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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by urefinger

  1. Ah! a man after my very own heart, many have made the mistake that you have, meiner freunden. Cruel and unusual is the heart of this thread and for many years it has withstood the inquiries of class A n00bz such as youreself and me. I would leave it alone if i were you...the moderators let these people do what they like, if you were to start a thread on a similair vein you would be banned for racism. Nevertheless, I will stay so as to dog them constantly and let them know that the spirit of n00bz can never be crushed - as represents my title as defender of coventry. go my son, and speak not of this putrid thread ever again
  2. Is this it (-picks up piece of card-) nahhhh, it's just mr spkr's gaycard (-gives mr spkr his gay card back-) don't lose it again you douchbag (-nods, unzips pants, bends over-)
  3. with regards to korea - we dont know WHICH versions of the tanks were facing one another , it coulda been a 1941 t34 facing a sherman firely and that'd certainly swing the shermans way but if we compare the STANDARD issue models of both tanks at the end of the war you will see that the t34 had thicker armour a better gun and was faster across open ground, the three most important aspects to a tank....
  4. I like to whistle that song and i dont know any of the dam words - what are they anyway?
  5. AH! a most noble decision, there is no greater honour than to die in battle! (as I belive, YOU often do) you can be sure that I - as we face the blackness that dominates the unvierse on either side of the circle of light we call the "Universe" - consider you my BROTHER. (WWWWWURRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG - sorry, i just couldn't hold it in anymore the idea of being realted to you...)
  6. Actually that was rather a good point, you better sort yourself out seanachai or I'll tell madmatt on you for swearing at me
  7. I really can't understand why someone would actually DESIGN themselves as a bag of ****... still, each to their own.
  8. Frstly, I think the example you are driving at is the one involving the farmer with his hand stuck in a c-harvester and having to hack it off with a swiss army knife, you ****tard. Secondly, it is unsuprising that he ate all your food because he is - after all - only american and as such, is geneticly programmed to shovle any and all digestable garbage down his face. And thirdly, you live in a house now? last I knew you was in the c-box outside quickies off the corner of church and bold lighting the methane off dog****s for your central heating, my haven't you pulled yourself ou....dragged yourself ba.....moved yourself ALONG the gutter [ July 13, 2003, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: urefinger ]
  9. I FOUND THE CAPS LOCK KEY 11111111111 [ July 13, 2003, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: urefinger ]
  10. i think we realy are becoming a bit to side tracked by this whole uranium deal > but even if it were to leach into the ground the concentrations when it spread out would be small enough for the body to tackle. I'm not pro-american (hell, the USA is the only country to ever use nuclear weapons on another and one of a very small group that has used both chemical and bilogical weapons as well) but i seriosuly doubt that depleted uranium is the cause of the cancer explosion in iraq, people drinking fetid water thick with oil from destroyed refineries and pumps seems more likely to me.] has anyone got videos of hesh being tested on armour (ive got one of a APFSDS leaving a barrel and of it pentrating) or any other video's of rounds being fired/striking their targets? BTW - just noted that many APC's fire HESH as their primary anti armour round, any clues? BTW!!! - just noted that M60a3 (general dynamics) fires APFSDS, APDS, HEAT AND HESH rounds - HESH must hold SOME advantage otherwise why give it them? [ July 13, 2003, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: urefinger ]
  11. the word is H-O-N-O-U-R-A-R-Y you failed-englishman. The reason we sent the turds to australia on great turd-carriers was because America wasn't far enough away. BTW (UN INTERNATIONAL COURT) plz start v0te on ENGLSIH ppl's having the vet0 on how ENGLISH words are spelt and\or pronounced. PlZ fiz or do somefink...
  12. Yes, I knew there would be one. I'm afraid you judge me too harshly to assume that I was merely a adrenalin-deprived l12g(!s7 kid, but you are correct in your theory that I derived my greatest pleasure from making you waste your time on a response. However, I smile a secret smile as I pull into coventry, because I know an army of two dozen newly recruited newbs will, over the remaining months and years of this threads life, arrive to dog this thread until the day it dies, and recruitment still goes on. there'll always be one... BTW!!! have n0ticed lackof smart funnies on "PEng'" thread plz fix or do somefink!!!
  13. thanks for the replies, but I'd really discount the HE affect of HEAT rounds as my uncle actually fire them at infatry - and noted that he hit the ground not 5 metres from the guy he was aiming at - just to see the guy pick himself up and start running again. although sitting around in a tank that full of radioactive dust probably isnt that good for your health i doubt - unless you were in there for a long time - it would kill you, the reason the UN made such a big fuss about tanks that were shot with this ammo would probably becuase they want to be SEEN to be doing it because people have an irrational fear of radiation. a simple "kids - dont play on this tank" sign would probably do (if kids ever payed attention to those signs ) flamingknives : im not fully sure what you mean by what you said. are you saying that the effect of HESH rounds is not affected by the spin that rifling puts on them whereas a spin on a AP round well degrade its effectivness :confused: also, if anyone got a link to some-sort of an ammunition page it would be helpfull... NB - just checked the t-80 fires the AT8 ATGW rom its 125mm main gun ps - it does indeed appear that many modern MBT's have smooth bore guns...why? doesn't that degrade the accuracy horribly? and if not, why not? furthermore, why does the brittish challenger two still have a rifled main gun?
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