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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. Read the rest of the threads on this topic. Complain to ATI. GaJ.
  2. I'm not deaf, but I can imagine that being good. Especially combined with the vibra mouse mentioned above. Just the ordinary sounds might not differentiate through vibra mouse (lots are pretty high frequency, which I'd be suprised if VM captures). But if someone were willing to mod all the sounds with distinct low frequency footprints it sounds like a winner for the deaf. It also sounds like a lot of work, though perhaps if the sounds simply have to be a code, then one could generate lots of them quickly and plop them in place? GaJ.
  3. For me, the sounds are extremely important as I watch the playback at reasonably out-zoom. The "whoosh" of a rifle grenade or shrek, the boom-chk-chk of a sniper shot etc guide me to look in appropriate places. This is not to say that the action represented couldn't be seen if you were looking closely at every unit in turn. I'm not aware of something happening that has a sound but _no_ visual representation, but it sure is easier if you have your attention grabbed by a sound. If you had to look at every unit in turn for the full minute, and there are 60 units on the field, that's an hour of just looking! GaJ.
  4. That's usually what means. A kind of backhanded statement of admiration of Charles and what they do. GaJ.
  5. In a recent post (reasonably on-topic ) I asked about specs required for a laptop to play CMx2. I wonder if you could indulge me with a broader question: if I am buying a laptop now (which is when I have to do it) and it has to be able to play CM as well as other boring things like email, powerpoint etc, what would anyone recommend? What, of the parameters that I can spend more and more money on (like memory, disk, video memory etc) really are worth the money? What video card makes sense? (At the moment I am looking at Dell, which seems to mean I have a choice of GeForce or ATI...) Thanks for any insight! GaJ. [ January 25, 2004, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  6. In a recent post, someone who sounded like they knew what they were talking about (*) wrote: "I don't know what OpenGL standard Charles is going to code to..." ... which got me wondering: what does "CHARLES" stand for? I mean, there's no way that just one person could be coding all these games, right... we all know that. So, maybe CHARLES is an acronym for the team. Danged if I can come up with a single suggestion for what it stands for though! Anyone else? GaJ * : Member number 909, extremely helpful posts in 2004, but none before that, and I've never seen the name before either: curious! But wonderful to have a new source of great information!
  7. Thanks for the detailed answer - those comments are exactly the type of information I was looking for. Unfortunately there are a class of people like me for whom the timing of purchases like this is not very controllable. I can't wait till CMx2 comes out to see what I need: when I have the treasurer's approval for a new purchase, I have to make the purchase pronto! GaJ.
  8. So - I'm about to buy a new notepad. It needs to be able to run CMx2. What must I make sure I have? Ta, GaJ.
  9. Me too. What _time_ on Feb 1 will signups open? Ta, GaJ.
  10. Reasonably often, the PBEM save file saved by CMBB is only a few hundred bytes. This is obviously wrong, and CMBB spews on it when the next person tries to load it. Does anyone else experience this? Any cures? Ta, GaJ.
  11. As the previous poster pointed out, CMMODS has a good search feature now, so you can quickly find the units in your battle. A request for a "must have" CMBB mod list comes up quite regularly, but for some reason none has emerged. Here are some I think are must-haves: - Captain Wacky's gridded grass and steppe - Undaunted's sky mods - Tom's sky pack (install before Undaunted, so Undaunted overwrites Tom for the ones it covers) - In_Command_Indicator ( ) - ASL Buildings (not everyone will agree here because they are not the best eye-candy, but they clearly differentiate light and heavy buildings, which I love). I usually check if Gautrek or MikeyD have done any of the units I am playing with, and if they have then I grab their version. Also, I can highly recommend McMMM for installing all your mods. It is available at CMMODS under Mod Managers. ( ) GaJ.
  12. No, actually. On a mod-by-mod basis, you can have each mod where you like. I will try to make the doco more clear. Excellent idea. Definitely at the top of my list for next release. GaJ.
