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Posts posted by Mouse

  1. Originally posted by Leeo:

    By all means, let's have Seanachai become a god. A blithering Bacchus of baleful boredom (egads, did I just pull a Fenkle?).

    However, prior to his ascension to godhood, there is that nasty little detail of discorporation to which we must attend.

    Let's see;

    Stone him? Methinks he has already beat us to it.

    Cruxifiction? One cross each, line forms to the right? Nah, it's been done to death.

    Burn him at the stake? I'm not sure even the Cesspool could handle that foul stench.

    Hang him? While at first this appears to hold promise, I fear that the small weight of his gnomish body will not be enough to break his neck.

    Impalement? Draw and quarter? Slather with honey and tie to an ant hill? Keel haul? Beheading?

    Suggestions? Anyone? Anyone?

    I vote for option 'E', all of the above.
  2. Originally posted by Leeo:

    By all means, let's have Seanachai become a god. A blithering Bacchus of baleful boredom (egads, did I just pull a Fenkle?).

    However, prior to his ascension to godhood, there is that nasty little detail of discorporation to which we must attend.

    Let's see;

    Stone him? Methinks he has already beat us to it.

    Cruxifiction? One cross each, line forms to the right? Nah, it's been done to death.

    Burn him at the stake? I'm not sure even the Cesspool could handle that foul stench.

    Hang him? While at first this appears to hold promise, I fear that the small weight of his gnomish body will not be enough to break his neck.

    Impalement? Draw and quarter? Slather with honey and tie to an ant hill? Keel haul? Beheading?

    Suggestions? Anyone? Anyone?

    I vote for option 'E', all of the above.
  3. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    You know, I just flashed on this image of dalem on the kitchen counter, you wearing an apron that says, "Kiss the cook." with a big bowl of raw oyster stuffing in your hands and I may just be ill for the rest of the day.

    For that, I promise you will do nothing more than Die-A-Lot™ for the remainder of our game.


    Ugh! Damn glad I didn't eat lunch today...
  4. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    You know, I just flashed on this image of dalem on the kitchen counter, you wearing an apron that says, "Kiss the cook." with a big bowl of raw oyster stuffing in your hands and I may just be ill for the rest of the day.

    For that, I promise you will do nothing more than Die-A-Lot™ for the remainder of our game.


    Ugh! Damn glad I didn't eat lunch today...
  5. And people wonder why there are rule of thumb "requisite odds" of my units against your units before I'll assault. I think the really skilled commanders knew how to take control of the situational variables that they could, in order to diminish the effects of those that they couldn't.

    Do Veteran units fare better because they are for some reason (experience?) more ordered when faced with combat situations? It doesn't mean that they will (necessarily) kill more enemy because they are better shots with a rifle, it might just mean that they are less likely to break cohesion. And if so, they might be something more substantial in the midst of the chaos that surrounds them. The commander that can marshall more order out of that chaos, all other things being equal, will probably win the day.

    CM runs things a little higher and hotter than real life, because who wants to play CM at a realtime pace? You have too many persona's to impersonate to make that practical, or something other than a click-fest. We-Go, and command delays are a reasonable compromise between simulation and game. So in CM, we can see accuracy where it's easiest to implement, at the hardware level (tanks, armor, penetration, etc) and left more obscured or generalized where it's most difficult to do (people). It is a simulation, and it is a game as well. The two needn't be mutually exclusive. It gives you accuracy where it can, and variability where historically it has always been.

    [edited 'cuz I read what I wrote... Gah!]

    [ October 13, 2003, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: Mouse ]

  6. Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

    Glad you coud all make it to this latest rendition of the Cesspool.... where it's beach week!

    Beach week!!! I'm holding out for the Ladies of the Cesspool Gone Wild video...

    Damn all this sand... it's a tad too hot on the feet...

    *warps to Italy*

    Aahhh, now THIS is more like it. Does a mouse good to see how much cheese these Italians use, and the variety! Oh Heaven, I have found thee...

    Was that a young Gina Lolabrigitta I saw go by???


  7. Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

    Glad you coud all make it to this latest rendition of the Cesspool.... where it's beach week!

    Beach week!!! I'm holding out for the Ladies of the Cesspool Gone Wild video...

    Damn all this sand... it's a tad too hot on the feet...

    *warps to Italy*

    Aahhh, now THIS is more like it. Does a mouse good to see how much cheese these Italians use, and the variety! Oh Heaven, I have found thee...

    Was that a young Gina Lolabrigitta I saw go by???


  8. Originally posted by Noba:

    What is that rodent's status ?

    Is it belonging to anyone ?

    This rodent is just fine, thank-you-very-much. Careful, or I'll have to put you in a bird cage and lower you into the deepest recesses of the Cesspool to test the air for the rest of us. Okay, Mr. Canary?

