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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. PBEM helper doesn't have to be used inconjuntion with any mail client (such as outlook). If in dount, it is best to go for the SMTP option: then PBEMH will not need to rely on any email client that you have installed, as long as you have BLAT.dll. I don't know where that comes from... hopefully you have it!! If you _do_ have a client like Outlook, PBEMH makes it so that you can double-click on the attachement to the email and it does everything so that you end up in the game, password entered and everything. if you don't have a client, you'll have to save the attachment into your PBEM directory, and PBEMH will find it there. GaJ.
  2. What were the people who designed those things thinking!? I agree that it's hilarious that the real life thing looks more crappy than the simulated one!!
  3. Hmmm - methinks I need a scheme to get WineCape to use McMMM!!!
  4. That's an idea that has been kicked around from time to time for a while now. Some version of that would probably be okay with me. Michael </font>
  5. well, I don't buy it, but it looks like its just me. I would take a jeep offroad and whip through the scattered trees, blasting and bouncing over rocks & roots. This is an _army jeep_ we are talking about not a sedan or a nancy-boy SUV. The ground clearance of a jeep is measured in feet! I just find it beyond belief to have a squad of men and a jeep head off through the scattered trees, and find the men at the destination in 1 turn while the jeep takes 2 more...
  6. No, the Nabla system takes into account how difficult the scenario was to play the side you played. If you get a tac defeat and everyone else was totally defeated, then you do very well in the tourney even though you didn't win the scenario...
  7. My MG jeep is going at 1/3rd walking pace. That just seems too slow, doesn't it? I have never encountered this issue before because I have never been forced to drive vehicles through endless trees before! Man - it's painful in the extreme! [ March 30, 2004, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  8. I have the text bug for AA2/AF8, AA4/AF8 and AA6AF16...all the settings I've tried.
  9. For the first time ever (!) I find myself playing in a scenario where there are scattered trees everywhere. I can't beleive how SLOOOOWWWLY the vehicles move. How can it be that soldiers just diddybopin' along can outrun a jeep through scattered trees, effortlessly? Is that right?
  10. You haven't missed something, and the problem you mention happens quite easily if you aren't careful... you have to keep other leaders away from leaders spotting for mortars! (Good timing in your question - I had just this problem this morning, against lucky Cuzn!) GaJ.
  11. I thought this is what is _supposed_ to happen!! The spotting rounds are supposed to be spotted. If they are not, the battery is not supposed to just unleash firey death on some unsuspecting friendlies! If the FO gets killed maimed or goes AWOL before the strike starts, isn't it supposed to be cancelled? That would be the right behaviour, and if it can only be calculated based on LOS at the beginning of the turn, so be it... wait till next turn to see if the guy is going to be able to spot the rounds... I think an implementation that requires the player to check an FO's LOS the turn before the rounds are due is ... um... (lost for words). GaJ.
  12. This is definitely a "Good Thing tm" I took the liberty of blurring the inside edge like the outside edge, so you don't end up with that sharp circle sort of effect. A Mod File containing both the original and the smoothed inside one is here, in the right format for McMMM to be able to give you the option of either. Schonhult: feel free to update your version at CMMODS to include the smooth one if you want to. GaJ. [ March 27, 2004, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  13. It feels like a bug to me. I think it's been well defined. It causes players to have to check their FO LOS every darn turn - if that's not a bug, it's a darn nuisance. I think it's time for BFC to comment. GaJ.
  14. Well, it took all (litterally frikin' all) day, but I now have Cat 4.3 installed on my Dell Inspiron 8600 ATI Radeon 9600 Pro. (If (by some remote chance) someone happens to menting "INF Error" to me this evening, there might be a murder!) And..... ... the FSAA problem is still there. GaJ.
  15. Or you could go to the favourite and most comprehensive mod site where you will find more CMBO tank skins than you can poke a stick at, plus mod managers to help you install them.
  16. There are a couple of solutions to "how do I see the terrain better". 1) Grids. You can get Caffino's CMAK grids at CMMODS . 2) Terrain coloured by altitude. You can get variations of these at CMMODS as well. The most fluorescent terrain coloured by altitude is (I think) the ASL terrain mod. GaJ.
  17. Um, I gathered as much about "Cat4.3". What's not clear is what the relationship is between that and the drivers I have (which have a much different looking name), and where do I get it? Also, what benefit should FSAA give me anyhow? Thanks!
  18. What is the "CAT4.3" fix, and where does one get it? I have a 9600 Pro Turbo which tells me the drivers are "", and the problem is definitely there. Furthermore, with FSAA turned on I couldn't see any appreciable difference in the picture. What should I expect to see - how can I tell if its really working? Ta, GaJ.
  19. Aye Aye!!! (John's opponents can read it too, of course!)
  20. Aye Aye!!! (John's opponents can read it too, of course!)
  21. Aye Aye!!! (John's opponents can read it too, of course!)
  22. Good that someone checked McMMM. Glad to hear the copy at CMMODS is clean. GaJ.
  23. Well Martin is a regular here and part of the CM community. I'm currently playing him myself. I doubt he is spreading this deliberately. </font>
  24. Well, CM votes are diluted in two by having "CM" and "CMAK" entries separate... silly!?
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