  13. You probably figured out already, you can just overwrite (sorry for the slow response, I've been away). (BUT you must have a 2.x version already. Hopefully if you've been keeping up to date, then you have). GaJ.
  14. See-Mack. How anyone can think that cmak spells smack is beyond me. k'mack (kermack) maybe, but softening the c is a mysterious thing to do! CEMAK might be pronounced "semack". I'm impressed that we even have phonetics grogs! GaJ.
  15. Yes - if you enter the nationality in the "type" field (you can enter what ever you like), then click on the top of the "type" column, your mods will be sorted by type. Cheers, GaJ.
  16. Yes, download McMMM.zip and read the help file contained within ... McMMM.htm. If you need more help, drop me an email. (It doesn't matter where you put your mods directory: where ever is convenient for you). GaJ. [ December 31, 2003, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  17. Glad it works for you! Yes, it knows. McMMM knows what mod each installed BMP came from, and only uninstalls a BMP if it came from the Mod being uninstalled. It's interesting that for the whole time McMMM has been out there, this is the first time this question has come up. I spent a lot of time thinking about it while I was writing McMMM! I think my conclusion was true: overlapping mods is not a bigtime occurence. Since you've mentioned it, you should know that when McMMM does uninstall a BMP, it replaces it with the your original BMP. The implications of this are left as an excercise for the reader (and they are discussed briefly in the McMMM help file). Cheers, GaJ.
  18. I flicked through the CMAK screenies at fragland and I reckon they are pretty much as nice as the WC ones you showed (especially the first one: gak! plastic toy!) What does this mean? It means that still shots don't tell you much. Since we've played CMAK, we know that those infantry are 3 images modelling a 8-12 man squad. But you can't tell that from the picture. Similarly, who knows how tacky or awesome WC (whatever that is) will be. My impression of the tanks in the shots you showed us were that they were far more stylised than realistic compared to a nicely modded CMAK tank... sure they have a few more polygons, but thats about it. (Not to say that I don't look forward to something awesome in CMx2 graphics wise, I do! But I know we can rely on BFC not to throw out the decent tactical game in the process...) GaJ.
  19. They are completely different. CMMOS is a "luxury car" of Mod Managers. CMMOS can only handle "CMMOS Compliant" mods, but with those it can do whatever advanced things the mod maker had in mind, once you have the rulesets installed etc (and if the mod maker actually did advanced things in that mod). McMMM is a more basic tool. McMMM can handle any mods. It doesn't enable the advanced features of some CMMOS mods, it is just your basic, simple "install this mod for me please, wait no, go back I don't want it any more, wait yes, afterall I will install that" tool. McMMM handles all the CM variants, and all the Mods you can get from the main CM Mod site (as far as I am aware). GaJ. Preview: [ December 31, 2003, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  20. Happy New Year to all! McMMM 2.4 has been released. It is available at the Premier CM Mod Site . It is in the CMBB section: best way is to go to the CMBB section then search for McMMM. Version 2.4 is the _same_ as 2.30 beta: if you have 2.30 beta, you don't need to download 2.4 (unless you'd like the version number at the bottom of the screen to say 2.4!) Something like 60 people have downloaded the beta, no complaints so far, so I think its in reasonable shape. GaJ. - - - McMMM is a tool that makes it easy to work with Combat Mission Mods. Any Mods, any version of Combat Mission. This is what McMMM lets you do: </font> You download a Mod from anywhere and put it in a "Mods" directory... with a couple of clicks McMMM installs it into your Combat Mission installation, and backs up the original BMPs (or WAVs).</font>McMMM keeps track of what Mods are installed at any given time.</font>If you don't like a Mod, at any time, McMMM can uninstall it again (restoring the original BMP/WAVs in the process), with only a click or two.</font> That's it. Oh, it also lets you look at the BMPs in the Mod, compare them to the installed ones, and also look at the instructions and pretty JPEGs in the Mod, without messing around with Zip programs, but that's just an added extra.
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