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Everything posted by BigDork

  1. My bad, you are correct, 17pdr. I was kinda mixing the 17pdr and the 6pdr together.
  2. SPOILER * * * * * * * * * * In my experience with this scenario, the 25 pounders don't have all that good of accuracy. They still hit quite a bit but they aren't as accurate as a 16 pounder AT gun would be. I believe the 25 pounders are L/24 but I could be very mistaken. Also the AP load on the 25 pounders isn't all that high, only about 20 or so to begin with. My suggestion would be to shoot and scoot and let the guns use up there AP and then try to charge. The HE might do some damage but it's a lot better to face HE than it is AP.
  3. Love Company Not really full of details that would help me create a scenario but a good read. Writen by a rifleman in the same platoon my grandfather(a medic) was attached to, it gives a good account of what Love Company and more specifically 3rd platoon went through on their march from France and into Germany. Back to the research!
  4. First off you should probably include a big SPOILER in the beginning of your post... SPOILER * * * * * * * * * * * * * I'm actually playing this right now with dieseltaylor as a quick little scenario to get me used to the PBEM Helper. It's been brutal for DT. I've KOed about 10 of his Panzers with only the loss of one of my 25 pounders. From what I've seen I'm not sure that this is possible to win as the Germans. Perhaps a tank rush would work but perhaps not. I don't know if the Germans get any reinforcements and I haven't seen everything they have yet I don't think but still, it's no easy task for the Germans.
  5. So far this is about the most helpful thing I've found - Holding the line against NORDWIND. Unfortunatly the links on the map aren't working. Is that the 559, 257, and 361 volks-grendadiers??? Sergei, thanks for your input. I'm hoping when I get to Bitche that there'll be some kind of information there that should help me.
  6. Perhaps it depends on how long they've been captured for. Just recently I had a MG get captured and about 10 turns later I ended up rescuing them. They were unarmed. In my above post the MG crew had only been captured for 1 second or so. Perhaps that has something to do with it.
  7. Perhaps it depends on how long they've been captured for. Just recently I had a MG get captured and about 10 turns later I ended up rescuing them. They were unarmed. In my above post the MG crew had only been captured for 1 second or so. Perhaps that has something to do with it.
  8. My German consists of Hi, Bye, Thank you, 1 - 10, and a couple other words. I plan on taking a class at some point but am just too busy right now. On the plus side, the Bitche France area is only about an hour or so away and nothing beats walking around where it happened to get a feel for the battle.
  9. Wow, that looks real nice. Great work!
  10. Hi all... I want to do a scenario(or possibly an op) about Operation NORDWIND and more specifically the 100th Infantry Division. Now I've tried to speak with my grandfather about it some but he doesn't talk about the war too much. He has a couple books that might be of some help to be but I'm currently stationed in Germany and he's back in the states. I was hoping some of you could point me in the rigth direction and perhaps know a few good internet sites I might want to check out. I've never done research for a scenario before and so I don't really know where to look. I've done some Googling but have not come across maps or anything else. A big thanks in advance... -BigD
  11. I just had a crazy turn sent to me about 10 minutes ago where a SPW 251/1 drove up and over a Maxim crew that was just setting up. The crew is captured but less than two seconds later is uncaptured by my Universal Carrier that was sitting right there. And thankfully the crew still had the MG. I'd have been really POed if I'd lost that MG before it even fired a shot.
  12. I just had a crazy turn sent to me about 10 minutes ago where a SPW 251/1 drove up and over a Maxim crew that was just setting up. The crew is captured but less than two seconds later is uncaptured by my Universal Carrier that was sitting right there. And thankfully the crew still had the MG. I'd have been really POed if I'd lost that MG before it even fired a shot.
  13. I'm currently living in Germany so it's kinda close(right?). When I get up at 0630 it's already pretty light but since I have no intention of getting up at 0445 to find that out for sure I'll just leave that alone. As for 2315, right now it's still light enough to read at 2130 outside but by 2315 it's pretty dark. Even at the solstice it wouldn't be light enough for CAS at 2315. But there's still a bit of light at 2200, not a lot but some.
  14. Wow, thank you for the report Runyan. And thank you for making me feel like a total lazy SoB. I've been stationed in Germany for almost two years and haven't gone to see anything. That's gotta change. Hopefully this summer I'll be able to make it around some and get some good pictures for everyone.
  15. No, I'm a dork... And it wasn't a stupid question. But I don't think that the PS2 would be powerful enough to do a good job with CM. Also you'd have to wonder about just how big of a market it would have. Also certain computer games are really poor when moved over to consoles. Anyone ever play C&C on a Playstation? Not good at all.
  16. Thanks for the plug DT! But MZO has actually moved, it's now at forums.mzocentral.net. Or just click on my sig to go right to the CM part of MZO. PoS definatly has some interesting ideas and no doubt they get results. Here are the threads dieseltaylor was talking about... Can He See Me? Can He See Me 2(Hiding)? Can He See Me 3(foxholes)? Can He See My Guns? -BigD
  17. Nah, it's not that you suck. You are just not used to all the changes that have been made since BO. Keep having a go at it and you'll get the hang of it.
  18. Okay, here's the thing. It works sometimes. It's working right now. I just got done taking care of my PBEMs using the shortcut. But there's not guarantee that the next time I click on it that I won't get the black screen, that's the weird thing.
  19. Well that isn't a terrible computer. I was playing BB on something similar not before I upgraded. What do you have running in the background? If you are doing some serious multitasking that uses a lot of processor power it might effect things. I really am not sure if it does help but you could try doing stuff like turning off the trees, 2 man squads, getting low-res mods, decreasing the horizon. Worth a try anyway.
  20. Okay, so I'm having this really weird problem with CMBB. Check it out... So sometimes, when I start up CMBB using the shortcut on my desktop or going through the start menu I get a screen that looks like the one below. I am not able to click on anything, all I can do is Alt+Q to get out of it. However when I use My Computer and actually go in and click on the .exe file it works just fine. Now this doesn't happen every time, just every once and a while. I've fully uninstalled CMBB and re-installed it and the same thing still happened. Any ideas??? Thanks...
  21. Hi all.... I just wanted to give everyone a heads up, Master Zen Online has moved to a new web address. http://forums.mzocentral.net So if you've bookmarked the old URL make sure ya make the update. Not too much on the site has changed, MZ just switched to a new domain name. Thank you all who come and check us out. And a big THANK YOU to all those who've decided to join in our little community there.
  22. Leave my computer? Are you nuts? I think I'd die if I ever left my computer.
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