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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by para

  1. I hope it comes out before Monday because I am going to the hospital for a possible brain tumor and i'd like to play it before I die. This is a serious post. Sorry i'm super depressed right now and I know this seems random.


    Stay positive fella my daughter had a brain tumour removed and the subsequent chemotherapy and she is doing well mate.


    fingers crossed :)

  2. I see you completely missed the point :rolleyes:

    Most games today you can pre-order for a digital release without perks attached.BF simply don't.

    Pre-ordering to get the disc isn't worth it outside of the States.It takes weeks to arrive and you end up paying through the nose for the privilage.

    Why pre-order?I see a preview of a game i fancy owning,i'll buy it upfront.I know what i'm getting with CM so usually a preview isn't needed.I might not have the money in future or could be out of work(like now.money set aside already for MG).Good for me and few bucks into BFs coffers before the release.

    And as i said,i can wait for the release no problem.It would be nice to have the option of a pre-order.You can with nearly all other digital release franchises.Why not this one.

    I am with you on this Brindlewolf. it's like a double penalty for those outside the US.

    I would love a physical copy but i just will not pay the extra VAT anymore. I will survive the 24hrs obviously but it does seem a bit unfair.

  3. This thread should've never been allowed to go on this long, all it does is cause division and anger. Who gives a f***? We are all here for CM and WWII. There are a million places we can argue about Politics. BFC should be a haven FROM it. I would've never even waded in with my smartass comments if this hadn't started out on the main CMBN boards. I don't agree with the Leftist anti gun crowd and never will, just like they aren't gonna agree with me...so what's the point? People are gonna end up walking away all angry at each other when our main purpose here is Combat Mission and our love for it. The thing that actually unites us shouldn't be marred by idiotic arguing that has absolutely nothing to do with why we are here.

    Lock this abortion up (no offense para) and lets get back to talking modding, scenario design, and game play.


    No offence taken Mord. I have intentionally removed myself from the discussion even though I started it. I would also like to see the thread locked quick sharp.

  4. Pray tell how would you do that if two armed men broke into your house?

    This is why the UK laws are to restrictive and only benefit the criminal.

    We banned guns so some loon attacked kids in a school with a knife instead..if someone is going to kill they will do..and it isn't hard for them to buy a gun as I doubt they are going to be worried about breaking the law..

    I do have knives you know. When was the last time someone broke into yours or your or neighbours house just too kill them? You are going down the same route of thinking guns stop killing they do not. They actually increase them in my opinion.

    Have safe and peaceful nite all

  5. No video game will make someone go out and kill others. Unless they are mentally unwell and would kill anyway.

    As for gun control. In the UK the criminals are armed and the law abiding are not. Makes no sense to me. With proper gun control i.e must have a medical and attend fire arms course plus every gun must be registered and even a bullet kept from the gun so it can be put into a database and any shootings etc the bullets marking after it being shot may match up. There are ways to sell guns and still be safe. Apparently Canada has loads of guns per head but hardly any gun crime\murders.

    I suggest any one in the UK who is anti gun ownership should go live in a bad inner city area for a few years..where everyone live sin fear of the gangs..and know they have no power to use or stand up against them and the Gangs know damn well everyone is defenseless and to scared to do anything about them rule. As for the Police..they turn up AFTER a crime has happened..they also told me during my years of strife that they are powerless to really do anything anymore due to all the laws protecting the criminal, this was said to me by two policemen whilst i was taking a gang member to court. This same gang had been involved in 6 shootings over 6 months and also machetted a lad in daylight at the road where all the shops are. A fire engine stopped to help the lad..but the gang with machete in hands told them to get in the engine and f off..the firemen did as they where told. My number was up at some point...luckily after dealing with them for 8 years I managed to move. I'd felt so much safer in my own house if i had been armed..as they where. They could have burst into the house..raped my wife..robbed us and battered us and there would have been nothing I could have done that would have been effective.

    Wodin where the hell did you live?

