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Everything posted by urefinger

  1. im sorry, but are u saying you can get the strat guide for free (i mean legally....)? and if not . is to worth my money? i mean i REALLY like cmbb but my wallet isnt exactly exploding and im not sure i can afford the 18 quid (im including shipping coz i live in the uk) price tag, definatley not if its a **** guide.....
  2. hah very funny but i was just saying - i hope the fact that the game is made in america will not influence them to put the majority of with-the-package scenarios as american, as i think it would be historicly inaccurate. given the timescales involved and the battles and so forth it should really be 60percent brittish versus germans btw - im really looking forawrd to seeing multit turreted tanks, mayby the could release and update for cmbb that lets you use thing like the soviet t28? check it out at www.battlefield.ru
  3. Huhuhuhhuh "idjit" hah! ALERT ALERT TIGHT FISTED IRISH MAN ON THE PREMISES! if I whooped you on a "nice and friendly" online game you'd probably be like "awww beejesus fater! what do i have to do ta' wash the balckness form me soul!" and then I's say "join the choir and follow the trail of smarties to the vestery where I will administer the white showerings of god himself!" (and you'd love it)
  4. Aybody fancy a nice game of cmbb? Go easy I'm but a poor little newbie. Nevertheless RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH!
  5. u must answer me thse questions three , but you must read carefully or else be accused of imperosity (i could make a mint at this - ) but seriously can you please read and answer to the best of your abilities these following questions. thnx in advance 1.would an INFANTRY division have only infantry and some artillery (+ ATG's?) i.e. the more common battlefield weapons. or would it also have maybe 1 tank battalion? I've often seen (in scenario briefings) things like "the 124th infantrie (german spelling) went into the attack with the 24th panzer division in support" does this mean that if an infantry attack alone failed to pierce the line (or simply met it and ecided it needed more support) call in help from another divison ( e.g. one infantrie div calling in help from a panzer div from the same army group? (who might well be in the same area. or even wait days for them to arrive) 2.were reconnasince battalions really for reconasince (because its hard to find your enemy's defensive line in 500 square miles of open russian countryside) or were they for (as someone stated on the other armour thread on this page) actually for brushing aside the light belts of resistence and finding the main defensive line and THEN calling the panzer div? the forst would require fuel efficient vehicls e.g. halftracks armoured cars which are suited to scouting anyway. the second would require heavier vehicles. is it one or the other? or is it both? 3. there is no three, but there probably will be (there i go again - (rotten tomato bounces of curtain)) because i feel sure someone will give a nice answer which i will want to peruse further..... thnx again!
  6. well there were CERTAINLY a hell of a lot more ameircan battles than there were brittish ones at the very least 3-1
  7. im saying that 94 percent of the scenarios in overlord were american verus whoever, so im expecting AF to be mainly brittish battles as it was us (like it was the americans in normandy) who did most of the work in that theatre of war
  8. an important thing to note is that during the battke u really cant ell if he's got anybody - but trust me, veteran and crack sharpshooters are INCREDIBLY usefull for pinning mg's and disabling guns. a tank commander is relatively small - he only has his head and shoulders sticking up through the copula. but a mg guy or someone pushing a gun is incautious and obvious (and i think cmbb simulates this) and if the member of the team isnt killed itll certainly shake them giving a pause in their firing. and if it kills it sometimes causes crews to abandon their guns or mgs to panic. it's not effective gainst whole PLATOONS of men (then u want arty) but ive found it invaluable for weaking defenses
  9. hi, long time player, first time poster. ive found trenches to be absoloutly INVALUABLE when playing a defensive game. i use them to create forward posistions and isolated strong points (do a half ring round the top of a wooded hill with at guns in the woods infantry in the trenches it is SOOOOO hard to break it. you have to pound it with artillery for like 5 mins to shock the gun crews and infantry so you can rush it with infantry) it basicly allows you to turn open areas into heavily wooded areas (in terms of cover) but even better.....it doesnt apply to the enemy!\ in case u didnt guess. i buy like at least 12 trenches in a defensive scenario
  10. in "beyond overlord" the majority of battles (somewhere in the region of 94%) were american versus ss/heer/fallscriminger. this is pretty fine and dandy seeing as america did most of the legwork in france, and it is after all an american game. dito for the barbarossa to berlin viz ah viz russains versus germans but in this new game. will the scenarios mainly be brittish versus italians/germans? i think it should be seeing as there were two full years of war between britain and germany/italy there before america stepped in, and even then it was the brittish eighth army in the east that was tackling the majority of axis forces (as in: IN PERSON not through aid - which was certainly helpfull)
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