

    para- Was he mentally ill before the shooting or once they got him to court?

    Again if you are deeply interested in the Aurora mass shooting there is volumes of data available for your reading. James Eagan Holmes was mentally ill before his mass shooting.

    para - Why have a gun free zone if nobody bothers with checks? Is it just gun free on entering the building, the grounds, the complex???

    A gun free zone is an attempt do what many anti gun proponents request, disarm anyone in the gun free zone. Unless TSA like resources $$$, training and standards are applied consistently, gun free zones primarily disarm law abiding citizens who comply with the law. The post Sandy Hook proposals to expand gun free zones would not provide any greater safety. Even crazy people can figure out... a gun free zone... means their mass shooting is not likely to be challenged from the start.

    para- Well he managed to kit himself out like Arnie did in Commando..Someone sold him the equipment.

    Buying weapons illegally is common in the urban areas of most US cities. You got da $$$ you get the gun(s) no questions asked.

    Ok a quick look and i found this...

    CENTENNIAL, Colo. — Accused Aurora shooter James Holmes legally bought thousands of bullets, explosives chemicals and four guns months before prosecutors say he opened fire on a crowded movie theater, an ATF agent testified today.

    The agent testified on the second day of a preliminary hearing, which is essentially a mini-trial as prosecutors present witness testimony and evidence to outline their case against the former neuroscience student.

    Agent Steve Beggs gave the prosecution a timeline that showed Holmes started his buying spree on May 10, 2012 with the online purchase of tear gas grenades. From then until July 14, Beggs testified, Holmes legally bought nearly 6,300 rounds of ammunition, two Glock .40 caliber pistols, a .223 caliber semi-automatic rifle, a 12-guage shotgun, ballistic protection clothing, beam laser lights, bomb-making material and handcuffs. Some of the purchases were made online and some were made in person.

    online purchases!!!

  3. Some people would say that George W. qualified as one of the above mentioned. Don't know about that, but I think it would have been better if somebody had stopped him before he started playing with his guns..

    Fairs fair Blair wanted to play with his guns too. Lets not forget Ca-moron was trying to get his toys out too recently

  4. Personally, I'm just thankful that we have a thread on the board that is virtually guaranteed to get Steve to show up and post something, even if its just 'Locking this one up'.

    lol actually, considering the subject matter, this has not descended in to a slanging match. I cannot see why he would materialise to lock it.

    those finish want to sort out their weapons laws too!


    why would anybody need one of those? is she worried about intruders? ;)

  5. So this is quite possibly the dumbest attitude towards gun control. Of course more gun control laws would have prevented this or at least lessened the number of dead. The idiot in DC bought his guns legally because of relaxed gun control laws. Had the proper gun laws been enacted to prevent him from buying guns, then the crimes above never would have been committed.

    Are you a pinko liberal Mr Pak40 ;)

  6. I don't want to shoot you, I think you are good man))) maybe I wrong but hope not.

    Personally I think I can shoot in somebody only when me or my family will be in critical dangerous.

    I know you do not want to shoot me (well i hope not :)) i was just being flippant and a bit cheeky.

    I would kill to protect my family too my friend.

    I have a simplistic view of things. People being slaughtered= ban guns & more laws please. Then again i don't fear my Government, I do not like them, but i do not fear them. This seems to be an underlying tone among the pro gun lobby ;)

  7. para..."Just had a quick read on the Aroura shooter....."

    James Eagan Holmes was and is mentally ill.

    para... "Do cars get searched in gun free zones?"

    Not usually. No in general.

    para... "This guy is able to obtain tactical ballistic equipment, tear gas, several weapons and 100 drum magazines..all quite easily."

    How easily? If it was difficult and the crazy man still was intent on purchasing weapons it can be done even though it is illegal to do so.

    Mentally Ill people should be obtaining treatment and medication not guns.

    I agree mentally ill people should be getting treatment. Do you have laws in place to stop them buying weapons? Checks etc? I do not know all your laws.

    Was he mentally ill before the shooting or once they got him to court?

    Why have a gun free zone if nobody bothers with checks? Is it just gun free on entering the building, the grounds, the complex???

    Well he managed to kit himself out like Arnie did in Commando..Someone sold him the equipment.

  8. Think about it Para, maybe next time commie take control in UK.

    baron if you annoyed me enough I could get very angry and decide to kill you..luckily for you I cannot get access to guns. ;)

    On the other hand and unfortunately for me you have access to the red armies surplus and I am no longer safe at my present address. :)

  9. Since there seems to be a difference in the number of mass-shootings in the "gun-loose"USA on one hand, and "gun-tight"Europe on the other, and it NOT being related to gun-laws (according to many of our overseas friends), could it be that the way the mentally instable/eerily frustrated are being treated, differs significantly?