    As for cats, they're only good for one thing... and that's tying firecrackers to their tail and lighting them... now THAT's entertainment.

  9. The Trial of Berli...

    (hey Boo, cue the music ya git!)

    Good morning, The Worm, Your Honour,

    The Crown will plainly show the prisoner who now stands before you, was caught red-handed showing feelings... Showing feelings of an almost human nature... This will not do.

    Call the Just-a-car!

    I always said he'd come to no good in the end, Your Honour. If they'd let me have my way, I could have flayed him into shape.

    Evidence: this post, in another thread, involving the use of *gasp* Smilies, and not a smidgen of nasty attitude, or, dare I say it, Evil ...

    Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jean Lafitte:

    What about 2nd Pz Div?

    Oh! So you want the reinforcements as well smile.gif

    2. Panzerdivision (Sept 41)

    Panzerregiment 3 (2 btns of 4 coys each) 63 PzII, 105 PzIII(5cm), 20 PzIV, 6 PzBef

    5. Panzerdivision (Sept 41)

    Panzerregiment 31 (2 btns of 4 coys each) 55 PzII, 105 PzIII(5cm), 20 PzIV, 6 PzBef

    22. Panzerdivision (Feb 42)

    Panzerregiment 204 (3 btns of 3 coys each) 60 PzII, 114 Pz38(t), 20 PzIV(kz)

    (only III.Abteilung sent - 15 PzII, 37 Pz38(t) )

    23. Panzerdivision (Mar 42)

    Panzerregiment 201 (3 btns of 3 coys each) 34 PzII, 112 PzIII(5kz & 5lg), 32 PzIV(kz), 3 PzBef

    Infanteriedivision Großdeutschland (May 42)

    Pz.Abt.Gr.D (1 btn of 3 coys) 12 PzII, 2 PzIII(5kz), 18 PzIV(kz),12 PzIV(lg), 1 PzBef

    24. Panzerdivision (May 42)

    Panzerregiment 24 (3 btns of 3 coys each) 32 PzII, 55 PzIII(5kz), 56 PzIII(5lg), 20 PzIV(kz), 12 PzIV(lg), 7 PzBef

    SS-Division Wiking (June 42)

    SS-Pz.Abt.5 (1 btn of 3 coys) 12 PzII, 12 PzIII(5kz), 24 PzIII(5lg), 4 PzIV(kz), 1 PzBef </font>

  10. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    I work in advertising, so I know all about stupid people

    Is this some sort of self-condemnation from an Advertisers Anonymous meeting???

    "Hi, I'm Boo Radley, and I lie for a living. Oh not the big black lies that make you end up mucking out nightmare stalls at Berli's house, but the little grey lies that, well, make people buy things, thinking that they are getting a great deal. Kind of like the 'Buy this worthless trinket for 3 easy payments of $99.95, and we'll throw in this plastic back scratcher valued at $39.95'.

    Well, the only reason it's valued at $39.95 is because a headhunter shaman in the remote Amazon saw one once when National Geographic did one of those famous documentary films. One of the film crew had one, the kind that looks like a little hand at the end of a stick,and the shaman was ready to trade his whole village for the thing.

    So we sent one of our market researchers down there to see what the village really looked like. He guessed what the value of a bunch of gourds, dead animals, and shrunken head or two would be worth, and presto! $39.95 came out of the Excel spreadsheet. It might not be worth $39.95 to you, but it sure was to that Amazon tribe!

    Well, it used to be worth $39.95 to them, but that was before the tribe all got sick and died from a virus transported to their remote place by our researcher. As the tribe members fell ill, the shaman killed the researcher, and shrunk his head hoping that it would make the bad spirits go away... didn't quite happen that way though, poor sods. We're saving our new advertising line for the winter marketing campaign... "Three easy payments of $99.95 and we'll throw in these TWO backscratchers!!! People are losing their heads over this deal! Act now!"

  11. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Oh, yes. There are rules. Rules. Fluff and nonsense. What use have we of rules? If you set a foot wrong, the Justicar will show up, all stern and serious, to put you back on to the path.

    Challenge an Individual

    Tie your shoes, Seanachai, you rat bastard you...

    And next week, when you're done, send me a setup so that I might flay your skin and make a lamp shade. That I might shave your head and use the hair to line my nest (after proper sanitizing of course). That I might pluck your eyes and sell them to an itinerant Eskimo as a snack.


  12. Originally posted by Noba:

    Boo will soon be here posting about how HE went booringly through all the permutations of Noba LAST YEAR !


    Well, with gathering seeds before the fall and all, I haven't time to read every post off the old threads, but I have checked up on a bunch of them.

    My favorite quote, though it grates against my ears to say so, probably comes from the Bard *shudder* something like:

    "If the best of the world is you lot, I vote for nuclear war and a chance for the cockroaches to strut their stuff."

