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Posts posted by Sequoia

  1. I have a Mod set that changes British to Belgians for use in Stoffel's Eben Emael Scenario. I renumbered the French uniforms and added insignia. I'd like some opinions before I put them up. Any volunteers? I'll email them to you.

    I'd like to see some more 1940 scenarios with Belgians. I think there's 5 or 6 scenarios and ops with the Dutch. Eben Emael is the first with the Belgians.

  2. I do agree, a CMX1 expansion will never happen. From what I understand of Steve's posts, the Engine was too restrictive to make such a thing profitable. Sure it would sell to grogs but we grogs (if I may include myself) have to remember we're only a small part of a market that, to steal the phrase, "all German tanks are Tigers and all guns are 88's".

    I want Battlefront to be around for a long time and wouldn't want them to do something that wasn't profitable.

    With the hinted at versatility of the new Engine however, it may be profitable to cater to the Grog market and offer smaller downloadable only expansions of say, a handfull of vehicles that there's a call for or, as MikeyD suggests, new terrain features.

  3. Well a Full Bore NATO vs Warsaw pact is not what I meant by a mini expansion, but okay all you NATO fans, let's say you got a NATO game but it didn't have Sheridans or the JagdKanone. What would you pay for a download that gave you those vehicles?

    MikeyD, I wouldn't have to have a game in which you saw paratroopers actually descend. I would be content if the scenario started with the paratroopers on the ground but there were parachutes as terrain decorations on the ground for flavor. I'd like to see heavy weapons being able to be unmanned at the start of a scenario then being able to be manned by a capable crew. I'd like to see gliders on the ground, again as terrain decorations, but also providing cover and full of heavy weapons and even jeeps. Falling paratroops would be cool but not a necessity for me. Can any one think of an instance of Airborne troops dropping into battle besides the poor Poles at Arhem? Well okay the German glider troops at Eben Emael, but it was rare.

  4. Hello Andrew. I didn't see a email link for you so I'm asking this way. I would like your permission to mod your uniform mods and post them at CMMODs. What I'm thinking of doing is:

    Taking German uniforms and removing the insignia and renumbering them as South Africans for use as Dutch.

    Taking German uniforms and removing the insignia and renumbering them as Poles for use as Norwegians.

    Taking British Denims and adding red lapels and renumbering them as French for use as Greeks.

    There are already scenarios available using the above named forces as the alternate nationality.

    I'm not entirely convinced that using German uniforms for Dutch and Norwegians is the best route to go, so any comments from others would be welcome. I don't have anywhere near Andrew's skill at creating uniforms hence my need to "steal" his mods. Thanks.

  5. I was curious if there was anyone besides me that would be willing to pay for mini-updates to CMX2 games. For example, say CMAK was a CMX2 game and it was feasible for Battlefront to do a mini-update that allowed one to download the King Tiger, the JagdTiger, the Pershing, the Cromwell and the Challenger into CMAK for use in Westerfront scenarios. How much would you pay for such an update? I'd pay $7.50.

  6. Looking back at Tom's old posts inspires me to try my hand at a Greece 1941 mod set myself. I know I won't be able to do anywhere near as good as Tom would have, but I think we have to assume at this point that Tom won't be finishing his project. I will be using the 1944 French for the Greeks. Hans already has a Italian vs Greeks 1941 scenario at the SCDII (set in game time 1944). In terms of mods we already have 1940 German uniforms and Grau Panzers. Greek uniforms from my source, Andrew Mollo's "Armed Forces of WWII" appear similar to British. I think I can use Andrew's mid-war British Uniforms tweaked a bit with different insignia and re-numbered as mid war French (which I think is the same as Mid war US except for the helmet).

    Comments and suggestions are welcome.

  7. David, thanks for the Mods. As I've said before, they fill in a much needed gap for snow covered vehicles (which are more historical, I believe, than white washed in Italy and December '44 in the West).

    Since you've asked, however, and since I am a mod-slut, the following German vehicles available in CMAK in December '44 still do not have a snow covered mod that I could find:

    StuH42 (early)

    StuG IIIG (early)

    StuG IIIG (early Mid)

    StuG IIIF

    StuG IIIF (late)

    StuG IIIF/8

    Marder III®

    Pz IVG (early)

    Pz IVG

    Pz IVF2


    Pz M15/42

    Pz VD

    Pz VD (late)

    Pz IIIM(late)

    Pz IIIN

    Pz IIIN(late)

    I'm sure it's possible a grog could make a case that one or more of the vehicles listed was not operational during a time when there was snow.

    Again thanks for your previous work.

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