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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kobal2

  1. For me it's the opposite, and the AI giving me a swift lesson on the topic of "Probabilities are not always right". The scenario was CMAK's "Mishmish", that I had already played as the Brits (and that had resulted in a Draw), but wanted to give it a shot playing the Italians - of course, I knew what forces to expect from the AI's side. There was one canyon-like way to my understrength flank I wanted to guard against limey incursions, so I first sent 2 AT tankettes (20mm gun, not terribly effective but that's the best I could muster there), quickly rejoined by two more. I set the four of them in overwatch positions, a pair on each ridge of the canyon. Lo' and behold, two british very light tanks (can't remember the exact type, but it's a tank that only carries a HMG, yet is a bit bigger/harder than a mere armored car) come racing down, apparently having not seen my tankettes. I order them to fire in twos, against the tanks sides (left group fired at right tank, right group at left tank). I score numerous penetrations on both, but it doesn't seem to slow them down. The right one scares the crew of one tankette, which bails out, then the english tank reverses out of sight (the scenario features a full blown sandstorm, with sight reduced to 70ish meters tops). Left one just flies through my defense without batting an eyelid. I kept the 3 AT tankettes in position in case the reversing limey came back for another assault (he didn't - after the battle I saw the crew had bailed out in panic just out of sight). Then came my reinforcements : 3 MG armored cars speeding from the rear to plug the breach. Each of those was equal to that Brit tank, be it in armor or firepower. They nailed him in open ground, each coming from a different direction, and hosed him with lead from the front, right side, and rear. Two turns later, there was one Brit tank, and three dead Italian armored cars. I had to bring a "real" tank up front and two of those AC tankettes to its rear to finally take him out, after innumerable penetrations. Talk about berserk crews... [ June 02, 2004, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Kobal2 ]
  2. Yet rest assured that, if per chance you somehow crawl out from the rancid marshes of your base ignorance, and summon in my heart anything else than indifferent despise to become somebody whose existence I actually care about (and wish to end, of course) or even acknowledge, I'll be sure to absent-mindedly chuck a few polysyllabic words at your ugly snout the meaning of which at first will elude you, of course, but should someone explain them to you at lengths, will make you run away screaming in utter shame back to whatever manky rathole you had the impertinence to leave in the first place.
  3. As soon as I feel it's not totally wasted, of course. Right now, I rather feel it would be like feeding pigs with honey.
  4. Uh ? I thought prisonners were unarmed whenever they surrendered ?
  5. Uh ? I thought prisonners were unarmed whenever they surrendered ?
  6. Ouch. OUCH. Thank you so very much. How am I to study when I can't sit for two weeks ? You'll bear the weight of my failure on you conscience, sir.
  7. French is the ultimate cussing language. Our one and only form of humor until Revolution came and we discovered Anglo-Saxon wit was verbally trashing the next guy until he commited suicide. AND we found that very funny indeed. Hey, I never said we weren't nasty minded little pricks with an ego the size of Mother Russia and the compassion of old Torquemada. But mind you, we wreak evil havoc with *style*, and that is everything.
  8. @<strike>Jim Bugs</strike> (not spelt, not bolded) : You don't know glory 101, do you ? It's obviously better to appear completely helpless at first. That way, when I slaughter Lars' pathetic rabble of a force, I'll be able to pose as the hero who, despite overwhelming odds against him, made his trek in Hell look like a stroll in the park. Gosh, I really have to spell it in bolded, 40 points subtitles to those hopeless buffoons. Regarding that so-called high tech joke, I appreciate the fact that you Merikuns are still living in Stone Age, but we French have always been inspired by a spirit of noblesse oblige, which compels us to lend a hand to our inferior neighbours. With gloves on, of course - even the most noble man musn't forget basic hygiene.
  9. @Joe Shaw : I'm preparing stupid exams right now, something I've postponed for 9 months. Major "Sh*t sh*t sh*t so much to do, so little time !" episode. The forces at my disposal are...let's say it's a major *WOW* factor. Like I told my opponent, that kind of firepower will have craters reaching the Earth core in no time. Of course, I'm expecting a crapload of those nasty nasty unspottable/undestroyable AT guns on the other side, just to spite my precious tanks. That, and I suck at armor battles. I hate you. I hate you with all the fires of Gehenna. Oh, and I had never seen or used rocket FOs before, so I figured they were just like regular arty, only less precise maybe. After sending the first turn I got some doubts, and tried them out in a quickbattle. Needless to say I felt quite stupid. Not only do they take literally forever to arrive, THEY ONLY SHOOT A SALVO EVERY 2 MINUTES. Needless to say, I cussed the sky blue after realizing that, for not having set preliminary barrages. I'll have to think of something else, and something goddamned clever to boot. In other words, I'm toast. That reminds me : Lars, you degenerate lummox, what are you doing with my turn ? Making cryogenic experiments with it, so it will be found in pristine state by archeologists in 3452 ? [ June 01, 2004, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Kobal2 ]
  10. Vous allez cesser, oui ? En plus, c'est pas comme si l'italien était une bonne langue pour insulter les gens. Tas de loques amorphes et décérébrées.