    Almost worth a "Best CMBO/CMBB sayings" t-shirt...

    In fact, for the MBT in general, what is your favorite saying that you've heard in any of the incarnations? Oh, and don't nominate something you yourself said. It just plain looks bad...

  13. Originally posted by Noba:

    Meanwhile, the Evil loose lipped Leeo has suffered a MAJOR DEFEAT in a computer picked battle as Uber Finn ! (That's TWO Uber commanders on their knees).

    My {snip} insightfull tactical prowess has shown him also the error of smug incontinence.


    Noba-dee knows da trouble I've seen,

    Noba-dee knows da sorrow...

    Are you quite sure that incontinence is the word you meant to use??? Is it that you, die uber-Noba, know more than Leeeeoooooo about the wearing of Depends. Must make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the, er, outside... Just the thing to let you concentrate during that crucial last disc in the shuffleboard tournament. You must be quite a sight in your shorts, black socks and tennis shoes.

  14. Originally posted by Wildman:

    Micheal you riduculous Grog you,

    While I applaud your attempt at humour (spelled for our Euro friends), I see that the upper limit has been reached. One liners are the sole province of Berli the Evil One (who owes me a rematch I think after our CMBO draw).

    Here let me translate the post. {GROG SPEAK}

    Sure there are mild impurities, while above the six sigma deviation, and the base material should be considered nominally "pure"; never the less, still holds errors that cannot be ignored. Every molecule has an outrider called "humor". While this molecule has no known benefits, its effects far outweight the magnitude of its total mass.

    True, you might say, but about its half-life?

    Well, this molecule when combined with the extensive carbon-chain widely recognized as Grog the half-life is 3.5632 posts, Std Dev. of .25678 to a 95% significance. Which confirms prior observations to the fact.{/GROG SPEAK}

    Pshaw! No, not Joe Shaw, it's pshaw. Kinda like Pffft! Neither here nor there. Of little worth or significance... Hrmmm... well, maybe it is Joe Shaw...

    But back to Wildman's post...

    Your reputation for groggyness is underserved. Oh yes, you are quite good at quoting half-life, standard deviations, and significance, but what about the distribution that these numbers are based upon? Surely you don't expect us to place any weight on your numbers without a notion of the underlying distribution, do you? Is it normal? One-tailed? Chi-Square? Poisson? (Only a Frenchman would have a last name like that, and worse, be memorialized for it in mathematics books) What about the modality? Leptokurtic? Platykurtic? (Note to Cesspoolers: this does NOT mean that if you chart a platykurtic distribution that the chart contains the outline of a platypus). Clearly Wildman, you are holding back, not wanting to be identified as 100% grog, but perhaps a half-grog talking about half-lives. Which in retrospect might be appropriate for this lot, who clearly have not completed getting a life...

  15. Let the tankfest begin!

    Boggs has failed to return a turn yet, and I emailed the opening file to him over 67 seconds ago. Clearly, he is too busy cowering from my uber-mousen-truppen in their clankety things...

    Swampalgae has not been seen for a bit. Clearly his troops are demoralized from the massive hit their vodka transport machine took, right before it burst into flames.


  16. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

    Rules !! Where are the rules ??


    Find a previous incarnation of this thread.

    Read the RULES.

    Come back with an attitude that has style, wit, venom and hate - all mixed with a dash of humour. Target some poor lowly SSN, lord knows there are a lot of targets lately, and tauntingly kick them 'til they actually notice you. When they notice you, kick'em again.

    And add your e-mail to your profile - that way we won't have to scroll around looking for it.


    So why don't YOU show me how to do it noba. The Faq said ask nicely, and this is the answer i get. You leave me no choice i will have to burn all your panzers!!!! Start a pbem you (choose where, what how etc.) and learn a lesson in niceness if that's a word. Come on you know you need it. </font>

  17. Originally posted by dalem:

    More versification? I can, but does anyone really want me to?

    By the gods, and the Devil, and even Squirrely, No!

    Yes, we mice have reviewed the historical records, old threads, tattered newspapers, and past posts of the Olde One Berli, and determined that, even though he may not survive the winter, we would elevate his evilness to the post of Honorary Rodent. After all, which of you people has not ever cursed a rodent with a healthy "God Damn [insert rodent name here]"? Well, if the 'God damn'ing part doesn't fit Berli, nothing does...

    Never before having been bestowed, this title is somewhat dubious in nature, but we mice feel that this attribute fits it's first recipient quite nicely, and sets the bar adequately low that future Cesspool recipients need not change their behaviors much in order to win the coveted "Silver Rodent" award.

    So a toast is in order! Lift up your thimbles, and give a toast to Squirrely, Honorary Rodent of the first order!!!

    Huzzah! ... or should I say "<h1>Squeak!</h1>

    [ September 24, 2003, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: Mouse ]

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