  6. para - he was mentally ill - he was paranoid, heard voices, was delusional, and was being medicated for all of the above by the Veterans Administration. But in part due to misguided efforts to encourage people to seek treatment by avoiding "stigma", he was not legally judged mentally incompetent due to mental illness despite those symptoms. And if he were, present law again meant to avoid such stigma prevents such medical information from being shared with the FBI and its background check system. Only if a medical professional makes a judgment of "threat to self or others" and has a person institutionalized on that basis, would it have done anything.

    As it was, we know he was paranoid, delusional, and medicated for it - but none of that stopped him from doing anything he did. Nor was any of it available either to the civilian contractors who did the background checks on him (because it was medically privileged) nor to the FBI background check system (since it does not share such medical data for the same reason).

    And yes, all of that is evidence that he wasn't the only crazy person in this sad little picture...

    Would you agree then that if some laws were brought in that made medical professionals pass that info onto those doing the checks (Feds). Then he may not have been able to stockpile his weapons. Then that goes back to the state knowing too much and civil liberties etc..which to be fair i would not have a problem with. If it made me a little safer

  7. "Those un-mistakenly happen more often in the USA"

    Nonsense. Scotland, Norway... The most that can be said is that those are more likely to have a mental disease component than normal murder.

    As for the claim that it is poverty, no it is not poverty. Murder rates in China are minuscule, the same as in western Europe, with a 10th the per capita income of the developed world. They are marginally higher in India (3.5 per 100,000), but nothing like the rates in much richer Latin America. Micronesia is very poor, but has the lowest murder rates in the world.

    Do you have a link to these stats JasonC please? I would be very interested in reading them.

  8. para- Please, with all do respect you should do your research.

    I have and everyone account I have read so far, says he bought the guns legally. Even the FED's say so.

    He even managed to get hold of explosives and booby trap his property. I also see that he was being seen by psychiatrists. Isn't that quite normal for Americans? One apparently said he was dangerous to the Police. Still at the time of the killings and his purchases he was not diagnosed mentally ill by anyone of note.

    If you have a link proving any of the above is false. I am willing to read it and change my mind if necessary. If it's just opinion then that is not fact.

    I might be wrong but did you say when purchasing guns you are obliged to tick a ''i am mentally ill box'' if that is so, well whoever came up with that must also be mentally ill.

    Anyway, I'm off back to Breaking Bad :)

  9. para,

    it's very easy: if you are against crimes with guns, don't support politicians that leave the criminals unharmed.

    But you live in the USA you are hardly soft on crime. You also have capital punishment and carry it out.Can you think of any harder punishments you wish to implement? Tell you what, i would like to see real punishment handed white collar criminals.

  10. Ok that's cleared that up. Would you also agree that this guy got all his stuff(6,300 rounds of ammunition, two Glock .40 caliber pistols, a .223 caliber semi-automatic rifle, a 12-guage shotgun, ballistic protection clothing, beam laser lights, bomb-making material,tear gas grenades and handcuffs) legally?

  11. Wrong..

    para- an "online purchase" of any firearm must be received from a FFL dealer who must comply with Federal and State laws. Holmes buying spree weapons must have complied with the above. Some FFL dealer had to follow the laws for Holmes to get the weapons so portraying this as "online purchases!!!" is incorrect.

    I am not portraying it as anything. I just saw that it said he purchased some of them online. re-read the quote yourself. I was also stating that appears(actually not appeared, he did buy them legally) to have got all these goodies legally

    CENTENNIAL, Colo. — Accused Aurora shooter James Holmes legally bought thousands of bullets, explosives chemicals and four guns months before prosecutors say he opened fire on a crowded movie theater, an ATF agent testified today.

    The agent testified on the second day of a preliminary hearing, which is essentially a mini-trial as prosecutors present witness testimony and evidence to outline their case against the former neuroscience student.

    Agent Steve Beggs gave the prosecution a timeline that showed Holmes started his buying spree on May 10, 2012 with the online purchase of tear gas grenades. From then until July 14, Beggs testified, Holmes legally bought nearly 6,300 rounds of ammunition, two Glock .40 caliber pistols, a .223 caliber semi-automatic rifle, a 12-guage shotgun, ballistic protection clothing, beam laser lights, bomb-making material and handcuffs. Some of the purchases were made online and some were made in person.

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