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Everything posted by Itchyscoop

  1. In a PBEM game I am currently playing (CMFI v2.11, Game Engine 4) I have a deployed US 81mm mortar team who are nicely located for direct fire. They have used up all their HE and smoke rounds from this location, but have 3 WP bombs remaining. Neither "Target" nor "Target Smoke" orders targeting their previous aim point will persuade them to part with them. The target lines simply disappear between order phases. Is this a bug or is there a trick to getting them to let loose the Willy Pete?
  2. B Without the PBEM feature CMAK would offer me a more than CMx2.
  3. Excuse the repetition, but I would dearly love to see some cooperative gameplay options in the new series. There is huge potential for games involving 3+ players. With two or more players on the same team, but each only aware of the precise locations of their own units and those of their ally that they have postively identified, you would get some much more interesting 'fogs of war'. If you are unaware whether the 'Tank?' approching from your flank is one of yours or one of theirs, the consequences of your decisions will sudddenly get much more interesting!
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