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Posts posted by Sequoia

  1. Hi Philippe,

    Thanks for your help and sorry about the confusion. I thought the way to install a CMMOS mod, even with CMBO, was to click on Configure, then click on ADD. Is that incorrect?. It seemed to have worked on all the other CMBO CMMOS mods I installed. I am getting the message in the log file listed in my first post when I click on "Add". Under Configuration I see two tabs on top. One tab says MODS and the other Tab says Rulesets. Under the MODS tab I see all the Mods I've been able to apply so far. Under the RULESETS Tab I see all the Rulesets I have applied, one of which is German Vehicles and Guns. I can view the details of the Ruleset and it includes John's Mods.

    Thanks again.

  2. Originally posted by Philippe:

    Are we talking about CMBO CMMOS or CMBB CMMOS ? If we're talking about CMBO CMMOS my next question would be did you download the CMMOS_German_RuleSets_v1.03 which can be found at the top of German RuleSets and Mods page in the CMMOS section of CMHQ.

    CMBO CMMOS and CMBB CMMOs work differently, even if they're the same version. In CMBO the rulesets have to be installed separately.

    Yes, sorry, we're talking about the CMBO CMMOS. I can look at the contents of the German vehicle Rule Set under Configure and it includes John's StuG and Jdpz IV mods.
  3. I recently downloaded John Tucker's CMMOS StuG Mod from Combat Mission HQ (I'm still using CMMOS 4.03 so it should be compatible) but I can't install it into CMMOS. The Log file reads as follows:

    ERROR: "D:\Program Files\GEM\CMBO\Mods\John_Tucker_StuG.zip" is not properly formatted for installation by CMMOS

    ERROR: ? is not a CMMOS mod.

    Any one have a suggestion on what the problem is?


  4. Originally posted by J Ruddy:

    If I remember my NBC training correctly, if a suspected biological or chemical attack was happening one poor sucker would be selected to be the canary, I think the term was half-down or something, and would not have his mask on while the rest of the section sat and waited to see if he would do the 'funky chicken'

    Anyways, is it in the scope of CMX2?

    Yeah, our Drill Sergeants told us that too, but don't believe them. They're always trying to scare trainees. There are safer and more accurate (able to test for low level exposure) ways to test for chemical weapons than using a man as a canary.
  5. Originally posted by YankeeDog:

    In re: crew losses.

    'twould be great to see modeling of who, exactly gets hit.

    Another element that needs to be considered is the internal design of the specific AFV, and how quickly and easily one crew member can take over another's job.

    The Stuart, for example, has redundant drive controls for the Radio Operator, so he can take over driving the tank very quickly if just the driver gets hit. I'm not sure, but I think the T-34 may have had this arrangement as well. On the other side of the spectrum, in some tanks it is not possible to get from the turret to the forward compartment where the driver (& radio op/bow MG/whatever, if the tank has one) sat without going outside the tank.



    I'm bumping this thread not to restart the debate on the relative merits of modern tanks but in hopes of enlisting discussion of YankeeDogs comments posted here.
  6. I've been thinking about this some more and came to realise a battlefield full of Red Cross markers might be ugly to some, but I thought of a compromise that my please all involved:

    1, Make the Red Cross marker for WIA optional like labels are now.

    2, Make the Red Cross marker modable like the hidden unit markers are now so modders can change it into little wounded guys for those who want to see it.

  7. Found this to explain the why question:


    "Campaigns were a relatively late addition to the game, and we wanted to find a way of including them without introducing a lot risk and instability into the game program. Having the web as the place to setup and manage the campaign, while playing out the missions in the game allowed us to add a very nice feature at relatively low risk. Essentially, the web becomes a "mission generator" for the game.

    As you have pointed out, the down-side to this decision is that the mechanics of going back and forth between the web and the game are a bit clunky. We knew this would be a problem for users, but we felt that it was just too cool of a feature to leave out, or to delay things for a more elegant solution.

    However, one very nice positive of the current web system is that we have a lot of freedom to create new campaigns, and add new features to campaigns that would difficult to do if the system were more tightly integrated. We can add new target types, maps, pilots, aircraft, etc., without you having to download a new version of the game.



  8. Originally posted by Thermopylae:

    Another titch...half of the wingman's visual "card" is cut off, making it impossible to target wingmen for osme reason. This is consistent.

    Found this old thread. I am seeing this too in the beta demo. Is this fixed for gold?
  9. Here's an idea I had that I posted in an old thread that perhaps is worth repeating

    I've been kicking around the idea of allowing scenario designers to create AI files for single player games. At the minimum, these files would allow the scenario designer to plot movement etc for units begining with the first turn through whatever turn the ploted movement is completed. Better would be additional conditional movement orders (move until contact is a conditional movement order that already exists). Best would be allowing an aggressiveness setting and allowing the AI to follow a basic plan. Users would be allowed to submit new "plans" for a side which could be set to always follow Plan A or Plan B or to randomly select a plan if more than one exists for a given scenario.

  10. Originally posted by Nelson 1812:

    A working weekend here.. so to keep it brief,

    POLAND 1940

    Because it was the official start of World War Two, and it had horses...

    and possiable lobsters

    :confused: What occupational duty. I'm sure you mean 1939.
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