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Everything posted by ClaytoniousRex

  1. Outstanding! We at TBG will be happy to lend a hand here and there if you need it. We can also host items that you want to share on our web server (you will just need to email us and arrange to FTP the file(s) up to a server and we will deploy them for you). I'm sure there are some programmer-types on this forum who would also be willing to help...
  2. Yes, you can set each team's inventory of available units either server-wide or per scenario in the scenario file itself. I'll make a separate post for that since it will come up often. Yes, you can set the lighting by using the <StarLight> tag. There's an example of this tag in Cratered.Scenario (it's pretty straightforward).
  3. Yes, these are some gaps that are yet to be filled. For the very basics of placing objects, you can just mimic what's being done in other scenarios (you simply use the <PhysicalObject> tag and specify a filename and a location for the object). Of course there are plenty of optional tags for it and more complicated ways to place objects (such as the <ProceduralObject> tag) which the document doesn't cover yet. Until the document does contain such information, feel free to ask for exactly what you need and we'll give you quick and dirty answers here in the forum. Oh, and yes, you're quite welcome to use our content in your scenarios!
  4. Here is the first draft of a document explaining how to create scenarios for DropTeam. It's still incomplete but there's more than enough information there already to create fully functional scenarios. We'll post updates to the document over the next few days. Please feel free to post questions or comments on your new scenarios in this forum! We will be creating similar documentation for creating and modding of vehicles, buildings, and other objects. We'll post them when they're ready.
  5. When you run the external updater application (Programs/Battlefront/DropTeam/Game Updater) does that also do nothing? If so, please email me the file called Update.log from your DropTeam directory and I'll see what it's doing. In the meantime, here is a manual patch for v1.0.2 that you can apply: http://tbgsoftware.com/DropTeamWindows-1.0.2.zip
  6. This is the usual confusion caused by the mortar's automatic selection of ammo. Based on the range to the target point, it automatically selectes either high velocity or low velocity ammo type. If you're trying to target a point that falls into the range bracket for one of the ammo types you're out of, then you can't fire. This opaque behavior needs to be made more obvious to the player, and it also should be willing to use high velocity rounds when targetting closer range shots (if out of low velocity rounds).
  7. ClaytoniousRex


    Feel free to check the blog for truly trivial daily (or so) DropTeam updates. Any news with real meat will of course be posted here.
  8. When you post any question asking for tech support, please be sure to mention which operating system you're running on. If you're experiencing a crash, there is a high chance that it's caused by out of date video drivers. DropTeam uses some of the most recent extensions added to OpenGL, so you really do need the most recent video drivers for your video card! Please update your video drivers and see if the crash goes away. Thanks!
  9. What platform are you on? Does the version still show as literally "v1.0.1" in the lower right corner of the screen in the lobby?
  10. Welcome aboard, Dark! Your timing is perfect; I'm doing some final touches on the first big document for building scenarios right now. Based on your experience with terrain generation tools, I think you're going to have a lot of fun building DropTeam scenarios (and I'm aching to have some fun playing your new scenarios!) If all goes well, I should have this document cleaned up and ready to post tomorrow or Monday. When it's ready, it will probably form the first post in a new "Mods" forum where we can discuss these kinds of things in detail. As for other mission types, you will find that there is already a flexible system for victory conditions. Using the existing system, you can mix and match any number of different victory conditions in your scenarios so you can already create new ways to play outside of the "Objecive", "CTF", and "Territory" game types that have been defined in our scenarios so far. However, I'm sure you will think of new victory conditions that you would like to see added and we are very open to adding new ones for you as needed. Sounds very interesting. What exactly do you have in mind?
  11. That missing file is the problem. I can walk you through a specific fix that will get you going but my worry now is that other files are probably missing, too. Did the install complete without any errors? Did it completely finish before it quit? Email me directly and I will send you a simple step you can take to address the missing file. We'll try to use the updater to fix any other missing files at the same time.
  12. Who could forget Mr. Heston standing in that fountain at the end of the film, bleeding from the chest and screaming dramatically at the sky: "The drivers! THE DRIVERS!"?
  13. Let me make sure I understand what has happened so far: when you first installed the retail version, it said there was an update available and you updated. That seemed to work (it pulled some files down) but now when you run the game it says it is version 0.9.93 and acts like the demo version. It no longer says there is an update available. Manually running the updater from Start\Programs\Battlefront\DropTeam\Game updater acts like there is nothing available to download. So now you are stuck. Is this a correct summary of what has happened so far? In your Program Files\DropTeam\data directory, is there a file called Haven.scenario? Also, do you have the public test installed on this computer?
  14. That water in TA-Spring is fantastic. Sigh, I guess there's no good excuse not to at least try... And you're right about the environment maps. A simple fix is forthcoming.
  15. That's because of Yurch's advice above. When you penetrate the front your round is going through the entire vehicle from front to back, passing through every critical subsystem within - the engine, the fuel, etc. When you penetrate from the side, you will probably hit at most one system. Since you're hitting it with a 120, you're going to penetrate no matter whether it's the front or the side, so in this case it's better to hit through the front (or back) and make your round travel through the entire length of the vehicle.
  16. The front armor on the chassis is thicker, but from the sides you're probably tending to hit the wheels instead of the chassis. You're probably making the wheels useless so the poor thing can no longer turn or drive effectively, but you're not getting that final kill because you need to aim in between the the wheels and hit the chassis.
  17. I just love it when you post, Yurch! Wish you had time to do it more often... The obvious answer is several of the above available as multiple variations. I'm not crazy about point defense because I would rather see team mates fulfilling that role in coordination, but multiple weapon systems is a great idea. Infantry has had us completely buried but we're almost there. As soon as we pass that kidney stone other, simpler, additions like this will come out in very quick succession and will be great fun.
  18. Boy, this thread just has nowhere to go but down from here...
  19. ...is now available via Update. You should be prompted to update automatically the next time you run DropTeam. Fixes in 1.0.2: </font> Fix crash when ending some campaign scenarios (thanks, Dave)</font>Fix server crash when server inventory has been customized and clients try to request unavailable unit types (thanks, Poesel)</font>
  20. I always found Teela's lessons at the end of He-Man so much more enlightening than the ones from GI Joe. Well, to each his own...
  21. Are you getting defeated, tanki, or do you think you're encountering some kind of bug that's preventing you from winning?
  22. Coming soon, Wishkah. Good points, Caseck. In particular, indigineous air units were originally part of the Hopewell single player campaign but were dropped due to time constraints. We hope to get back to them after infantry and other important updates are done. A greater variety of types of turrets is on that list, too.
  23. What command line are you using the start the dedicated server and exactly what is the windows error in question?
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