  11. Check cmmods.com, everything you need should be there. I don't know about the swastika for markers (although I've got a swastika objective flag from a Tiger mod), but AndrewTF made wonderfantastic uniform mods for all armies.
  12. Have you checked your comp for the Sasser virus ? Supposedly it shuts down/powers up your PC randomly. I had that problem myself on three separate occurences. First time was apparently related to overheating, as changing to video card (was one of those early Voodoo3 that you could cook eggs on) and applying a fresh coat of thermic paste on the proc did the trick. Besides, it would only reboot during games, web browsing, movies, music and word processor were all safe. Also, IIRC, half of the time it wouldn't reboot, but freezed the screen, so that may not be what you've got here. Anyhow, you have a modern comp (1GHz+), and an Athlon to boot - these are known to be heat-heavy, so putting on some fresh thermic paste between proc and fan can never hurt (though you may want to get somebody who's already done that if you haven't, it can be tricky/messy at first). Sometimes even heavy dust on the radiator can cause overheating (especially if your computer is "naked" (ie running without it's outer shell)) Second time was a fouled up RAM - but this one came with BSODs (at boot) sometimes. Apparently there was a physical part of the RAM that couldn't be written on, or maybe that would dump its data randomly, causing major havoc. Removed all RAM, then tried each one separately. Found the bugger, dumped it after cussing it blue - problem solved. Third time was when my power unit was becoming a bit short to power the ever-increasing number of hard drives, plus the demanding video card, plus the proc, plus CD burner plus DVD...Changed from a 300W unit to a 500W, did the trick.
  13. Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification. BTW, is there a way to know/evaluate the suppression/firepower value of an AP shell ? I believe the blast radius listed in the tank's detail is for HE only, right ? So what if this bigass 105mm Sherman has only AP left yet is used to shoot at infantry, does it have any effect whatsoever, or is it 100% wasted ammo ?
  14. I wonder what kind of covert op would need a flamethrower along - after all, a 30 meters long fireball is hardly inconspicuous
  15. I remember reading somewhere here that it was not the case, and that basically the game checked wether it was a hit or miss (proba roll, probably), then calculated the error at random, adding the flight path between the tank and the impact point afterwards as mere eye candy.
  16. I don't think CM models ballistic/physics that far... but I may be mistaken. Maybe the canister just blew away a couple of those infantry boys, and the Sherman crew saw that, hence the bad morale effect ? What's the Sherman's quality : Green/Reg/Vet ?
  17. I was going to say something, my find myself discouraged - there's not sanity spark one in these people.
  18. Medieval : Total War (and Shogun too, out of nostalgia as Medieval is much better - can't wait for Rome) Silent Storm Panzer General 3D Dominions 2 X-COM (the first, the true, the one and only) VietCong Oh, and agreed, Planescape is definitely the best RPG ever (along with Fallout, of course)
  19. Considering some bugger entitled me "honorary Aussie" in these very pages, I may be. I wouldn't know about my personnal experiences though, I was drunk at the time. Everytime. Damn. I *am* an Aussie.
  20. Although I'm not familiar with this mod precisely, most CMBO/CMBB/CMAK mods are rounded up <a href="http://www.cmmods.com>here</a>, so this one too probably - I know for sure there is a Pacific mod on the works for CMAK there
  21. You mean you only got your way with the ladies once you had them bludgeonned, knocked out, tied up and in the trunk ?
  22. Oh. What the hell, I was close enough. And that would explain why RPG players call it an "orc kiss". (Now that I think of it, I probably shouldn't have mentionned RPG in any context other than Russian boom gear, should I ? I got the feeling it's going to be used against me in court.)
  23. Last time I heard, Glasgow was definitely not on the far side of the Atlantic. But who knows ? Tectonics are a tricky thing. Anyway, I believe it's a bar-brawl thing, isn't it ? I think the idiom refers to a face stabbing using a broken/jagged beer bottleneck, right ? I think I remember that guy from Gladiator who plays the trusted aide de camp was said to have a "Glasgow smile" (his right cheek had a deep scar from lip to ear - real scar too, not a make-up one) (If I'm right about this one, I might be the most useless-cultured French bugger ever.) (Then again, if I'm not right, I'm just a helpless foreign person totally abused and unfairly discriminated by you, you...language Nazi !) (I love win-win situations) [ May 30, 2004, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Kobal2 ]
  24. It's easy to get non-timeline units whenever you want them : start the scen at the date the units you'll use are from, place them, then switch the date back to anything you might want an tadaaa, you've got italians fighting in 1944.
  25. @Nidan1 : Now that you mention it, I do. And he could work too. The sucker could sweet-talk his way out of a Soviet Gulag while at the same time lining his pockets with the guards' spare change. Not that I like him in any way, but you've got to admire his way of staying in power when every one knows he's a crook. Kind of an Arsène Lupin-like feat, really. @Boo Radley : You know why it's called a French kiss ? Because only the bloody French know how to do it prop'ly. But perhaps you guys call it Freedom Kiss these days ?
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