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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Nikalai

  1. Tigers breaking down should not be modeled in the game.

    1.)It would be annoying to have an expensive tiger, which probably has a small chance of breaking down in an hour battle actually break down. Anything that seriously depends on a dice roll is troublesome, ever played HPS Modern Campaigns and see a sure assault get poor results? It can drive one insane.

    2.)Tanks breaking down was more of an operational/strategic concept. Tank breakdowns occurred from heavy traveling and took hours, the battles in Combat Mission are minutes (Except Operations). An unlikely break down (even though it can happen) will be highly frustrating and will leave the player feeling cheated since he lost do to bad luck.

    3.)Even if a tank did break down, it should be remembered that battles are huge affairs, a single break down would not shift the big picture.

    Tank mechanical durability should be added to the cost of the purchase. However it is alright in briefings to simply state the Tigers will not be available do to breakdowns.

  2. Anybody up for a game? Hello where do you go to set up matches for a PBEM game? I am interested in playing but do not know where to go. Anyways would anybody like to play a game, If you are new that’s great since I have not played CMBO often, while if you are an old time player I would like to learn new tricks.

  3. Overall I think the two proper uses for half-tracks are:

    1) Transporting troups using your rear area

    2) Rushing to get a certain objective

    I think for this tanks can be used just as well. But since I buy Hetzers and King Tigers my transport capacity is slow and small. Also the big advantage to using half-tracks for this method is that they allow to place your armor assets elsewhere. And the half-tracks do not eat up your armor points.

    3) Bringing up troops after an armoured assault

    Let's say your tanks advance over the open, after they take the position infantry can be quickly moved up to root out the enemy infantry, solidify the position or attack the enemy rear/flank.

    " Also, if you save the cost of half-tracks, you can get a tank instead which can provide more supporting firepower and is immune to light AT and MG fire."


    I always make sure that I can get as many Armor assets as I can.

  4. I have done that on the defensive. My platoon of halftracks moved a platton of German Paratroopers to the location of the enemy assault. When the enemy infantry started charging my halftracks were there to flank them while my infantry attacked his backup units (mortars and HMG). The Assault was stopped and the backup units destroyed. However my paratroopers took casualties.

    The reason I did that is because It was an ME game. However I couldn't fiend any good locations to quickly capture that would require infantry. Then I plaaned to use my halftracks in a flanking manouver. But did not since I was afraid of the enemy AT. Eventually I ended up using them for the flanking attack manouver. I thnik they performed pretty well.

    You could use your halftracks with troops to flank the enemy infatry from a safe spot, however I suggest taking care of the AT first.

  5. I have done that on the defensive. My platoon of halftracks moved a platton of German Paratroopers to the location of the enemy assault. When the enemy infantry started charging my halftracks were there to flank them while my infantry attacked his backup units (mortars and HMG). The Assault was stopped and the backup units destroyed. However my paratroopers took casualties.

    The reason I did that is because It was an ME game. However I couldn't fiend any good locations to quickly capture that would require infantry. Then I plaaned to use my halftracks in a flanking manouver. But did not since I was afraid of the enemy AT. Eventually I ended up using them for the flanking attack manouver. I thnik they performed pretty well.

    You could use your halftracks with troops to flank the enemy infatry from a safe spot, however I suggest taking care of the AT first.

  6. Well I just played a meeting engagement with 1500 points, medium map and combined arms. What really saved my hide was that instead of spending my support on MG's and mortars I ended up spending it on AT guns (2 green 75mm and one green 88). By using them to knock out enemy armor I was able to focus my tanks on infantry support. Also I was able to cover my flanking maneuvers. However the survival rate for them was low (only one 75mm survived), still the damage was done- I knocked out 2 elite greyhounds and 1 elite 76mm Sherman (total 450 points).

    The way I see it is that if you win the armor battle you can usually win the infantry battle after. That Is why I also suggest buying poorer quality infantry.

  7. I am new to combat missions and have purchased Beyond Overlord. So forgive me if I make a few mistakes.

    I am guessing you are playing an engagment battle since I have no Idea what "QBs in ME mode" means.

    As for solving the problem one thing i suggest is to put a few light MG's and Snipers in fast cars. Get them to the flags quickly and set them up. Hopefully do to faster speed they will get there first and be able to open fire on the infantry riding the tanks, thus making the infantry dismount (right?). Thus your infantry will get there first.

    However the tanks may still kill them so maybe you want to bring an AT team along.

    If this is wrong please point out how since I need all the help I can get. And if anybody wants to play a few PBEM games that are very simple contact me since I would like to see how proffesionals play.

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