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Posts posted by Sequoia

  1. I know this won't be a big issue to some, but second echelon vehicles are an interest of mine and I've searched several threads looking for an answer. I believe Humvees are in, and the Syrians will have trucks and maybe even pickups, but I can't find confirmation that the U.S. will have trucks available for scenario makers. I know there was even some talk of trucks being excluded from CMX1 at one time. I think trucks would be good for convoy duty and rear area raid scenarios which would provide some nice variety. At least I'm not asking for motorcycles and horses(or camels). ;)

  2. Again as I understand it, if I had to guess, the modules for the first WWII game would be something like

    Base game: U.S. vs Germans Summer 1944

    Module one: Brits and Canadians (maybe Poles too) vs Germans.

    Module two: Airborne U.S. and Brits Summer 1944 (now including Market-Garden).

    Once we venture into Battle of the Bulge and winter terrain we're talking a whole new game, so WWII "games" really won't need that many modules.

  3. Hans and other makers of scenarios using the "Minor" nations; I have a favor to ask. First I am happy to see more Norwegian scenarios on the way. As some of you may know, I have made uniform mods for some of the smaller Nations not included in the game and plan on doing more. I made a set that converts Poles to Norwegians because that's what Hans used in "Encounter Norway". I thought the Poles were a good choice but then some Brits showed up in the scenario. Since the Polish and British Uniforms share some of the same bmps the Brits were wearing uniforms with Norwegian arms legs and sides but British torsos. Would it be possible for you to use French for Norwegians in scenarios in which both Norwegians and other Commonwealth appear? I can make a new mod set that converts French to Norwegians.

    In other news: Hans has made a scenario using French for Greeks. I have a mod set for that and am planning on improving it with Evzones advice.

    Stoffel has made a scenario using Brits for Belgians. This is fine and I made a mod set to go with it, but using French for Belgians would be a better choice because most Belgians speak French anyway and the helmets would be a better match.

    I'd love to see more scenarios with 1940 Belgians as well. If some one uses the French I'll make a set of Belgian Uniforms for them.

    Stoffel and Painfbat have made several scenarios using South Africans for 1940 Dutch. I have posted a mod set for the South African but I have also sent a test mod set using CMBB Romanians to these two gentlemen. Using Romanians for Dutch has several advantages including the proper helmet shape and no need to mod most of the German forces opposing them. I'd like to encourage any one considering Dutch 1940 scenarios to use CMBB Romanians.

    I will soon release a flag and portrait mod for India (unfortunately I think moding skin color is unworkable) and have some other projects I'm thinking of. Thanks all.

  4. Originally posted by Kilroy Lurking:

    Steve Hi!

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> By focusing on a smaller slice of a larger setting we can do things like have 10 different types of sand and 5 different types of sand dunes But in order to do that we would no be doing something like winter time in a deep forest. With CMx2 it is an either or sort of thing per release.

    Your planned "Expansions ', "Modules " whatever, will they be "stand alone" or additions to the basic game? What I am getting at is if for example your second release is Special Forces in the NW Frontier in Winter will the winter textures, units etc be available for scenarios in the original game and vica versa?

    David </font>

  5. I'm resurecting this thread because I've searched for an answer and couldn't find it.

    Will there be more then two different road types in CMX2? I.E. will there be more than just "paved" and "dirt" roads? Other examples are "gravel", "poorly paved", and tracks (little more than ruts in the grass but used by local farmers). This may be more important in the WWII games than CMSF.

  6. I think it's almost everyones' desire to, as one poster put it, "get the ******* game out already" as soon as possible. I also think everyone knows Battlefront can not include every stinkin little feature we can think of in the game. However the air and artillery support thread has me thinking about a feature that would (I assume) require very little programming time.

    What I'm thinking about is somewhere be able to view a photo or illustration of what the in game air and off board artillery assets look like. Sure I can pull up a photo of a A-10 or Hornet off the web if I want, but I think it would be a nice feature to have a gallery some where in the game. What do you think? Cool feature or unneeded fluff that will delay the game?

  7. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Hope that helps!


    Yes it does. Next question, however, and I know this is reaching but forgive me.

    I assume when a unit takes a casualty the actual man who is hit is randomized. However, with snipers, would there be a higher chance that the casualty inflicted would be on the "highest value" target in the targeted unit?

  8. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    If any of you have been bored enough to troll the nearly moribund "Modern Naval Battles" forum you might've happened across this post:

    "...and the programmer for MNB is working hard on CM:SF. "

    Mikey don't tell me you're bored with all that modding you have to do. ;) Anyway if what was posted is correct, Dan Verssen is helping out with CMx2. Way to go Dan! Not bad for a Board Game designer.
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