    I tend to think that in Europe we have (or until recently HAD) a little more "softer" society (welfare, medical care) than the USA, which might reduce the "exploding" of potential mass-shooters.

    As I see it, the USA is a "tougher" place to be for losers/outcasts. Having no (lefty-liberal, I know) way out, they resort to a mass killing-suicide action.

    That would also explain why there are more of those killings in Europe the last decade; the economic trouble diminishes the amounts of money we spend on care/welfare. Our society becomes "tougher", too.

    So it wouldn't be the guns that matter, but the way "losers" are treated?

    You may have a point there Seedorf81.

  10. Without civil guns they can make it easy, with low blood. Do you know what comissars did with people at Russian civil war? We don't want that **** again, many people in Russia buy guns now, more and more with every year.

    Do you want that somebody take your land, wife, children, money, food, gold, home etc, and send you to gulag in Siberia?

    Two of my great grandfathers was executed in 1937 by NKVD butchers, just for statistics.

    No i don't baron, actually it has never crossed my kind. I have enough worries in my life than to take ones that would make me crazy.

  11. Most of the gun violence here are in the cities with the most gun control, Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C. and L.A. Also most mass shootings happen in GUN FREE zones. Not to mention the fact that the Aroura shooter who killed serveral people in that movie theatre went out of his way to find a gun free theatre. Gun control is people control.

    Just had a quick read on the Aroura shooter. I remember this one because it was a DKR showing..I do not know how a gun free zone works but....

    On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside of a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. A gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms, killing 12 people and injuring 70 others. The sole suspect, James Eagan Holmes, was arrested outside the cinema minutes later.

    Police said the shooter bought a ticket, entered the theater, and sat in the front row; about 20 minutes into the film, he left the building through an emergency exit door, which he propped open.It was alleged that he then went to his car, which was parked near the exit door, changed into protective clothing, and retrieved his guns.About 30 minutes into the film, police say, around 12:30 am,he reentered the theater through the exit door. He was dressed in black and wore a gas mask, a load-bearing vest (not to be confused with a bulletproof vest), a ballistic helmet, bullet-resistant leggings, a bullet-resistant throat protector, a groin protector and tactical gloves.Initially, few in the audience considered the masked figure a threat. He appeared to be wearing a costume, like other audience members who had dressed up for the screening. Some believed that the gunman was playing a prank,while others thought that he was part of a special effects installation set up for the film's premiere as a publicity stunt by the studio or theater management.

    It was also said that the gunman threw two canisters emitting a gas or smoke, partially obscuring the audience members' vision, making their throats and skin itch, and causing eye irritation. He then fired a 12-gauge Remington 870 Express Tactical shotgun, first at the ceiling and then at the audience. He also fired a Smith & Wesson M&P15 semi-automatic rifle(in what situation would anybody need one of these?) with a 100-round drum magazine,(100 round drums? are you about to be invaded ;p) which malfunctioned after reportedly firing about 45 rounds.Finally, he fired a Glock 22 40-caliber handgun

    Do cars get searched in gun free zones? This guy is able to obtain tactical ballistic equipment, tear gas,several weapons and 100 drum magazines..all quite easily

  12. If your citizens will still has firearm, this scumbags may lie down in a pool of his own blood.

    Sorry baron Jacquinot, I disagree. America has 300million guns in private (might be wrong) ownership. Yet armed citizens there still cant stop this type of thing happening.

    If we were able to get guns fairly easily then this could of been much worse.

  13. As i said earlier, i do not wish to offend any of our American friends. You guys know more about this topic than i do. I would also say you know more because you have to defend these laws to all and sundry.

    In my opinion (i know it means nothing) there needs to be more gun control. The current system you have does not seem to be working. Hell some people even suggest that everybody should be armed.

    Why not have a system where not everybody and anybody who wants a gun can go and legally get one.

    Why not make it harder for people, whether they be criminals, mentally ill, the bullied teenager or just plain old fed up of the world to go slay a bunch of nursery kids. Why not make that a little harder to do.

  14. It was mentioned earlier about the murder of the British soldier on the a London street. If those scumbags had access to firearms, i would imagine we would of seen many more dead.

    Anyway, I can see that you guys are determined to keep your ''freedoms'' and against any change. I am an outsider with only a limited knowledge of your values. You know more about your country than i do.

    I could not live in a place were children/people are slain by the dozen and yet nothing changes. I just find it hard to comprehend that you seem quite happy for the status quo to continue. It also seems that the majority of the American member's of this forum feel the same way on this issue.

    That last remark is not meant as an insult so please do not take it that way.

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