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Ed B.

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Posts posted by Ed B.

  1. Up-dating the game format...

    Perhaps an easy one maybe the Korea Conflict. Simple put, most 'technology' would be WW2 vintage. To bring the gaming standards or attributes up to now or/ today's standards (IE Gulf War 2 or even Gulf War 1), would require far larger mapping scales then the current games are set at...Sure one could do the 'small-scale' ops, but for a serious and 'realistic' gaming environment, latter day military operations I think are out; Especially given the range and operational environment of 'today's' weapons systems. Personally, I would like to see, within the current 'gaming enviroment', both for CMBO and CMBB, hardware which somehow didn't get included and 'units', which were forgotten. Plus, the total lack of a Pacific War Campaign, which somehow didn't seem to be important enough, to be included in either game release.

    I don't know about you...But the European Campaign was IMPORTANT. As was the Pacific Campaign...Which the game-designer's somehow forgot - totally about.

    [i for one, would pay for, an 'add-on' which included the Pacific Campaign...What about, you???]

    No doubt, someone could do some serious 'writing', to include 'modern day conflicts'. However, did the "hard-coding" ever get released to the modders???

    That's the "64 dollar question".

    Food for thought, huh...

  2. Oh yes, SMG's AKA 'Sweet-Magical-Guns', right...

    In all seriousness, the Maschinepistole 40/I, weighting in at 8.87 pds (dry), 24.8 ins (closed stock), barrel length 9.9 ins, ROF [rate of fire] 450-550 rds per minute, muzzle velocity 1,250 fps, and an effective range of 200-225 meters...A mean, nasty, little package. AND the 'blat' sound it had/has somehow typifies the SMG. Second choice has got to be Heckler and Koch's G11, but I don't know if one can classify this as an SMG.

  3. Hello, I to am working on scenarios/battle design and mapping and have incountered numerious 'issues'. Some are in the "everything about scenarios" thread below here, which have me vexed...

    I am wanting to do or re-do the 'SEELOWE' op and some more hedgerow battles, plus throw in a larger Le' Ferve Bridgehead/Douve Line operation. Having some issues about mapping heights [real-world] vs. the game design; Along with scale of map size vs real-world distances.

    Must admit, it has me confounded and stymied -

    Be more then happy to discuss these along with any other 'vexed' designer's...

    Ed -

  4. Is it possible to incorperate more then one map within an 'operations' design game?

    OR must you use only the one designed map for the entire operation.

    [The question stems for designing an 'operation', which takes the player(s) beyond the one engagement setting.]

    Second question, to show heights beyond 20 meters, can one do it and if so 'how''

    Third - How does one control the placement issue, of units when you move into the next operation's turn...Had some problems here.

    Fraustrated map designer -

  5. Ummmm, an interesting question...

    I would suggest for the 'armchair' generals to read two books - Carlo D'Este's Decision at Normandy (50th anniversary edition) and Montgomery's Memoirs.

    Eisenhower had this to say 'Monty is a good man to serve under; a difficult man to serve with; and an impossible man to serve over'.

    He was an interesting individual and served his country, to the best of his ability...As did many others.

  6. Good books...There's been quite afew.

    Chariots in the Desert, is good.

    Rommel, another.

    AkrikaCorp [There's three or four, with this title]

    Rommel's Army if Africa [excellent]

    My Fight with Rommel (?)

    Individual unit histories are far and in between. The US Army Historical Planning Center actually published one or two books, on the desert campaign and these are true 'gems', since they were written in the forties, and things were still very fresh in their minds.

    Ebay [previously mentioned] is one good source, as are out of the way books stores specializing in military history or just plane old books. Public libraries are 'okay', but many of the books are no longer carried, owing to current "polictical correctness", as I recently found out taking one of my daughter's to the library after a hiatus of nearly five years - Funny, how today's 'historians' are so bent on re-telling the greatest conflict of mankind...

  7. Just tried it...Only one mod showing currently.

    Did try to email the site designer, but guess they don't want any emails. Because everytime I try, I am kicked into MSN and it want's me to set up an 'instant messaging' account - Sorta odd, I'd say. Let's hope that the SNAFFU's get straighten out, because it is a good site for downloads. And currently, these are few and far these days, for CMBO fans.

  8. Interesting from the FM...

    A friend of mine, whom went across the ETO with Patton's 3rd, in a "TD can" (his words) remarked once although their (the German's) optics put the US Army's stuff to shame...We had one advantage that they didn't have and that was the gyro-stablized aiming system.

    "No, they told us not to shoot while on the move...But guy's did it anyways. And those guy's after awhile got pretty good at hitting a Panzer, while moving", to quote him.

    My friend survived two tanks being shot out from under him and one TD. He still has alot of respect for his German counterparts, over fifty years later.

  9. Hello and good-day fellow gamers.

    I am not to sure if this is the proper posting location, however a question to those that have been around here for awhile...

    Does CombatMission, does their site ever allow access to a download of a mod. I ask because I have tried downloading a mod, over two dozen times, in the last month or so and I am either 'timed' out or just never get there to the downloading process or location...Is this some server issue or what???

    It is very frustrating attempting to get a mod and never seeming to be able to do so. Especially when it is now, only available here at their site.

    I am on DSL and have no trouble acquiring a mod from another site/location - Just here.

    Thanks, Ed -

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