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Posts posted by MDA

  1. Good old Google.

    The Littlejohn Adaptor

    The Czech designer Janacek (which translates as "little John") was working on squeezebore weapons and ammunition in the late 1930s. The principle was similar to the Gerlich taper bore, but achieved by adding an adaptor to the muzzle of an existing gun, rather than by using a specially-made tapered barrel. Work continued in Britain during the war, leading to the adoption of the "Littlejohn adaptor" for the 2 pdr tank/anti-tank gun (40x304R) and the associated flanged projectiles, designed to be squeezed down from 40mm to around 30mm. The lightweight projectiles, known as APSV (armour piercing super velocity) were fired at very high velocities, resulting in a considerable increase in armour penetration. Two marks were issued, the Mk 2 projectile being longer and heavier because of the addition of nose and ballistic caps. The 2 pdr Littlejohn saw service in armoured cars and light tanks.

  2. Originally posted by PeterX:

    the borders are black, the elevation transitions are too stark and the total effect deosn't enhance the beauty of the CMAK maps. I believe the grid color should be similiar in hue to the terrain tile.

    I agree 100%. They weren't meant to be pretty, only functional. I didn't initially occur to me that they might be usable for more than the few weeks people would play the demo.

    I should have called it Gridded-on-my-lunchbreak terrain.

  3. hexed and gridded terrain that work for the demo are posted at CMMods.

    They should work with the full version - unless extra terrain bmps have been added - the demo tiles may have been lower res or just different than in the final release as well, but the file numbers likely match up.

    I suggest backing up your BMPs and giving one of the demo mods a try. Barring that, do it yourself and upload it. It's suprisingly easy if you have ANY experience with photoshop-type programs.

    I won't pick CMAK up until Christmas or shortly thereafter, so I can't really help much.

    [ December 05, 2003, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: MDA ]

  4. It takes a real nerd to mod the demo terrain, but I don't have a problem with that particular label.

    Anyhow, after taking a quick look at a gridded tileset mod for CMBB (Cap'n Wacky's at CMmods), I created an identical edit:128x128 grid and pasted it into the terrain for the CMAK demo. Beta liked it enough to suggest I offer it up here.

    Anyone interested in hosting this?

    I'll assume if you're hosting it you understand any Battlefront rules about publicly distributing mods, because I haven't a clue. I'm sure a mod or admin will chime in if I'm screwing up.

    I understand that some of you think that using gridded tilesets are gamey. If that's the case, then I do not recommend using this one. tongue.gif

    [ December 01, 2003, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: MDA ]

  5. I played through (as allies v. AI) what is probably an earlier version (downloaded on August 13?) and ended in a 47-48 draw. That's about what I'd want from a good scenario the first time I play it.

    The gun on the hill overlooking town and the late appearance of some armor was a nasty surprise. My first tank over the river got plinked, and the Priest behind it was lucky to escape.

    I really liked having to actually *use* my engineers to clear minefields.

    I was a little surprised I did not encounter *any* germans on my side of the river. Probably difficult to do in a semi-historical scenario without getting them killed. You could place green or conscript troops in ambush (preferably supported by one or two of the guns from the city side of the river) at points where it would be convenient for them to retreat back across the bridges or fords(unless there's some way to script a retreat that I'm not aware of, I haven't fool around with the editor much).

    Hidden greens or conscripts might attack from ambush, then quickly break and flee across the river, simulating an ambush and retreat? This would ruin the historical bend on your scenario, though. Its a fun and challenging one as is, in my not so expert opinion. I'm just throwing out something I may have done differently.

    I hear lots of talk on these boards about defense in depth and having fall-back positions for your troops to retreat to - but since I don't design scenarios, I have no idea whether you can effectively simulate it with the AI in a scenario.

    Did I mention how much I liked *using* my engineers to clear minefields? smile.gif

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